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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Wow, it's like I cued him. Yeah, I don't think radish puts much thought into what he says. The contradiction only served to amuse me.

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Honestly, I'm happy with a Radish lynch as much as I am with a DT lynch since I'm under the impression no one sees my angle as to why I'm confident DT is scum anyway.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
As I said earlier, I believe that HD is probably mafia for pointing it out. Here's the logic:

1) Mafia know who's town and who's mafia
2) When I said "Linkz is mafia" - it doesn't matter if Linkz was mafia or not, the mafia players would be thinking "sweet/oh no - radishhead thinks Linkz is mafia"
3) When I change my mind, they notice, because they've already devised their plans around the fact that I think Linkz is mafia.
4) They realise that they can use this to their advantage to get me lynched!

When it comes down to it, I didn't even realise the contradiction I made, and I was the one that made the posts! How could any normal town player have realised it? It must have been a mafia team working together to notice the error.

Can you explain why you first thought that linkz is probably mafia and later on changed your mind?

Haha! I have no idea if he's mafia or not - it's Day 1.

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nen-suer said:
happydolphin said:

I have not been on your case, what is your opinion on my case on Seth, Radish and Linkz this far?

Linkz = scum

Seth = town

Radish = Not sure. He's always all over the place....take time for me to figure him out (same with spurg)

You = Town

nacho & hat= scum (bonus)

I need to know what your opinion is of Linkz's thinking Seth is town due to the thinking "if he were mafia he wouldn't have made mistake xyz".

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
RolStoppable said:

Can you explain why you first thought that linkz is probably mafia and later on changed your mind?

Haha! I have no idea if he's mafia or not - it's Day 1.

That's not what I asked.

Oh, I guess the answer is, I didn't really think Linkz was mafia - I just thought if I made some statements about him then he might leak some information

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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radishhead said:
RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

Haha! I have no idea if he's mafia or not - it's Day 1.

That's not what I asked.

Oh, I guess the answer is, I didn't really think Linkz was mafia - I just thought if I made some statements about him then he might leak some information

Keep digging yourself deeper into your grave.

so, logic behind role claiming is:

it is extremely risky to lie about your role since someone else will know for (almost) sure you are lying if you claim their role and that would just push you into very dangerous waters?

happydolphin said:
radishhead said:
RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

Haha! I have no idea if he's mafia or not - it's Day 1.

That's not what I asked.

Oh, I guess the answer is, I didn't really think Linkz was mafia - I just thought if I made some statements about him then he might leak some information

Keep digging yourself deeper into your grave.

Responses like this are what make me sure that I'm right

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
happydolphin said:

Keep digging yourself deeper into your grave.

Responses like this are what make me sure that I'm right

About yourself being scum.

AstroGamer said:
Bong Lover said:
nen-suer said:

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

If you don't feel like living with this town, doesn't that just make for an even stronger case to lynch you?

Reverse psychology to make people think that scum would never go silently into the night so you must be town?

With the way things are going, If by some miracle he isn't lynched this day, he will probably be lynched in the next day.He is by far the closest to being lynched. Everyone else has 1/2 the votes or less. Not exactly winning chances don't you say.

It seems that votes are more of a way to put on presurre than anything, with the frequent unvotes we see. Looks like nen has claimed his way out of a lynching, unless something seriously casts doubts over his roleclaim. The level of misdirection in mafia games apparently runs very deep.

I was very sure about nen being scum, but now there's a very real chance I was wrong. So it's back to the drawing board and go over what everybody had to say about the nen situation and rethink everything. You'd think scum would be very eager to fan the flames of suspicion towards nen if he really is town watcher as he says.