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Forums - General Discussion - The bans in Jaywood's thread are laudable

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

Yeah, I made a thread about how I got 10$ from Sony for no reason.

That is correct.

EDIT: Writing "saying X in a thread" was just incorrect. Mistake of inattention.

I guess you got banned for baiting?


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theprof00 said:
I am also against reporting but that's only because I thought everyone else was.
Last week I was banned 3 days for saying, "MS, are you even trying", in a thread about how Sony just like gave me 10 dollars for doing nothing.
Clearly, the report buttons are working now, and people are using them, given the evidence, so I thought about it, and it sounds find. Before, I don't think it was working because I've reported things like flaming and trolling and nothing happens.

We're not omnipresent. We need reporting to catch stuff that goes down in threads we would never peruse. I'm only in Gaming/Nintendo/Politics, so i'm not going to catch shenanigans in Sony/Microsoft/Sales or most of General.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I agree that the posts in that thread were ban-worthy. But I dislike the lack of coherence by the mod staff.

There are still some there that have not been moderated. Calling people trolls is against forum rules. Nothing has been done yet.

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
axumblade said:
People seem to think we were banning people just because JayWood said that trolling wouldn't be tolerated. The reason people were banned is because he was talking about a sale on a service that he thought others would be interested in and all certain users wanted to do was write about how they disliked the service, which was derailing the topic and considered trolling because instead of adding to the conversation, they complained about it being a paid service. It's also spamming because it doesn't contribute to conversation either. And flaming because it creates arguments and discourse between users.

It was an EXTREMELY strict passing of that judgement, and I hold you to continuing that level of service, because I see much worse everyday and nothing happens. I also expect that you will ban the people I reported in that thread. If you'd like, I can start a thread tracking all the posts I'm reporting, and then we can compare what is getting reported to what is getting banned for everyone to see.

This would be an interesting experiment that would give us a good idea of how reasonable you are. But on the flipside, it would lead to public nitpicking regarding many moderations/non-moderations. Would do more harm than good. Especially for you, because I have some doubts regarding your judgment.

Well, I have learned a valuable lesson regarding what is and what is trolling now that I've seen some first hand decisions, and I'm confident I can abide by the rules. Previously, I thought there was leeway given based on comments being tongue in cheek ie; teasing. I can stop teasing people so long as that means people who are actually trolling are getting banned.

EDIT: I will be extremely fair and not pick and choose who to report and who not to.

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Mr Khan said:

How in the world do you have time to make charts like this?

He has been spamming it across the forums all week -_-  I think he has a problem with me ;)


RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
There are still some there that have not been moderated. Calling people trolls is against forum rules. Nothing has been done yet.

So the target of your vendetta is Carl? *slaps theprof00 with a large trout*

I have nothing against carl at all. I like Carl. These are the rules.

@ the OP and everybody else

The moderators was not banning them because what I said in my OP. There was no reason to bash or go off topic in that thread. They were un-needed comments that can potentially cause arguing so I put that in the OP because I will in fact report you for any comment that is un-needed which I did. I didnt report BananaKing though as me and him joke around a lot with each other. I'm not going to put that in all of my threads, I just did that because I wanted to keep arguing out of that thread because anytime XBL gets mentioned people attack.

Anyways I appreciate the modding team for what they did and I was warned too in that thread. I was trying to help people out, nothing more to it.


I don't know why you're addressing me, jay, I have no problem with you or your thread, or the reasoning for the bans. Breaking the rules is breaking the rules.

Mr Khan said:
It's not the worst thing in the world to continue the argument about why XBL should be free (it really should be). The issue was that such posts were off-topic, making a simple thread about a good deal into another flame war.

If those posts had been made in a "should we pay for LIVE" thread, fewer of them would've been equally bannable.

On a side note, i've really fallen off my game. Full time work will do that to you <_>

That thread just irked me... it's like when someone says "don't say anything remotely negative about XBL" what they're really saying is: "I dare you to say something even slightly negative, because I'd love to see the banhammer come down on some people".  It seems like it's just looking for trouble... and if you go looking for trouble, you'll usually find it.

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