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Vote: sethnintendo

Radish is a very strong townread of mine; a lot of his reasons for signing up for the game was proving Linkz wrong and showing that he can participate, and this play so far demonstrates that pretty well. He's also showing the paranoia that town-Radish often shows (last round, Halo), and it's nothing like the panicky scum-Radish in LyLo that we saw in round 50? I think?

I agree with hatmoza that Bong Lover is town for the "transmission received" comment. Sure, all role PMs probably had the same format, but I seriously doubt that a newbie would realize that, and I seriously doubt that his scumteam would coach him instantly into saying something like that. New scum players are usually slow to get started, lay low, that sort of thing.

Stefl's miller claim is fine I don't mind it at all, but the response to mario's fake miller claim feels a bit off. The whole "I would claim miller again and do the same thing!" sounded kind of weird, considering natural response to another miller claim should be "other miller claim is scum".

Mario seems pretty town for the fake miller claim, though. You can see his though process evolve with the "well, what if I claimed miller?" move which was enough to shake Stefl up a bit, and fake counterclaiming what is essentially worse than vanilla role is not really worth sticking your neck out as scum (because if you mess it up, you could get lynched and confirm the miller as town).

I haven't liked sethnintendo's play so far. Maybe it's just a slow start, but the whole "so, we're lynching FF? let's lynch FF!" mantra he's been posting seems like he's too overly focused on the lynch candidate and not really looking anywhere for scum by himself. Benao's been playing similarly, but I like that he isn't trying to jump on the FF wagon like Seth has been.