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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Linkzmax said:
DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
I'll go out on a limb and say that everyone who posted at Night is likely town, because scum is afraid of linkz.

On the contrary, id go out on a logic and say that sim want to try and dictate or lead town direction and so would make a conceited effort to make posts like that. Hang on, did you not make a post telling town protecting abilities where to go? 

Yes, now that you are here, I will have to take my statement back.

Why did you let scum yoshi off the hook?

I was under the presumption that Yoshiya would be lynched anyway. Linkz is the one that switched, not to mention- even if I had votes Yoshiya - as I said the only players online already had voted Yoshiy with the exception of me. Seeing how scummy that switch is as it takes the control ways from towns decision- I thought now town would do it. No town did. 

Yoshi only led radish by one vote, if you were so sure radish was scum and swayed by radish's case on yoshi you had absolutely no reason not to vote for Yoshi. If you had, my switch would have only resulted in a no lynch instead.

Do you not read? I've said multiple times that I think he is town. 

Why would I want a no lynch? They are terrible options for the game. Ever since my first game I've said I dislike no lynches. 

Your argument against me is that I didn't predict that you were going to take the game into your own hands and go against the town grain with no time for anyone to change it.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

10 minutes before day begins

Soooo... Day begins?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
Soooo... Day begins?

Who do you think will die tonight ? Take a wild guess.

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actions are locked in

Did you watch me last night nen?
Because I got poisoned.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Flavor to come later.

Linkz has been killed. He was town recruiter
Hatmoza has been killed. He was town doctor 2-shot

DarkThanatos said:
Did you watch me last night nen?
Because I got poisoned.

Sadly no. But I do have some juicy info.

Poisoned means you were probably targetted by a SK role. but we also have two deaths.

Two mafia groups and a SK seems like over kill. So maybe Linkz was killed by a viglant ?

Killing Linkz when he was a very good lynch option seems odd for scum to do, Hat kill on the other hand was safe and logical.

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What's a Town recruiter ? I'm not familiar with that role and a quick in Google gives me results.
Is he like a Mason recruiter or does that mean he recruit a SK role ?

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