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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Bong Lover said:
so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

Posts's like this are what make me think you are scum. Why are you looking at it from a scum perspective instead of a town one?

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RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:
RolStoppable said:

I am not going to lynch the watcher on Day 1 three games in a row.

You did what now ? See it's you guys not

In the last two games I played we mislynched the watcher on Day 1.

On the first occasion it was man-bear-pig who hadn't even enough understanding of the game to realize that he had a power role. Even if he had been present to roleclaim before the deadline, he wouldn't have because he didn't know.

On the second occasion miz1q2w3e hadn't logged in for well over a day with an approaching deadline. Once again, no roleclaim.

Thankfully you know how to play the game and actually play it. Of course it's unfortunate that you had to roleclaim, but it's still better than having you lynched (assuming you are town watcher which I am willing to believe at the moment).

Lastly, I am not opposed to a linkz lynch. It's another option I would consider toDay.

You probably have laid out a case for this before, but would you mind linking back to why you think that would be a good idea. I did get some scum vibes from him in our first real interactions, but he has managed to make me feel very uncertain about that read. Of course, now having my initial strong read on nen cast into serious doubt means I need to rethink many things that has happened until now.

Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

Posts's like this are what make me think you are scum. Why are you looking at it from a scum perspective instead of a town one?

Well, the perspective is the same from either side. Role claiming would be a very risky move if it's not true. So, role claiming seems like a last resort type of way to prove you are speaking the truth?

Also, I should add that this reasoning assumes that no one in the game, town nor scum, knows for sure what roles are in play. I might not have that fact straight, but that is what I assume.

Well, I joined this round partly to get caught out by Rol again, and it's definitely happened. That was a clever technique, but the thing I said earlier is still true - it doesn't matter if I said Linkz was mafia or town first; the fact that I changed my stance, and that HD noticed it supports my point

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Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

Posts's like this are what make me think you are scum. Why are you looking at it from a scum perspective instead of a town one?

His meta this far clearly indicates that he has a knack for reverse psychology. I don't blame you for getting this vibe because I got it too at first glance, but your posting about your suspicion of it surprises me since we're both seeing his meta.

It fortifies my suspicion of you.

As for casting suspicion, town needs to do that as well as foster implicit trust. It's not one of the other so I'm okay with nen casting suspicion where it has its place.

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Yeah, I fully trust Nen's claim unless someone else comes forward and says they are the watcher. Unlike last game, where I wanted to get the cop lynched, we are not going to mess around with this.

It seems my suspicion for you was unjustified, but it is your fault for looking so suspicious and saying you are always scum. :P

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

TruckOSaurus said:


Player L-10 L-9 L-8 L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynched
 Final-Fan  DarkThanatos  

 No Lynch

 nen-suer  Final-Fan  Stefl1504  Nachomamma8  Bong

 Linkzmax  AstroGamer  happydolphin nen-suer

 DarkThan  Yoshiya

 RolStoppable  spurgeonryan

 Radishhead  Rolstoppable                    
  T-6 T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 Timelimit
 TimeLimit  RolStoppable








supermario128: nen-suer
Final-Fan: RolStoppable, DarkThanatos, supermario128, nen-suer
No Lynch: radishhead, benao87, hatmoza
sethnintendo: nachomamma8, happydolphin
nen-suer: Final-Fan, Stefl1504, Nachomamma8, RolStoppable, Linkzmax, Bong Lover, hatmoza
Linkzmax: AstroGamer, happydolphin, Nen-suer
spurgeonryan: Yoshiya, RolStoppable
RolStoppable: spurgeonryan
DarkThan: Yoshiya, hatmoza
Radish: Rolstoppable
nen-suer: supermario128, Final-Fan, Linkz
RolStoppable: Final-Fan, spurgeonryan, nen-suer, Radishhead
radishhead: No Lynch
DarkThanatos: Final-Fan
supermario128: Final-Fan
nachomamma8: sethnintendo, nen-suer
happydolphin: sethnintendo, Linkzmax
benao87: No Lynch
hatmoza: No Lynch, Nen-suer, DarkThan
Final-Fan: nen-suer
AstroGamer: Linkzmax
Yoshiya: spurgeonryan, Dark Thanatos
Stefl1504: nen-suer
Linkzmax: nen-suer
spurgeonryan: RolStoppable
Bong Lover: nen-suer
Timelimit: RolStoppable, radishhead, nen-suer, supermario128

Also, if you quote a post that has a vote in it, please unbold.

Bong Lover said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

Posts's like this are what make me think you are scum. Why are you looking at it from a scum perspective instead of a town one?

Well, the perspective is the same from either side. Role claiming would be a very risky move if it's not true. So, role claiming seems like a last resort type of way to prove you are speaking the truth?

Also, I should add that this reasoning assumes that no one in the game, town nor scum, knows for sure what roles are in play. I might not have that fact straight, but that is what I assume.

Why would town lie if their in a position where they need to role claim?

Town most likely don't know what other roles exist, but they would assume they are the only one that has their role.(Not including Vanillas of course) Like when Stefl responded to Mario's hypothetical about counterclaiming miller.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

Posts's like this are what make me think you are scum. Why are you looking at it from a scum perspective instead of a town one?

His meta this far clearly indicates that he has a knack for reverse psychology. I don't blame you for getting this vibe because I got it too at first glance, but your posting about your suspicion of it surprises me since we're both seeing his meta.

It fortifies my suspicion of you.

As for casting suspicion, town needs to do that as well as foster implicit trust. It's not one of the other so I'm okay with nen casting suspicion where it has its place.

You are making less sense as this Day goes on. If anything you're applying the meta backwards. If he's good enough to realize scum might use reverse psychology to keep townies from lynching them, then he should be good enough to question why a townie would lie about their role.

You see me jumping on everyone that has suspected others? Nope, just ill-reasoned suspicion that is in the wrong place.

Vote: Nacho

Still suspicious of Spurge. Hatz, Seth, and Noctis.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089