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Forums - Politics Discussion - I #standwithrand to protest drone killings (TEXAS STRAIGHT TALK VIDEO)

Mazty said:
sc94597 said:
Mazty said:

That letter was blown out of proportion as it was clear that it'd be a last resort to prevent the loss of American lives, so in effect using drones to take out combatants. Other republicans summed up the guys utter bullshit up nicely (obviously just used it as a platform for a politcal career rather than actually dicussing something useful):


"Speaking in the Senate, McCain said Paul's filibuster had been a "distortion of the realities of the threats we face. It is not a mature discussion."

McCain was joined by South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, who put up a sign on the Senate floor with figures saying that al-Qaida had killed 2,958 US citizens in America, while drones had killed none. "To take this debate into the absurd is what I object to," Graham said."


By saying "wtf" I meant to highlight the lack of intrinsic truth in those sayings; they are no different to religious rhetoric accepted to be true through a lack of questioning.

And other republicans support him.  It's funny though, because McCain is precisely the lobbyist politician I'm talking about. He earns money from these type of things. Rand Paul wanted an answer to what the president's administration thought he could do. He didn't get a clear answer in Holder's letter. He filibusters. He got a clear answer. That's all that happened. 

Also you're calling the product of the enlightenment era the same as religious rhetoric. lol You don't know European history either it seems. 

Other Republicans also deny science. They are politicians, not demi-gods.

How the fuck does McCain make money from violating the 5th? Rand was just being asinine & pedantic. 

There you are again "Omg u cant question itz like well troo!". You argue against propoganda and yet your political beliefs clearly are a result of pure propoganda rather than a well-rounded knowledge of political systems etc.

You're the one worshipping the government, not me. 

McCain's lobby is the industrial-military complex. They build drones and sell them to the feds, state, and local governments. They want to sell as many as possible. They give money to McCain. McCain makes sure he supports them politically. That's also why he's such a warmongering Neo-con. 

Like I said, only in Airstrip One is the Age of Reason the Age of Faith. You have got to be kidding me if you believe that these philosophies, made by empirists, are analagous to religion. 


edit: Here you go.

Around the Network
sc94597 said:
Mazty said:

Other Republicans also deny science. They are politicians, not demi-gods.

How the fuck does McCain make money from violating the 5th? Rand was just being asinine & pedantic. 

There you are again "Omg u cant question itz like well troo!". You argue against propoganda and yet your political beliefs clearly are a result of pure propoganda rather than a well-rounded knowledge of political systems etc.

You're the one worshipping the government, not me. 

McCain's lobby is the industrial-military complex. They build drones and sell them to the feds, state, and local governments. They want to sell as many as possible. They give money to McCain. McCain makes sure he supports them politically. That's also why he's such a warmongering Neo-con. 

Like I said, only in Airstrip One is the Age of Reason the Age of Faith. You have got to be kidding me if you believe that these philosophies, made by empirists, are analagous to religion. 

How exactly am I "worshipping the government"?

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. 

The philosophies are fine if you approach it with the criticism all philosophers should hold, however you just seem to mindlessly accept them without question, just as a zealot would.

Mazty said:
sc94597 said:
Mazty said:

Other Republicans also deny science. They are politicians, not demi-gods.

How the fuck does McCain make money from violating the 5th? Rand was just being asinine & pedantic. 

There you are again "Omg u cant question itz like well troo!". You argue against propoganda and yet your political beliefs clearly are a result of pure propoganda rather than a well-rounded knowledge of political systems etc.

You're the one worshipping the government, not me. 

McCain's lobby is the industrial-military complex. They build drones and sell them to the feds, state, and local governments. They want to sell as many as possible. They give money to McCain. McCain makes sure he supports them politically. That's also why he's such a warmongering Neo-con. 

Like I said, only in Airstrip One is the Age of Reason the Age of Faith. You have got to be kidding me if you believe that these philosophies, made by empirists, are analagous to religion. 

How exactly am I "worshipping the government"?

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. 

The philosophies are fine if you approach it with the criticism all philosophers should hold, however you just seem to mindlessly accept them without question, just as a zealot would.

Throughout this thread, you've told me countless times to  "be grateful for" and "trust" the U.S government lol. 

I don't need to. Laws aren't made retrospectively. Reason tells us that eventually, somewhere down the line, any power that is available will be used. One must clarify from the beginning which powers are available then. 

Except you don't know how I came to my conclusions. I've actual read and studied these books, looked at the derivations and axioms involved, and substantied them with empirical observations and experential observations. You can't determine which method I've used by my utilizations of the theorems and conclusions made by the derivation of axioms. You are the one who hasn't analyzed these philosophies, and hence are the ignorant on this matter. 

Mazty said:

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. not like you would concede an inch


everything you say about those, whom believe in the U.S. Constitution, whom you despise, is actually something to be said about yourself...

you are just seeing a reflection of how you see yourself,

Around the Network
snyps said:


everything you say about those, whom believe in the U.S. Constitution, whom you despise, is actually something to be said about yourself...

you are just seeing a reflection of how you see yourself,

Lolwut. I don't "despise" anyone...what are you talking about?

snyps said:
Mazty said:

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. not like you would concede an inch

Learn what collateral damage is. Way to blow something completely out of proportion. Is it a tradgedy? Sure. Violation of the 5th? You've got to be joking.

Mazty said:
snyps said:


everything you say about those, whom believe in the U.S. Constitution, whom you despise, is actually something to be said about yourself...

you are just seeing a reflection of how you see yourself,

Lolwut. I don't "despise" anyone...what are you talking about?

snyps said:
Mazty said:

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. not like you would concede an inch


Learn what collateral damage is. Way to blow something completely out of proportion. Is it a tradgedy? Sure. Violation of the 5th? You've got to be joking.


it clearly shows that these assasinations are unlawful.  You don't care if they come to the U.S. so why should I expect you to understand how positive this filibuster is?


and yeah you are talking a lot of trach this weekend.. I can only conclude you despise those whom cherish the U.S. Constitution. And are displacing your own self worth on us.

sc94597 said:
Mazty said:

How exactly am I "worshipping the government"?

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. 

The philosophies are fine if you approach it with the criticism all philosophers should hold, however you just seem to mindlessly accept them without question, just as a zealot would.

Throughout this thread, you've told me countless times to  "be grateful for" and "trust" the U.S government lol. 

I don't need to. Laws aren't made retrospectively. Reason tells us that eventually, somewhere down the line, any power that is available will be used. One must clarify from the beginning which powers are available then. 

Except you don't know how I came to my conclusions. I've actual read and studied these books, looked at the derivations and axioms involved, and substantied them with empirical observations and experential observations. You can't determine which method I've used by my utilizations of the theorems and conclusions made by the derivation of axioms. You are the one who hasn't analyzed these philosophies, and hence are the ignorant on this matter. 

So seeing the US government with perspective in respect to other countries equates to worshipping? Another ad hominem clearly...

Isn't the entire reason of the Constitution stating what powers are available!? Oh right any power that can be used will be. No, thats paranoia and again not founded in reality in the slightest. Obama has the "power" to nuke Moscow, ergo he will, right?!?!

You claim to have studied it and yet you can't handle the most basic of criticism e.g. where is the sense behind everyone voting? For something that stemmed out of the era of the development of the scientific method, you are defending a highly illogical method of selecting a government. Plus I love how your arguments are never anything more than "yeah well u is ignorant" without ever explaining how so.


Either way, there's more chance of me finding a gold bar in my morning oats then Obama suddenly using drones to blow up cafes.

snyps said:
Mazty said:
snyps said:


everything you say about those, whom believe in the U.S. Constitution, whom you despise, is actually something to be said about yourself...

you are just seeing a reflection of how you see yourself,

Lolwut. I don't "despise" anyone...what are you talking about?

snyps said:
Mazty said:

Find me one incident where drones have been used to violate the 5th. Go on. Just one. not like you would concede an inch


Learn what collateral damage is. Way to blow something completely out of proportion. Is it a tradgedy? Sure. Violation of the 5th? You've got to be joking.


it clearly shows that these assasinations are unlawful.  You don't care if they come to the U.S. so why should I expect you to understand how positive this filibuster is?


and yeah you are talking a lot of trach this weekend.. I can only conclude you despise those whom cherish the U.S. Constitution. And are displacing your own self worth on us.

Collateral damage =/= assination. Congratulations on failing to understand warfare. 

That analysis makes no sense and is just a bad attempt at trying to undermind my argument. Please avoid ad hominems dude, they arent worth shit.

arguing with you aint worth shit either