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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Unless of course we have noone else to vote for.

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nen-suer said:
Nachomamma8 said:

nen-suer said:
Last few pages I give :
Town points for Mario, Linkz, HappyD and Rol
Scum points to spurg, Zero and FF.

Reasoning, reasoning, reasoning. Also, you state reading Linkz is all about first impressions, you say Linkz is getting early town points from you... why isn't he a townread?

Did you just cut the last post about my reasoining just to ask me about it ? Why would you do that.

nen-suer said:
No you won't you'll probably hope we'll forget about it later on, but I'll have to force you to make one

The case comes before the vote. If you dony have one yet wait until you do next time.

And don't repeating what Hat said next time, that how I always play and it didnt seem to think this way before.

Plus you're always online so I expect you post ALOT that plus we all know you lurk when your scum :P

Scum points for you for being super defensive about my remark , parroting Hat and voting moi.

Well this is a scummy response to a vote. "You have to make a case before you vote me" feels like scum trying to throw suspicion on Stefl with technicalities, and I really, really don't like how he tries to paint Stefl as the defensive one and somehow parroting Hat, which feels like scummy case padding.  

No thats common sense. Just now you asked me for my (Reasoning, reasoning, reasoning) three times.

Half your votes were you asking player for reasons and now you say me asking for reasons for votes is scummy?

I dont know if your being serious or just trolling me right now

I dont have the energy to goo all this crap......I thought this would be a small game.

So who's next

Nachomamma8 said:
Vote: nen

I don't like his response to Stefl's vote, and I don't like his list that he gave after mario gave his. It looks like he saw town doing something and tried to mimic it. I don't think it's coming from a town mindset because he gave Linkz early townpoints for his posts, then went on to talk about how reading Linkz was based on first impressions but he was unsure of him at the moment. It was nen-scum keeping his options open, and I don't like that.


......yeah...i said next.


1) I didn't cut out any posts of yours. Your reads list states that these town points and scum points came from the last few pages, and there was no post from you in the last few pages explaining your reasoning. So, you can still explain your reasoning.

2) Your specific words were "you have to make a case before you vote me", which is scummy because you're squirming out of a vote based on a technicality instead of pursuing someone for placing a reasonless vote on you. My vote on seth was because he was keeping his head down and trying to avoid people and didn't even seem to be trying to get suspects, and my vote on you was because of your reaction to Stefl's vote and because of your T/S list that mimicked Mario's.

radishhead said:
Linkz is intimidating people who vote for No Lynch now - I guess he's trying to get one of our power roles out of the game before Night 1?

hello paranoid radish. Radish has also been engaging people outside when he's referred to, which is something I rarely see from Radish and something that tells me yeah, he's probably town.

Bong Lover said:

Can brighter heads than mine give a plausible explanation how a flip like the one radishhead did here could be anything but a strong scum tell?

Radish gets paranoid very quickly, so the fact that he doesn't have a strong player as town for long isn't too big of a surprise.

I'm not sure who I want to look at next, but I'll do a little more reading when I have a little more time.


Player L-10 L-9 L-8 L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynched
 No Lynch

 nen-suer Bong Lover


 Linkzmax  AstroGamer  happydolphin nen-suer

 DarkThanatos  Yoshiya

 RolStoppable  spurgeonryan

 Radishhead  Rolstoppable  hatmoza                  
Nachomamma8 supermario128                    
  T-6 T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 Timelimit
 TimeLimit  RolStoppable








supermario128: nen-suer
Final-Fan: RolStoppable, DarkThanatos, supermario128, nen-suer
No Lynch: radishhead, benao87, hatmoza
sethnintendo: nachomamma8, happydolphin
nen-suer: Final-Fan, Stefl1504, Nachomamma8, RolStoppable, Linkzmax, Bong Lover, hatmoza
Linkzmax: AstroGamer, happydolphin, Nen-suer, DarkThanatos
spurgeonryan: Yoshiya, RolStoppable
RolStoppable: spurgeonryan
DarkThan: Yoshiya, hatmoza
Radish: Rolstoppable, hatmoza
Nachomamma8: supermario128
nen-suer: supermario128, Final-Fan, Linkz
RolStoppable: Final-Fan, spurgeonryan, nen-suer, Radishhead
radishhead: No Lynch
DarkThanatos: Final-Fan, Linkzmax
supermario128: Final-Fan, Nachomamma8
nachomamma8: sethnintendo, nen-suer
happydolphin: sethnintendo, Linkzmax
benao87: No Lynch
hatmoza: No Lynch, Nen-suer, DarkThanatos, radishhead
Final-Fan: nen-suer,
AstroGamer: Linkzmax
Yoshiya: spurgeonryan, Dark Thanatos
Stefl1504: nen-suer
Linkzmax: nen-suer
spurgeonryan: RolStoppable
Bong Lover: nen-suer
Timelimit: RolStoppable, radishhead, nen-suer, supermario128

Signature goes here!

I wouldn't say I get "paranoid" - all I'm saying is that the Mafia tend to put anti-Radish sentiments into the minds of the town to get me lynched

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Linkzmax said:
DarkThanatos said:
Linkzmax said:
Cool. Seth is probably town. Bong is likely scum. Reads are unrelated, just wanted to hear Bong's answer before I gave the read of Seth.

One of the main things I disagre with you about. I know that you were asked to expand on this before, but can you do it again with your current opinion? 

Surely. The suspicion of Seth began with Nacho's vote, where he said Seth seems to only be interested in FF's lynch and isn't looking for scum elsewhere. happy jumped on board, saying seth hasn't used any deductive reasoning, to which Stefl concurred.

Seth replied that everyone seems like good liars and he needs to brush up on his deductive skills. Stefl asked for opinions/questions and Seth gave this:

sethnintendo said:

Spurge might be scum because I just can't trust anything he says after he let man bear pig have control of his account.

Rol seems like a good guy and I don't think he is scum.

I'm a little suspicious of nen-suer but he might be a townie.

Radishhead is playing Mr. Innocent and that makes me a little suspicious.

HappyDOlphin looks like a well groomed detective and I don't think this guy can bring himself to tell a lie unless he truely believes it.  I think HappyD is probably a townie.

Hatmoza is possible scum because of his VGC reputation.

SuperMario seems like scum to me but I think I'm getting a misread on him.

Other than the point against radish, these are all terrible opionions that are without basis, wishy-washy and/or completely irrelevant to the game. It is of my opinion that if Seth was scum, one of his scummates would have at least helped give him something he could point out against someone, even if it was another scummate.

sethnintendo said:

Damn, I go over to a friends house last night and come back today to only find HappyD and SuperMario are trying to nail me as scum! I'm going to revise my list and post later. I still don't have that much to go by and I don't want to make anymore blind accusations. I'll try to post as much as I can this weekend but I need to get off my fat ass and work out. I'm probably going to go with a no vote myself for day1 unless I somehow get a strong read on someone.

This has been his only post since. So if he's scum, the team is hanging him out to dry. But on his own, he's a wildcard and could spill details they don't want in the open. Yes, being a first-timer pretty much gives him a Day 1 pass from being lynched, but the heat will remain.

So basically, he's so bad, he is town? 

This is first of all reliant on mafia having daytalk- which is by no means certain. Why are you so sure? 

Secondly, he could be seperated mafia, something you have also ignored the possibility of. I was in my first game. 

Can you also re-give your opinion for Bong being scum? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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hatmoza said:
Maybe I'm confusing him with another player but DT's recent activity seems more cooperative than I remember him ever being.

I'm really having a hard time convincing myself that the bastard is scum all of a sudden. I can't figure out if his burst of activity is a genuine push as town trying to make himself useful, or a desperate attempt to appear towny after I said he's 100% scum if he doesn't show up.

Taking a page fro Linkz, maybe his scummates told him to bring his ass to the game.

I tend to do bursts of activity recently as I'm busy a large amount of the time. Last game would be a prime example of that. 

And as a scum tactic "bringing my ass" in so suddenly isn't the greatest tactic, it brings a huge amount of attention on yourself. 

I'll take the townie points though

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

radishhead said:
I wouldn't say I get "paranoid" - all I'm saying is that the Mafia tend to put anti-Radish sentiments into the minds of the town to get me lynched

Too easy, the only reasoning that could make me let you off this hook is to think you weren't paying attention to your thoughts and were wishy washy. It happens, but normally your contradication is a certified scumtell.

After a refreshing morning, and a look at the very handy vote summary from truck, I see how close we were from lynching nen, he was at L-3

Over the weekend I felt that linkz was trying too hard to state why it would be right to accuse nen, I don't feel that very townie.

Vote: Linkz

My reasons for voting Linkz are bad. I agree that my read on him is correct, and I found his play kind of biased towards Seth, but coming to think of it it's an mediocre explanation that is acceptable when taking a step back. It's based on the premise that scum would coach their players, it doesn't mean their infallible but his opinion on Seth's play is that it is uncoached and I'm okay with that.

His suspicion of Bong is that Bong is coached. But I disagree with that. Though I disagree, I can now with a step back understand where he's coming from, at least.

Ultimately this concession is based on the idea that Linkz isn't playing perfectly, and maybe I over-estimate him.

I don't like my vote anymore...

unvote Linkz

Well, recent events leaves me no other option than to

unvote nen-suer