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zero129 said:
Bong Lover said:
So, when you guys said more information will be available once a day or two passes you were not kidding! I will have to go back again and synthesize what have happened, but a few thoughts I want to share.

Zero's theory about nen fake claiming, claim going uncontested and then solidifying the universal read that he is town by exposing a confirmed mafia scum is moronic. But what does it mean, would scum really allow something like that to be posted, or is this a sign that zero is on his own? It's mind boggling to try to plant uncertainty about nen at this point. Scum would benefit from uncertainty but there is no way they would go about it that way unless we have a band of morons on our hand as mafia. Either I am being expert trolled by zero, or I am inclined to think he is town. Only alternative is he is incredibly poor scum and going at it on his own. Players with more meta on him, feel free to chime in.

For someone who has never played mafia here before i have to say you know alot about it. I have defended you a few times when i said maybe you played it some place else etc etc, But now i really do think you are being told what to say in a mafia QT.

It's pretty sad when acctually taking the time to understand the game and play it to the best of your ability becomes a scum tell. Linkz thought the same thing as you... Again, either I am an exceptional intellect, or you guys have gotten used to really low standards of play.

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zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

Ok Zero I'll try to do the good thing and try to explain why your theory is idiotic.
With my role claim I could survive days without giving any results and still live along life before I decide to sacrifice

my role blocker (cant believe I'm explaining this) to solidify my role claim.
A watcher sees a lot of thing and he may reveal town power roles if not careful, thats why he is one of the weakest

(if not the weakest) invisgative role in mafia.

Town doesn't expect much from the watcher and i certainly dont need to kill one of my scum buddies day 2 to prove it >_>
Also by killing nacho that means he is the most useless guy in the group right?.....I'm I making sense to you coze if

not I dont think I should waste anymore of...out time.

So in other words its so stupid it just might work! .

Really why dont you go and relax dude, you had no other choice but to watch nacho imo with how many people where calling him out and saying he was scum before you even confirmed to watching him.Maybe nacho didnt really want to continue playing and since a lynch would of been coming for him anyways you guys could of easy outed one of your own players to confirm you guys as town.

So my theory to me isnt as bad as you think it is, but if you and others think it sucks well to each his own .

But i really do think your watcher but do we still know your really town watcher? that is the question.

Anyway this is the last time im replying to you on this as i said i wasnt saying it as fact and it was just a thoery on why your acting how you are plus i feel it has went on long enough and your wasting my time as i have other people to start going after .


I really really don't like this comment. Someone is providing reasons as to why your theory doesn't work and rather than accept them you are just going to tell them that you won't talk to them anymore about it because you have other things to do instead?

I am happy with a Seth modkill. As Rol points out, it's very unlikely for him to be replaced this late into the game because no one wants to catch up on that many posts. I hate doing it for 200+ so 1500+ is a bit of an ask.

Lastly, being available and playing are two entirely different things. If Zehvor wants to remain a part of this game he needs to start actually playing or he should be modkilled. If you are going to refuse to modkill him still however, I am more than happy if we lynch him.

theprof00 said:
So here's the situation as it stands, and hopefully this does not interfere at all, but what can I do?
I have been in almost constant contact with MTZehvor, who assures me that he is and has been following the game. I cannot rightly mod-kill a player who is available.
Secondly, Seth HAS been absent, so I was hoping to replace him. I've contact j0 and pezus as potentials, but I've been extremely busy lately so haven't been able to send out enough messages. I will contact ninpie to see if he ca join as well.

Do what you have to do, but I see no reason to delay the day. Replacing players on day 3 or 4 makes no difference imo.
MTZ pretty much admits he lurks intentionally and seth couldn't give a damn about the whole thing.
To me they're not playing and I will ignore anything related to them from this point.

Now just start the day already or pm and tell me if I'm dead or not :P

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Catching up will indeed be a pain, if the people you have contacted reply fast, and they are willing to play, good. If not, modkill seth.

Worried about MTZehvor tho, he isn't playing, I think Seth actually posted more than him.

Oh, and I will be very busy in the next hours, I will be able to check, but no deep posting from me.

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AstroGamer said:
Nen is just being nen but the way zero was so vehemently countering him clearly leans Zero as scum.
I'm finding a little tough to read HappyD

Huge HoS on this one. How did you conclude Nen is just being nen when this is your first game playing here?

Bong Lover said:
zero129 said:

For someone who has never played mafia here before i have to say you know alot about it. I have defended you a few times when i said maybe you played it some place else etc etc, But now i really do think you are being told what to say in a mafia QT.

It's pretty sad when acctually taking the time to understand the game and play it to the best of your ability becomes a scum tell. Linkz thought the same thing as you... Again, either I am an exceptional intellect, or you guys have gotten used to really low standards of play.

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

zero129 said:
Im all for mod killing seth, do it and lets get on with the next day!
@Yoshi its not that im telling him to shut up as if he wants to talk about something else that is ok, but the is no point to keep talking about a theory that i just made up to annoy Nen more then anything else for being such a ninny. Plus whatever has needed to be said on it has already been said.
Well we are going back and fort on such a thing real scum could be just sitting back relaxing!, so no point in beating a dead horse and its better to move on to other things.

Why not instead of trying to annoy our possible town watcher why not try to annoy the people  who you think are scum?

NoCtiS_NoX said:
AstroGamer said:
Nen is just being nen but the way zero was so vehemently countering him clearly leans Zero as scum.
I'm finding a little tough to read HappyD

Huge HoS on this one. How did you conclude Nen is just being nen when this is your first game playing here?

That stood out to me as well. Combined with post pattern and the general short and safe posts and assuming my theory of at least one new player beeing scum I would say Astro is the strongest scum read so far among the new players. That said, we have a new player who has posted twice and provided absolutely nothig to the game. If lurking is indeed a scum tell it's hard to lurk any harder than what MZth... (can't even remember the name) have bene doing.

theprof00 said:
I've decided to extend the night by at least 12hours, subject to another 12 following that.
I'm using this time to try to track down replacements.

Oh great! 

VOTE: Night ends now.