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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

hatmoza said:

I really am trying to catch up but every time I come home from my new job I'm just too exhausted to even read.

By the time I get home tomorrow night there's just going to be yet another 130 posts for me to read through.

At this pace I won't be caught up til Sunday. Good night

Vote: No lynch because I actually agree with whoever said it's ok to do a no lynch in a large game. Less damaging when we have leads day 2.

Also because I'm pretty satisfied with a few reads I got up until what I read.

Don't be a bitch just because you don't have time. You are one of my current town reads, so I'm counting on you to help negate/strengthen my thoughts.*

Are there any reads you haven't already mentioned?

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Final-Fan said:
spurgeonryan said:
I do no know roles well enough. Can he be JOAT and us have a miller? Why would Joat have a miller in it?

But if that is something that can happen, then stefl is lying. Or it was one hell of a claim by FF.

Oh wow, thank you Rol for causing this to happen.  Everybody look at this please, and know it is in response to this and this (#10). 

Yeah... so what do you make of this in respone to this?(apologies if I fuxed up the linkz)

Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:
nen-suer said:

Stop skimming through posts coze that what scum do.

Skimming posts is anti-town, because then things are easily missed or confused. Scum are generally more careful to read everything so they don't screw up and say something that will expose them.

I'd say a hallmark of (bad) scum is that they skim in the sense that they only bother looking for things that directly address themselves or maybe their scumteam.  Anything else is ignored.  (Bad) town is more likely to skim in the sense of looking at everything, but barely paying attention to any of it.  They may react much more strongly to something about themselves but not because it is all they were willing to even look for. 

I don't know how my definitions match up with what nen was calling "skimming" or what he was trying to peg you as. 

Yes, "bad" scum are self-centric.(This is why my earlieast read of radish last round was that he was mafia) "Good" scum want to make sure the things they say don't contradict with things that wouldn't even involve them.(Example: A claims B visited C, who is not dead. Scum D would not claim Rolecopping B as a Vig/etc.)

I assume when there is scum daytalk, and due to the rules I have good reaosn to believe there is, that "Good" scum will help keep the "bad" scum informed. In regards to zero, while I'd expect better of zero since his first round as scum, I still don't think he'd improve that play as much as his town play showed.(See last round) Either way, he's "good" and would have known it was Noctis that asked about "day talk" rather than nen, or one of his scummates would have pointed it out to him before you or I pointed it out.

Lastly, the only thing nen has tried to peg on me is that an additional point of my suspicion of him is my foundation. And yes not responding to my point nor addressing the original reason does him no favors in my book.

benao87 said:
RolStoppable said:
Linkzmax said:
Oh. Well that's a terrible reason.

But it explains why my PM contained a note that I should troll as much as possible.

Anyway, back to bong. Assuming he is scum, do you think it's possible that hatmoza told him to make a reference to PM text in order to get in an early "confirmed town"? It's a move that could backfire, but also one that could pay off as most people probably would put bong on their list of townies.

Plausible, but way to elaborate, and if that would be true, their plan has been working incredibly smoothly.

How has it been working smoothly? nen pointed it out as a possibility pretty much off the bat.

supermario128 said:

scum list:
Spurge, Nen, Hatmoza, SethNintendo, Noctis

town list:
Mario, Stefl, Linkz, Zero, Rol, Bong Lover, Radish, FF, Yoshiya

not sure:
Nacho, MT Zehover, Benao, Astrogamer, Thanatos, HappD


Just my general feeling so far. I didn't base this list on much, so it may change rather dramatically as time goes on. Don't feel too bad if you are town on my scum list. If you are scum on my town list let me know so I can fix that. Thanks.


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happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong, that was directed at happy. Since before you, nen was the only one I mentioned being suspicious of. So if I believe you are a threat due to your deductive skills, it would suggest I don't want you going after nen. Further, that would mean I was bussing my scummate, which is not beyond me, yet totally completely unneeded when the FF train could be the spotlight. Ahhh, but what if FF is scum too you say? Well then sacrificing him serves the same purpose as bussing nen.

Why would it suggest that, in what way? Do I or he think that nen is scum? Why do you say this? So the bussing theory is not working for me.

(@bong. bussing means "throwing your teammate under the bus". There's another use of the term, but it's actually an incorrect one which is used instead of bus-driving a player, which is playing the night action of a bus driver, but that's for later.)

This is all just fabulative reasoning that was pulled out of a mafia's arse so as to throw you off by some kind of far-fetched knowledge that really if you pay attention is really just thin air.

Bottom line, when did I or Bong suspect you and nen to be scumbuddies?

Well if nen is a townie, then I'd be perfectly fine with his mislynch, no? You're not paying attention are you, Bong has said several times(including very recently) that he suspects nen. I don't care what you think, since the issue is about you saying I think Bong is the threat.

Neither of you mentioned it. I asked you specifically and you said you aren't sure yet. It is quite obvious that you didn't think through either case.

zero129 said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:
haha! awesome. so sethnintendo is very likely town then. I thought as much.

What exactly makes you think that sethnintendo is town?

Here's the solution to the Wii U problem:

If I recall he was confused by the missing Quick Topic thread, much like I was myself when the question came in but I didn't mention it in my reply. Of course, now that I've slept on it and thought about it a little more it's entirely possible that he's been coached by scum to say what he says? I don't remeber how long after the original question that he replied but I have a feeling there would be plenty of time for scum to interfere and give him an acceptable reply.

Looking at it now, he again posts something to reinforce how he doesn't understand the game and is very new, which does seem a little redundant. Could it be scum trying to paint a picture of him as lost and unskilled in the ways of the game? I guess anything is possible but I can't help shake the feeling that I am getting overly paranoid with that line of reasoning.

While Nacho was first to mention coaching: Bong takes it to quite another level here. It's one thing to understand that scum could help a newb with a good reply for a question, it's another to jump to the conclusion that the scumteam would instruct the newb to play up the newb card.

Thats a good point imo and for a newb the bong is playing pretty good i have to say and could be that he is getting couched and thats the reason why he knows so much about it.

But saying that he could of really just read up alot on the game and played it in other places before, plus i dont think its a good idea to lynch new players day 1 as it could turn them away from future games imo

My mafia experience: I've read about the game on a mafia wiki, I did go back and try to read through day one of the last game that was played on here, but gave it up after about 20 pages or so, and I did check out the introduction of the game in the links that Prof posted.

If I have been playing so good then perhaps Rol is onto something with his frank assesment of the level of play in these games. Or, perhaps these various attempts to toot my horn is ment to inflate my ego and encourage me to keep slipping in my own theories?

Linkzmax said:
Bong, that was directed at happy. Since before you, nen was the only one I mentioned being suspicious of. So if I believe you are a threat due to your deductive skills, it would suggest I don't want you going after nen. Further, that would mean I was bussing my scummate, which is not beyond me, yet totally completely unneeded when the FF train could be the spotlight. Ahhh, but what if FF is scum too you say? Well then sacrificing him serves the same purpose as bussing nen.

I don't remember you claiming nen as scum, you obviously must have since lying about it would be lunacy, but I can't remember it. I guess it might be a good idea to keep notes in this game...

Still, it did bring up the concept of bussing, which is yet another important concept to understand. Obviously, if HappyD is correct in his read that you feel some heat from the case that I have built around my suspicion of nen it could be good strategy for you if you are scum to be on record early with suspicion against nen if he looks to be a lynch target anyway.

Linkzmax said:
Final-Fan said:
spurgeonryan said:
I do no know roles well enough. Can he be JOAT and us have a miller? Why would Joat have a miller in it?

But if that is something that can happen, then stefl is lying. Or it was one hell of a claim by FF.

Oh wow, thank you Rol for causing this to happen.  Everybody look at this please, and know it is in response to this and this (#10). 

Yeah... so what do you make of this in respone to this?(apologies if I fuxed up the linkz)

That was IMO a more ordinary level of spurge weirdness.  Although it was possible (now extremely likely) that he just wasn't really paying much attention, at the time it was also possible he simply assumed mario was leading up to an actual counterclaim. 

I guess SM128 deserves a bit of town credit for his own contribution though, which I wasn't taking into account when I FOSed him along with nen and seth. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

I will be busy this coming 2 days. Just giving you guys a heads up so I won't be able to post much in that period of time.

Lot's of people are voting time limit. I don't like it. Why in the rush?