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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Well I guess I'll watch over you at least for tonight Radish.
And the Doc must protect me of course......and just in case we have a Mafia hitman the bodyguard too.

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spurgeonryan said:
So do we lynch linkz tomorrow for trying to lynch Radish yesterday?

Lynch Linkz. He will probably decide tomorow's lynch too .

He is a sweet talker and knows how guide the sheep herd >_>


Maybe I should watch over one of the new players  some of them showed very promising way of thinking.

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So night has come, and ever more details emerge about how this game runs.

Straight to the point: I am not liking Linkz play at the end of the day at all. The last second switch to lynch Radish is suspicious to me. Linkz basically confirmed that Radish was likely town before the switch and then again points out that he thinks Radish is town after the lynch is complete, (but before the no lynch is known).

Why lynch someone you think is town? The reasoning given is that without yoshiya having a chance to roleclaim it's too risky to lynch him (assuming the meaning here it's possible yoshi is a town power role and with Radish claiming vanilla town it's better to not risk losing a power role). But if you are concerned about losing a possible town member why lynch Radish at all? If Linkz really thinks Radish is town why not no lynch instead? Fishy.

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Any reasonable explanation why Linkz would pull the trigger on someone he minutes earlier had said was likely town?

Just because I'm still alive, we've got to remember that I would be dead if it wasn't for my role. Linkz changed his vote at the last minute to save Yoshiya from death - it's not enough to say anything about either of their alignments at the moment, but once we discover Linkz/Yoshiya's alignment, it could help us determine the position of the other.

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radishhead said:
Just because I'm still alive, we've got to remember that I would be dead if it wasn't for my role. Linkz changed his vote at the last minute to save Yoshiya from death - it's not enough to say anything about either of their alignments at the moment, but once we discover Linkz/Yoshiya's alignment, it could help us determine the position of the other.

Yes, but why did he need to lynch you. He said earlier that he thought you played like a likely town you, and again said after your lynch that if you are scum, you had fooled him. So, why not no lynch this round instead?

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.

RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.


When I said yesterday that radish isn't confirmed town, I was assuming that he was saved by a governor/mayor.

radish's role is 1-shot lynchproof. It should be a town role, because it would be a troll move from the host to give such a role to scum. It would punish town for a correct decision which would be especially damning in a lynch or lose scenario.

I see, thanks for the explanation, I didn't think about lynch or lose where this power would break the game.