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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

NoCtiS_NoX said:

1. Well you said everyone is suspicious on your own point of view so you are suspicious to these 3 aswell right?

2. So you think he is town?

3. Good hope you enjoy this game and join the future rounds.

4. You don't need to play with them in order for you to read them. If you see something scummy then point it out. 

1. I'd say that I'm suspicious of everyone because I still haven't ruled out anyone. I've said that I've seen a couple of town reads in certain posts and attitudes, but I'm not sure about anyone.

2. Yes I think nen is town.

What would be the time limit? Up to the moderator? How long would be a 'normal' day one?

I'm going jump in radish bandwagon. I want to avoid a mislynch on day 1.

Vote: No lynch

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Why are scum more likely to skim?

benao87 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

1. Well you said everyone is suspicious on your own point of view so you are suspicious to these 3 aswell right?

2. So you think he is town?

3. Good hope you enjoy this game and join the future rounds.

4. You don't need to play with them in order for you to read them. If you see something scummy then point it out. 

1. I'd say that I'm suspicious of everyone because I still haven't ruled out anyone. I've said that I've seen a couple of town reads in certain posts and attitudes, but I'm not sure about anyone.

2. Yes I think nen is town.

What would be the time limit? Up to the moderator? How long would be a 'normal' day one?

I'm going jump in radish bandwagon. I want to avoid a mislynch on day 1.

Vote: No lynch

Normally time limit is 24 hours after the time limit has been hammered.

The average length of Day 1 varies, but I'd say it's been increasing recently. We've had some last about 2 weeks I believe and others which are just a couple of days.

Bong Lover said:

1. This is my first mafie game ever and my first mafia game on VGC

2. Scum in general benefits from a rushed lynch I would think, anyhow, it is probably not good scum strategy to draw early attention as trigger happy, so that counts against you being scum

3. Sure, you're not the only one whos said the same things. Yet, early in on a potential lynch bandwagon is not promising

5. Yes, I am a new player, everyone knows it, and it is showing in my game. It's not a secret, but you used the fact to weaken my reasoning which is a suspicious move. My argument is my argument regardless of my experience, it's either weak or solid on it's own. Opening with something like "That's a noob if I ever saw one" is a blatant attempt to make your claims carry more weight by appealing to your own superior experience. To me it's a pretty strong scum tell.


I'll also be completely honest and admit that I am not any less supicious of you.

1- I see, hope its the first of many.

2- Indeed. Plus like I said no one would vote or suspect Mario for my silly reasons, it was more of a joke (I like to mess with Mario..

and few others)

3- ok?

5- I'm not reserved with my suspicions and tend to push hard when I think I got something. Its not because you're new (i mean

we have alot of new players here)


Fair enough........In fact I'd be more worried if you said you suspect me less.

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benao, what are your "couple of town reads"?

Yoshiya said:

Normally time limit is 24 hours after the time limit has been hammered.

The average length of Day 1 varies, but I'd say it's been increasing recently. We've had some last about 2 weeks I believe and others which are just a couple of days.

Cheers. I'm not going to lie, I do want to see this moving, but I don't want to be hasty either. Not going with the time limit thing, for now.

Nachomamma8 said:
benao, what are your "couple of town reads"?

First of all, about your first post, why no 'no lynch'. I'm going blind at the moment, unless I find any strong evidence or a tell, I can't support a possible mislynch. Maybe it's a mistake, but that's the way I feel. Besides, going by probability, if I'm not wrong chances are higer of lynching a townie (if you don't have evidence, that's were I am).

Those town reads, were mainly based on some previous  comments I made abour rol, hatmoza, and radish. I think that scum may want to cause ruckus and take advantage of chaos and a desorganized town. At the begining of day one, those 3 were posting in a way to call for order, and sensibility. It may very well be some kind of fake approach, but at the moment I'm going to trust my feelings about that initial perception.

i feel i'm going to be posting this lynch a lot
if we lynch today, we have a non-zero chance of hitting scum
if we don't lynch today, we have a zero percent chance of being scum, and we lose a lot of information
how can scum be afraid if someone isn't going after them, trying to lynch them?
answer? they won't be. at all.
day 1 is hard, but it's a day where town can get a huge advantage early whereas a mislynch won't really hurt the town that much because it's sort of expected. but we can definitely lynch scum today. we've done it before, we can do it again. unless we no lynch.

RolStoppable said:
Nachomamma8 said:

i feel i'm going to be posting this lynch a lot
if we lynch today, we have a non-zero chance of hitting scum
if we don't lynch today, we have a zero percent chance of being scum, and we lose a lot of information
how can scum be afraid if someone isn't going after them, trying to lynch them?
answer? they won't be. at all.
day 1 is hard, but it's a day where town can get a huge advantage early whereas a mislynch won't really hurt the town that much because it's sort of expected. but we can definitely lynch scum today. we've done it before, we can do it again. unless we no lynch.

This data was compiled by taking a look at the outcomes of newbie games. It's not really comparable to VGC Mafia, because we have yet to reach such a high standard for play.


And, yup, now I'm confused as f**k