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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

AstroGamer said:
Linkzmax said:
AstroGamer said:
checking in

Poking for thoughts.

Hm.. I am just a generally quiet guy. I prefer observation over action especially if any action I make could be a stupid move.  

Also if FF does not report in soon, I guess I'll vote to lynch him

What have you observed then?

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spurgeonryan said:
We have been burned plenty recently by quiet newbz who are lurking. Just so you new guys know.

Really, which ones?

Bong Lover said:
I am thinking the elusive FF has got to be town? I am guessing he'd be pestered by scum to at least sign in by now. Is it feasable that this player would be so much of an ass that he'd sign up, be scum and still just sit back and be lynched?

Outrageous!! Still, if he is most likely town, would it be best to lynch? I know Rol said he's a liability in his own right, but how does everybody else feel?

How would scum pester FF to sign in and post?

Bong Lover said:
I am thinking the elusive FF has got to be town? I am guessing he'd be pestered by scum to at least sign in by now. Is it feasable that this player would be so much of an ass that he'd sign up, be scum and still just sit back and be lynched?

Outrageous!! Still, if he is most likely town, would it be best to lynch? I know Rol said he's a liability in his own right, but how does everybody else feel?

Personally, I'm not big on policy lynches unless I have something really against a player (like they're being really distracting to town). But a lurker for now is ok for me until the day gets too long and the player just shows total lack of interest in the game, then I'll bite.

Bong Lover said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

If that's the case then why haven't you place a vote on nen? All the reasoning you gave is already vote worthy IMO.

Because I am still feeling my way in this game. I am suspicious of this nen character, but I am also very concerned that I am too suspicious of one player and thus will overlook some other signs. I guess I'm nervous to commit to my reads until I understand the game better?

Why would you be nervous though and why would you be concerned about being suspicious on one player? 

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Linkzmax said:

Bong Lover said:
I am thinking the elusive FF has got to be town? I am guessing he'd be pestered by scum to at least sign in by now. Is it feasable that this player would be so much of an ass that he'd sign up, be scum and still just sit back and be lynched?

Outrageous!! Still, if he is most likely town, would it be best to lynch? I know Rol said he's a liability in his own right, but how does everybody else feel?

How would scum pester FF to sign in and post?

It might be my first game, but I'm not an idiot. Obviously scum is allowed to communicate outside the game thread, I am assuming people would use PM for that, and with PM its quite easy to pester people.

Anyhow, my question is genuine. Perhaps I am off in my reasoning, but it seems like scum wouldn't sit by and watch one of them lynched day one? That has to be a huge blow for them, right?

l just have a feeling that lynching FF would be a mislynch, but maybe thats not sooo bad, I would love to hear peoples thoughts on it though.

benao87 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Ok, so let me ask you a different one. 

You initially listed Rol, Radish and hatz  as town so they can be suspicious as well correct?

How do you feel about Nen?

How do you feel about stefl's Miller claim. Did you already googled it up? If so, can you  please tell me what  a miller is?

In general how do you feel about the game so far? and how knowledgeable are you about the mafia game right now?

1. Well, now I'm not as sure as it appeared to me yesterday, still I have no reason to be suspicious about those 3.

2 .About nen, I have no reason to not trust him, even though he jumped at supermario very early (it was a joke, but still). I base all this basically in his responses to stefl's miller claim, I think he legitimately worries about the good of town. Now, regarding the claim, I also think stefl's arguments are sound, I do trust his claim. What I found about miller, is that he is pro-town but appears to be guilty if investigated by the cop.

3. The game looks really interesting, and I feel I'll sink some good hours in this thread. I've read some wikis and basic guides before signing up, still,

4. one can't be prepared to read people's posts if you haven't played with them before.

1. Well you said everyone is suspicious on your own point of view so you are suspicious to these 3 aswell right?

2. So you think he is town?

3. Good hope you enjoy this game and join the future rounds.

4. You don't need to play with them in order for you to read them. If you see something scummy then point it out. 

Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Yeah, sure go ahead. 

And what's your take on the 4 new players here?

Was this one of your typical "thoughts on pezus/Wonk/Baal/etc.?" ploys or did you forget there's 5?(Zehvor, benao, Seth, Astro, Bong) Or am I thinking someone is a newb who has actually played already?

Oh! it was an honest mistake. I only counted Seth, benao, Zehvor and bong.   

NoCtiS_NoX said:

Bong Lover said:

NoCtiS_NoX said:

If that's the case then why haven't you place a vote on nen? All the reasoning you gave is already vote worthy IMO.

Because I am still feeling my way in this game. I am suspicious of this nen character, but I am also very concerned that I am too suspicious of one player and thus will overlook some other signs. I guess I'm nervous to commit to my reads until I understand the game better?

Why would you be nervous though and why would you be concerned about being suspicious on one player? 

I get a strong scum vibe from nen, but I also know that I am very new at the game and has likely missed several important things, and most likely made mistakes.

For example, I regret being so candid with my reasons to be suspicious of nen, and I have a nagging feeling that I'm being too upfront with you right now.

Basically I am worried that I commit too firmly to my reads and get tunnel vision.

Bong Lover said:

It might be my first game, but I'm not an idiot. Obviously scum is allowed to communicate outside the game thread, I am assuming people would use PM for that, and with PM its quite easy to pester people.

Anyhow, my question is genuine. Perhaps I am off in my reasoning, but it seems like scum wouldn't sit by and watch one of them lynched day one? That has to be a huge blow for them, right?

l just have a feeling that lynching FF would be a mislynch, but maybe thats not sooo bad, I would love to hear peoples thoughts on it though.

Didn't you read the rules?

theprof00 said:

Do not talk outside of the thread in VGC or IRL.
Do not send other players PMs.

Otherwise, you are bringing up a good point. On the other hand, it could be mostly scummates pushing for FF's lynch, because they think it will help them look good and/or they think he will only be a hindrance.(The latter being unlikely really)