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nen-suer said:
Great I totally forgot about FF...........

That's why I said this.

There are players we are not looking at and are counting on our roles to do all the work for us. I have trouble talking without being pegged scum so I was hoping town would see it themselves.

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radishhead said:
Didn't check for 18 hours and have 150+ new posts to check - does anyone mind giving me a quick summary before I check through?

Just a few things that I can comment on from what I've seen:

1) Zero scanned guilty supposedly- I think it's pretty much guaranteed that he will be lynched today, and I have no problem with that. Might vote in a few minutes
2) Spurge could be the last mafia, sure - but does anyone have any evidence to suggest this is the case? Assuming not, I'm still not totally against seeing where that route takes us tomorrow

Oh poor radish didn't get to hammer.

Spurge is pretty much confirmed as one of the scum. Lied about blocking mario. 

Excellent - I can't pretend that I've done much to help the town, but I'll play along with the plans for the night that others have laid out

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Spurge, please don't block me I am doing something important that I am not willing to reveal.

I accept to be scanned if you promise not to block me.

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I will reveal something if I can get a promise that I won't get blocked.

spurgeonryan said:
No I lied about blocking Mario. You guys did not listen to one fraking thing I said all game when telling the truth. I blocked happyd nigh one and stefl night two. I never did trust him and his miller claim then his disappearencenmore or less.

So there you have it.

I think my willingness to vote zero early on, nacho as well, push on rol, and not wanting to lynch Mario should show that I am town. Still besides my lie ( by the way, many others have lid this game, not something you crucify someone over) I have done little to actually make people think I am scum.

I say scan happyd. If he turns up scum I should be safe anyways. Copnshould not waste a move on me. I will accept a lynch tomorrow. I will block yoshia? Who shall I block?

There cant be many scum left. Should I block happyd again?

Final fan has been active and making sense, but it is a big change from usual.

We all know hapoyds reasons. Despite his feeble atttempts at denying it.

Stefl. Sure he claimed miller, but then posts 1-4 more times all game? When you get a brilliant role like that you should be fearless! Scum hunting!

Is bong a master player in disguise? Lets leave him out.

Radish disappeared after he was cleared as "town". He has been here, but not really.

Mario cleared.
Nen cleared.
Astro? Could scum let him be like this?
Benoa, been playing well, but just well enough? Would be tops on my scum newborn list.

Yoshia....I have no reads on him. Zero was scum and gave me the same type of read.

I will block who nen and marionagree on.

Dude, you're completely tunneling me this game, it's annyoing.

Wow, that lynching went fast. I just went through the majority of posts. I would have voted but the hammer to fast and I can't post while at school. I think Yoshi would on top of my current scum list. Then, spurge. If spurge is town, then I would go with Mario. 4th on that list would be happyd list. Yoshi is certainly one to watch out for.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Spurge, Happy, Benao, and Yoshiya.

Those are the 4 I am most worried about. (In that order)

Why would you block a claimed miller? It makes no sense.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

happydolphin said:
I will reveal something if I can get a promise that I won't get blocked.

I promise you won't get blocked, what do you have to reveal?