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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Vote: Spurge

He is my biggest suspect until Nen reveals his info.

I won't be on again until later tonight. (~10 hours)

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I'm not sure of the nature of the role, but either Rol or DT has a killing role.

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Could Radish be a jack of all trades role?

Two night kills and one poisoned. Does this mean two mafia factions as speculated, or is a scum + Serial Killer + Vigilante more likely? Or other possible configurations anyone like to suggest ... What role is more likely to use poison?

radishhead said:
I'm not sure of the nature of the role, but either Rol or DT has a killing role.

What makes you think this?

DarkThanatos said:
I freaking forgot it was night talk enabled last night. I see Linkz switch vote and go for Radishhead, think "what a scummy dick" and leave thinking I'm going to have to wait til the next day. 

Can I just say to begin with how much I dislike Linkz's last minute vote changes. Players were going off Radish, everyone that was online was voting Yoshiya and it was the action I presumed was going to go through, then Linkz takes the game into his own hands and switches his vote to a player I thought was strong town as I said half an hour earlier. Linkz switches his vote a lot, town and scum so it's not a tell unfortunately, but damn does it irritate me. I don't really care what his reasons he gave were, as (as I said at the start of the day) Linkz is a smooth talking easy lying pro-manipulator. I mean that with respect as well btw. 
For me, it seems he switched the vote from a scummy player to a townie player with full intention knowing he could quite easily bull his way through it that night before actions took place. 
If I was a town vig I know who I would be targeting.

@Bold You keep bringing up this idea that if people vote for people that you believe are town, they must be scum. Correct me if I am wrong but this relies on one of two things to be true to be a legitimate thing to say;

1) You are incredibly arrogant and thus believe everything you feel is right and thus people that don't think the same must be scum because only scum would want to lynch these confirmed towns (because in your mind this is what they are because how could you possibly be wrong?) This is very likely to be true considering how you act in most games (I'm almost tempted to call you Linkz Mk.II just to annoy you because this appears to be similar to what you are accusing Linkz of in this post)

2) You are scum and thus know for certain how the townies are. As a result of this, you can thus frame people for voting town even when they are far from confirmed with the hope that when that person does show up to be town down the line, you can use it as evidence against the person you are talking to (in this case Linkz)

@Italics Care to explain in your own words why I am scummy? (This question is applied to many of you who just seemed to jump on my lynch wagon after Radish's case on me. A case that basically just came down to "He's calling me paranoid all the time, this is tunneling" and "He's sitting on the sidelines" (The latter comment is partially true, work load and time have meant that I have not been able to fully engage in this game but I fail to see how that makes me scum)).

DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:

I was under the presumption that Yoshiya would be lynched anyway. Linkz is the one that switched, not to mention- even if I had votes Yoshiya - as I said the only players online already had voted Yoshiy with the exception of me. Seeing how scummy that switch is as it takes the control ways from towns decision- I thought now town would do it. No town did. 

Don't you think it's scummy to not support town's decision, especially when you yourself stated that yoshi is scummy? Why would you not vote for a person that you think deserves to be lynched? Explain that.

Didn't need to be done. I'd made my opinion on the matter clear, and if'd voted Yoshiya then no-one would have changed anything and thus not exposing themselves as scummy.

Honestly, if I was scummates with Yoshiya do you not think I'd have made damn sure I was on that lynch with the evidence easy to display before the world?

As already stated, your vote was necessary however and your reasons for withholding it seem scummy. It appears to me you were just afraid of the backlash that would appear on those that voted for a town player that wasn't around to defend himself.

The second point is moot as well as the point you are responding to doesn't ever accuse us of being scummates. In fact, not voting just points more to me being town and you scum. (Ofc this isn't something would be confirmed either way until you're lynched, I know I am still far from confirmed town)

radishhead said:
I'm not sure of the nature of the role, but either Rol or DT has a killing role.

Care to explain how you know?

supermario128 said:
Good job Nen. 

Having a 2 shot doctor seems sort of odd. I'm guessing we have a body guard this round to compensate for that. Also, if our doctor is 2 shot then does that mean our cop is two shot as well? SK picked a good target; hopefully DT flips scum since it is too late to save him now. It wouldn't be fair to the SK if he could be saved. Now, we either have two mafia teams or one big team and a vigilante. Honestly, both were good choices to kill if you were mafia. I remember last game we had two mafia they killed the same people two days in a row. lol 

Why are you so confident that not only is their an SK, but he is the poisoner in this game?

I had more points to make (and against other people that just DT, his just happened to be the more recent posts which I didn't lose) but stupid BT Openzone made me lose my tabs and having just caught up I'm really not in the mood to re-read another 250+ posts over again -.-

My main suspects right now are anyone that was willing to jump on my lynch wagon when I wasn't around to defend myself and had stated that I wouldn't be around to do so as well as DT whose lack of jumping on my lynch wagon despite saying he was suspicious of my seems quite scummy.

One other point I can remember was about something Linkz said. He made a comment about how it was most likely we had town, one mafia and one SK because of the flavour. Unfortunately he is no longer around to answer my question but anyone know why he said this?

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RolStoppable said:
Yoshiya said:


@Italics Care to explain in your own words why I am scummy? (This question is applied to many of you who just seemed to jump on my lynch wagon after Radish's case on me. A case that basically just came down to "He's calling me paranoid all the time, this is tunneling" and "He's sitting on the sidelines" (The latter comment is partially true, work load and time have meant that I have not been able to fully engage in this game but I fail to see how that makes me scum)).



I had more points to make (and against other people that just DT, his just happened to be the more recent posts which I didn't lose) but stupid BT Openzone made me lose my tabs and having just caught up I'm really not in the mood to re-read another 250+ posts over again -.-


1) I'll answer this after DT.

2) I've seen such an excuse before. - "I had so much stuff written up, but I lost it all." - A convenient way to not participate in the game and continue with lurking.

1) Why wait?

2) Believe what you will it's the truth this time round. My laptop d/c'ed from the school internet and then connected to BT Openzone instead during a geog lesson. I then click the button which restores my previous session and all my tabs are redirected to a page describing how I can pay for the service, losing the original page I had been on.

RolStoppable said:
Yoshiya said:

1) Why wait?

2) Believe what you will it's the truth this time round. My laptop d/c'ed from the school internet and then connected to BT Openzone instead during a geog lesson. I then click the button which restores my previous session and all my tabs are redirected to a page describing how I can pay for the service, losing the original page I had been on.

I wait, because I don't want to give DT the chance to parrot me (don't worry, there was a good reason for my vote). It's unlikely that DT and you are scumbuddies, but I can't shake the feeling that one of you two is scum.

Would have found that suspicious if it weren't for the fact that by saying that you've made it impossible for you to parrot him without being seen suspicious.

And if that's the case then I can assure you it is him, although this statement is slightly pointless since I would say that either way.

My main suspects are still Mario, Spurge and FF. Just like I said before my list isn't complete yet.


I will start with Spurge.

I find his eagerness to replaced Seth very interesting.

There are two sides in it.

1. Seth town.

Most of the time, when Players stop posting or quit the game. It will lead to a potential modkill isntead of a replacement. Spurge knows this and he is very eager to know the results by continously  pushing or asking Prof about Seth because this could lead to a modkill. If ever MT zehvor(whatever his name is) is replaced the chances of seth being replaced is very low. 

I remember Spurge doing this when he was a scum. I was the Mod. He continously ask me about the player (forgot who he was) if Ia m going to modkill a player because he stopped posting. He continously asked about it.

2. Seth is scum

I will quote the part that got me interested.

By spurge

"Left this out to see who would continue pushing Seth.... in another thread he basically said he was not posting on the site anymore for a while. Seems like he is having life issues. Prof has not mentioned making a replacement for him. Funny! But he is on mtzehvor like a fire on a mouthful of gas. Scum would want a replacement asap. "

Isn't this funny? This post is full of irony. 

Spurge is in a crusade for seth's replacement.  It's actually funny that he telling us that the scum wants Mtzehvor to be replaced and they want it fast but Spurge is like doing the same. How many times did he post and inquire about seth's status?


I am still not done. I don't want to post a wall of text. I will keep it short as possible so my point will not be ignored or skimmed.

Rol who are your suspects?

DarkThanatos said:
nen-suer said:

Really? I think making any kind of scum unlynchable is extremly unlikley and even more unlikely to give this ability to a strong town role like the vig.

Radish is 99% town and even more so in my eyes after the effort he put into making cases to prevent his lynch (scum radish gives up easily).

Finding the SK should be easir for the mafia team.....maybe they'll help us in that area.

On the contrary, I think a 1-shot unlynchable third party is quite balanced, and that is what i am assuming on. 
Third party roles are notoriously difficult to win with so it makes it slightly less difficult.

Radish may be a third party survivor. Just because he is third party doesn't mean he is anti-town. 

I disagree, yes survivor roles are hard to win with and yes they sometimes get some powerups to help them along the way (like cop not getting

gulity scans on them) but unlynchable even a one shot is too much imo.

radishhead said:
I'm not sure of the nature of the role, but either Rol or DT has a killing role.


RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:
Could Radish be a jack of all trades role?

Two night kills and one poisoned. Does this mean two mafia factions as speculated, or is a scum + Serial Killer + Vigilante more likely? Or other possible configurations anyone like to suggest ... What role is more likely to use poison?


Highly unlikely that radish has a JOAT role, especially with a 1-shot lynchproof thrown in. At best there's a 1% chance, solely because prof could be unconventional. radish is confirmed town in my eyes.

There are a lot of possible explanations, because a poisoner could also be part of the mafia, granting them an additional kill (as was the case in round 52). You could remove the SK or vigilante and still form a plausible explanation for two deaths and one poisoned player. We'll get a better idea as the game goes on, so for now we shouldn't worry too much about this.


If we have a poison doc then that's a high probability....if not then thats extremly unlikely.

You guys had a poison doc that round ?



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