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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

spurgeonryan said:
unvote whoever I have a vote on still, probably rol

Vote: radishhead.

You have enough against you to go with this. If you are scum I drop one person off my list. I feel the odds are good enough against you to trump the no lynch. Or st least good point's are being brought up against you and you have acted scummy.

Pushing the topic to Mario, did you claim vanilla?, going from 100 percent sure about things to 75 percent.

I don't understand why you decided to stop voting no lynch now.

RolStoppable said:

Unvote: radish

@linkz: Do you want to lynch yoshi?

please lynch spurge. i have to go for now, but please lynch spurge.

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spurgeonryan said:
Yes radish. Please do one on me. Don't wait too long though.

So rol, you have unvoted half the players it seems. Your strategy of finding just one scum member is starting to get less and less likely to work.

It's 11:30 and I'm going to die tomorrow if I stay up until midnight (probably longer, since you've been more active and I've got far more to say on you). I will do one for you tomorrow if I survive the Night though (how's that for an incentive? xD)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Also if radish is scum, there'd have been a bigger push for my lynch or a different option. I was going to point the counterargument to this, but it could interfere with how things play out, and anyway No Lynch would have been a far safer route to try.

Rol, I think radish has a solid case. zero also suspected him earlier and he's been on a bit of a hot streak.

radish, if you aren't lynched you will be able to give your case on spurge during Night.

Oh, after all my analysis I forgot to conclude with the obvious

Unvote: No Lynch
Vote: Yoshiya

Goodnight everyone

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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Oh and I'd rather lynch DT than anyone, but I'm rereading yoshi now.

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
spurgeonryan said:
Yes radish. Please do one on me. Don't wait too long though.

So rol, you have unvoted half the players it seems. Your strategy of finding just one scum member is starting to get less and less likely to work.

It's 11:30 and I'm going to die tomorrow if I stay up until midnight (probably longer, since you've been more active and I've got far more to say on you). I will do one for you tomorrow if I survive the Night though (how's that for an incentive? xD)

radish, this is important. If you aren't going to be around until the deadline, then put your vote on spurge now to leave that option open for us.

I haven't done a Spurge analysis yet though - are you sure you'd rather lynch him than Yoshiya? 

@Linkz Ah yes, I forgot we were allowed to talk at night. Even easier then - I'll post the analysis during Night 1 if I survive.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Someone said helpful to town Radish is scum and the other way around. Does that also apply to under the hammer Radish?

I found his case against Yoshida strong and by far the most solid case presented against anyone so far. Feeling a bit lost right now

Seems like a sound argument and a vibe that Yoshi was scum prior.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Catching up (again) Damn you guys post a lot this round. 18 hours and 200 posts? Seriously?


Want to vote Zero but wont til i've finished catching up incase he has claimed. 

Anyway- Zero is coming across as really scummy so far and I didn't want to leave my vote on Linkz because I don't know how close people are to lynching him.

 First of all his response to two players voting him is incredibly tame by his standards. He makes a joke, but doesn't come up with a huge reason why they are scum as per usual. 

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:


Yes that reminds me, losing a town radish if that turns out to be the case isn't that much of a loss either.

Stefl's also gone into limbo, but that's what he does when he's basically confirmed as town. nen was right, he sucks.
So of the people I listed I'm most interested in hearing from zero again. raddishead has that guilty scan on him anyways.

Vote: zero


Dont start making me think your scum -_- .

He subsequently goes onto say "Yay Linkz is right, BongLover is scum" which- given his inactivity- gives me the impression that he has skim read through, seen Linkz accusing BL often and plentiful and thought to help push the lynch train on him. 

This suspicion is subsequently followed by this 

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
Nacho mentioned the possibility of coaching prior to Bong here:

Even without that, there is no rule saying scum can't strategize during the Day. I have no issue with that aspect, only the conclusion of what strategy would have been developed given what would be known.

So then it looks like Bong picked up the coaching thing from Nacho.

But wasnt Bong saying he came up with all that himself or was he on about something else??.



Vote: Nacho

I told you guys im random xD

voting on the new lynch suspect Nacho- who has just had a couple of votes thrown on him - then FF (another player I've shown supsicion of) follows that with a vote himself 

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These two things combined with his inactivity thus far- give me the impression he is scum.

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