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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Stefl1504 said:
Linkzmax said:
I don't have great feelings about MT, DT, Yoshi, or Noc either. But I wouldn't push for any of their lynches right now. zero is a toss up, one thing has me pretty convinced that he's scum, but the rest of his play has been very town.

Rol's a town vibe as I said when I voted nen. lurking hat could very well be scum, but as I explained to Rol it would not indicate a link to Bong.

The one thing is?


zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
hatmoza said:
I have a question for the new players, and only the new players.

How do you feel about mafia games so far? Also are you confused between this thread and the Quick topic thread prof sent you in the PM? Because if you are, I can give you friendly beginner's advice on how they work.

I think they're lots of fun. I am confused now. I didn't get a quick topic thread, but I'll ask prof if I should have one. Finally, I see what you did there!

Checking in. Thoughts so far:
nen's likely scum, breaking up the early town vibes before the suspect pool shrinks too much.
I shall consider Stefl as confirmed town.
A quick policy/No lynch is exactly what scum want, thus we will have no such thing.
radish seems too focused on what he did last round and is conveniently leaving out that he thought I was scum and trying to get rid of him.(Pshaw) Hooray points for being active so far though.

HoS for not getting the bolded right away

Linkzmax said:
zero129 said:
spurgeonryan said:
Zero! 5 initial thoughts you have about this first day of play so far!

5 ok lets see.

1. Linkz acting like he didnt know anything about Hatz PM trick to catch the newbs was a bit strange.

1. Perhaps it was unintentional on hat's part, but it's pretty clear you have no idea what I was refering to when I said "I see what you did there."

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:

1. Perhaps it was unintentional on hat's part, but it's pretty clear you have no idea what I was refering to when I said "I see what you did there."
2. [snip]
3. [snip]
4. [snip]
5. [snip]

2. [snip]
3. [snip]
4. [snip]
5. [snip]

Why no response to 1?
Though you confused Nen with Noctis, good points with 3 and 5. It's what I expect of you after last round.

1. i didnt answer this one cos i really dont know what you mean by "See what you did there" so i decided just to bypass it if i didnt get it

And yeah its hard to try and remember names when drinking lulz xD.

And thanks on the points im trying my best

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radishhead said:
AstroGamer said:

Something about Linkz is rubbing me the wrong way so

Vote: Linkz

You'll probably have to elaborate on this one  more if you want any support

I'm not feeling Linkz as Mafia aligned this round - when he is he's normally trying to get me lynched keeping me around to use me.

Fixed your post.

radishhead said:
Oh for the record, DT, Yoshiya and I were all out last night - DT has been away longer because his internet was disconnected, but I imagine he'll be allowed to use it again soon

Really? He didn't seem to have trouble posting in 3 other threads yesterday.(Well between 1 and 2 days ago, but roughly a day after his last post in this thread)

Linkzmax said:

Nevermind, found it. Ooooh look, I comment on radish immediately after his first post,(not counting his check in there) and nen made note of it even!

Just checking if the scum tell still holds,(nothing to do with the above) and it still did there. I'd stake that if Rol is town, nen is scum. Rol gives a town vibe, so I'll go with it.

Vote: nen

So...what was the read now ? Or are you using some kind of complicated math formula to predict when I will be scum.

Like I said it's always about first impressions when dealing with you.

Stefl1504 said:

Okay, nen-thoughts part 1 incoming (I will not make everything just yet...)

Let's leave out his first reaction about my miller claim, and let's go to this, well, not that important, just that he is willing to lynch FF and make it his mission to get FF lynched when he does not get active.

I was the one to believe your claim becouse I though the scum you is not that brave and dont take that kind of risk

Hat agreed with me is he my scum buddy

Trying to discredit hatz actions. Well, this one is 50% lulz, 50% repetition.

Filler, your already just listing stuff just to make the post bigger.

first part I deem okay, second part (commenting on linkz)... umm... yeah, linkz pretty much nailed the head of what I was thinking about you that moment and I will claim that this is what you are still trying to do (that is also why you threw my name after a bit of inactivity) you want to break up the town vibes by discrediting people whenever you can (>lurking Stefl == scum Stefl). Anyway, you don't bring up much... except... that his post is not a post he would make as a townie (on which I disagree).

Like I said this how i plays. Specially when are probably a town miller, but I'm not about to let walk

with zero accountability.

Also you (and Mario) lurk once your cleared in the eyes of town. my post was to prevent you from slacking off,

but I should've expected you to return with a vengence lol.

I still think Linkz is scum so repeating what he's saying just makes me feel better inside.

Then we have this one, were you are joking about your high scum ratio, joking about happyD's post and then saying that you would lynch me just to teach me a lesson, oh yeah, the lesson being, it is not about me. Duh, no I just claimed my role because I think I am so awesome ;P Anyway, there was already enough arguing about my role, and why I claimed it like I did. (leaving some posts out because they are only related to the initial post, and don't really build out the case in any way)

Another filler. Joking about my scum ratio? Also Rol said the same thing as me yet you dont seem to be bothred by it?

Do you see the pattern here Sef?

Man If I said I'm playing Tomb Raider you would have probably listed that here as reason to vote me.

Now we go onto discrediting people again (what a surprise... once again).

(one one-liner, then pause)

Oh man suddenly I miss Naruto's filler episodes >_>

Okay after not posting for a bit you make this post, at least keeping your promise that you will go after FF if his activity is low (oh, no, you didn't really go after him, but fine by me)

But his activty imporved. Oh and need i remind vote is still ON HIM!!! 

Come one sfel you need feel at little bit embarssed at this point.

First post that has harvested you some townie points on my account, because here you are not trying to solely discredit a person.

Gee....thankx...dont know why you'd mention that in your case aginst me, but hey to anyone who skims post

Oh man, thats a big a$$ case. Nen got burned :P

That one has been argued enough by other (anyway, yes it was not you who asked the question, but doesn't really matter either).

Fill me with light

I am not going into the 3 most recent posts before I claimed to built my case.

I'm full.

Anyway, to get to my reasoning: You are discrediting people instead of trying to discredit people more than actually scumhunt > sow distrust

I see, maybe you didnt realize this, but I dont trust any of you. There i said it...... is that "sowing distrust"? Well Good.

And frankly.....I didnt know you guys trusted each other in the first place......maybe proff is just trolling me becouse

he didnt give me a list of people i can trust. But you know what....I LIKE IT.

You can call it parroting or try to discredit it in any way you like, but the result of further trying to discredit rather than scumhunt will only strengthen my view of you.

Ok, I'll placing you here on the stack of people who voted me and probably not scum.

Yeah I said probably...distrusting it's my favrioute sin.

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Linkzmax said:
radishhead said:
Oh for the record, DT, Yoshiya and I were all out last night - DT has been away longer because his internet was disconnected, but I imagine he'll be allowed to use it again soon

Really? He didn't seem to have trouble posting in 3 other threads yesterday.(Well between 1 and 2 days ago, but roughly a day after his last post in this thread)

you'll have to ask him about it - maybe he was posting on his phone or something

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nen-suer said:
Linkzmax said:

Nevermind, found it. Ooooh look, I comment on radish immediately after his first post,(not counting his check in there) and nen made note of it even!

Just checking if the scum tell still holds,(nothing to do with the above) and it still did there. I'd stake that if Rol is town, nen is scum. Rol gives a town vibe, so I'll go with it.

Vote: nen

So...what was the read now ? Or are you using some kind of complicated math formula to predict when I will be scum.

Like I said it's always about first impressions when dealing with you.

Same thing I said in Round 41 when I voted you.(yes I had to look back because I actually forgot your tell) If I used math it would tell me you aren't scum, that's a simple fact of Mafia.

Deflecting my points is certainly doing you no favors. But hey, since you are addressing everyone else you'll surely get to me too.

Linkzmax said:
nen-suer said:
So...what was the read now ? Or are you using some kind of complicated math formula to predict when I will be scum.

Like I said it's always about first impressions when dealing with you.

Same thing I said in Round 41 when I voted you.(yes I had to look back because I actually forgot your tell) If I used math it would tell me you aren't scum, that's a simple fact of Mafia.

Deflecting my points is certainly doing you no favors. But hey, since you are addressing everyone else you'll surely get to me too.

Would you be kind and link me to your point becouse I'm devoid of energy right now.

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Here's a good summary of the things I voiced an issue with.

In regards to your sowing of distrust, I will have to do my due diligence and check some town games as well.

Linkzmax said:
Here's a good summary of the things I voiced an issue with.

In regards to your sowing of distrust, I will have to do my due diligence and check some town games as well.

Thats more of you sorting out your thoughts than a case aginst me.

As for me thinking you're scum then town thats not what happens. I said you win town points.

Wining town points doesnt make you town in my eyes unless I had  a neutral stance on you before.

So adding a few town points to a person likely scum in my eyes makes him less likley scum not likley town (in your case)

And like i said when it comes to the scum you it's always about first impressions coze we all know you dont like being scum that much :D

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That's more me re-stating things that you have never actually responded to.
Whatever, I was pointing out to Nacho that your first impression wasn't that I am town. Whether I earned enough town points or not is irrelevant really.
I think you are the only one who has ever said that. And it's still just as false.