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nen-suer said:
spurgeonryan said:
Why not someone just scan me. You people are exhausting. I have been run through by more players than a blond at a bukkake party. Then we can get to actually finding scum instead of eating our time asking me dumb as fuck questions. While basically ignoring other glaring posting styles from others.

DT's corpse is still warm and your cracking dead cop jokes!

Anywho I want you guys to tell me what you think about HappyD, Zero and Yoshi (Noctis I'm asking you too)

Don't hold back.

Don't you find that fishy? Spurge wants to be scanned. 


HappyD- Like I said I am still neutral about him but earlier I am leaning scum because of his reasoning for his voting. Really feel that his bandwagon voter but I feel neutral with him for now.

Zero- Zero is awfully quiet right now very different from last game. I am leaning scum to him right now but Spurge, mario and ff is still up, way way up.

Yoshi- TBH I don't have a read on him yet.

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Like I told you guys before I am not done on the reasons why I think spurge is scum.

First one is the seth scenario.

2nd is this.

by spurge "Also feel there are two scum teams and a Thi)d party. Things are too strange."

The thing is, I don't think that anyone can conclude that there's a 2nd faction on first day when you are at Day 1 if you are town. This post came out of nowhere.

the 2nd time he mentioned it and asking linkz of the possiblity

by spurge "Linkz. Do you think there are two scum teams this game? Seems like something Prof would do."

and the 3rd time

by spurge "Because I was going to say " linkz, here is a chance for us to see how your critical thinking is this game and if we should trust you, if You say I should unvote radish, I will". But then,what if there are two scum teams? You could be wrong and we could be no where.

I will trust radish if yoshia is scum. Since he got everyone going on him."


These posts gives me the impression that he knows that there is a two mafia teams and all of the posts above are before the night kills.

Anyway, did you guys have a two mafia team game when I was on a break? The only 2 mafia team I knew is the one that I hosted.

NoCtiS_NoX said:

These posts gives me the impression that he knows that there is a two mafia teams and all of the posts above are before the night kills.

Anyway, did you guys have a two mafia team game when I was on a break? The only 2 mafia team I knew is the one that I hosted.

Spurg maybe scum to me, but only becouse he didnt tunnel, push strongly for a lynch or act crazy like he doese when town.

As for the 2 mafia thingy I dont think you can conclude he is scum just from that seeing the mafia usually don't know if there is

another faction.

Mafia killed  Hat, an unknow party killed Linkz.

If we have one death tonight then we can assume Linkz kill was a viglant kill and we have only one mafia team.

The poisoner can be a SK or a member of the scum team (with limited shots) for balance purposes like Rol suggested.

I'll focus on spurg later coze I'm focussing on HappyD and Zero atm.

Also back-up doc plz stay with me tonight and dont take any chances with my life.

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Adding this up

"Happyd. How many scum and 3rd party players do you think there are this game?"

"Also, if there are two scum teams. Maybe one has day talk and the other does not. Could be the reason for so many irregularities."


supermario128 said:
Yup, I was right about Nacho. If only you guys listened to me sooner. :P

Out of all the people the SK could have targeted, he kills the cop...

I hope I survive the night and Yoshiya stays away from me.

I think Yoshiya, Spurge, Noctis, and Seth/Zero are remaining scum.

Bodyguard should protect Nen or Rol.

I'm still mad at Radish for hammering like he always does, but at least he hammered scum. lol

Rol is town. Nen is town. Stefl is town. Radish is town. Final Fan is likely town. Happy is likely town.

forgot to address this on my first quote.

Someone is treating that an SK killed the cop as a fact. 

HoS Mario


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zero129 said:
nen-suer said:
DarkThanatos said:
I'm calling Zero as scum as well.

I think the same too.

Him and HappyD gave me the biggest red flags today.

other thoughts:

Wel then you would be wrong on me, but i guess we will just have to wait to show you how wrong you are. I have a feeling just like our cop would of wasted his 2 shots anyways (Going by the list of suspects he had) so if the is a replacement cop for DT or some other scanning role i hope he can do a better job.

I feel the same way about you, your Mafia lists look just really bad to me same as DT, cos i knew DT was wrong about me and i also know your wrong about me so it makes me think just how many more people on your list are you wrong about??

Anyway by the looks of things your going to be a waste of a power role too .

So not only you dont want to be scanned, but you dont want HappyD to get scanned to.....intersting.

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spurgeonryan said:
Noctis is the worst player of all time. If he is no lurking he is jumping at the wrong conclusions.

No, posting your PM to win an argument is what makes you the worst player of all tim

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zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

DT's corpse is still warm and your cracking dead cop jokes!

Anywho I want you guys to tell me what you think about HappyD, Zero and Yoshi (Noctis I'm asking you too)

Don't hold back.

What is this you cant come up with a case yourself so you want other people to try making one for you??.

Shame no one counter claimed your role, but no one counter claiming it imo still doesnt mean your telling the truth about it right?, could of been a risky move for mafia to make but i believe if we have a large enough scum team they would be willing to take the chance.

All they would have to do is sacrifice their weakest role to be the one to claim watcher, if it works and no one counter claims bang, they now have one of their members pretty much confirmed town, if it doesnt work they out the real watcher and only lose a crappy role anyways.

But thats all just theory in my head atm and not really something i would be pushing for but im still going to put it out there to show how mafia could still manipulate roles and take a gamble.

What ? What about the mafia player we just lynched is that "part of the plan" too.

You wanna point fingers AT ME! ME!! Are you NUTS!

Dude I didnt know you'd crack this easilly....thats like the stupidest thing I ever heared.

You just shot up over HappyD as no1 lynch candidate.

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zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

Also back-up doc plz stay with me tonight and dont take any chances with my life.

Good cant wait to see what you have to say

Let me live and I'll show you

zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

So not only you dont want to be scanned, but you dont want HappyD to get scanned to.....intersting.

The best thing you can say back is a strawman tactic at me??.

I never said i didnt want to be scanned, or also never said i didnt want HappyD not to be scanned so where did you get that from? scan away!.

You said:

I have a feeling just like our cop would of wasted his 2 shots anyways (Going by the list of suspects he had) so if the is a replacement

cop for DT or some other scanning role i hope he can do a better job.

I feel the same way about you, your Mafia lists look just really bad to me same as DT, cos i knew DT was wrong about me and i also know your wrong about me so it makes me think just how many more people on your list are you wrong about??

Anyway by the looks of things your going to be a waste of a power role too.


So becouse we are "wrong about you" then we MUST BE wrong about the "other guys" on the list (strange think for a townie to say)

But if you wanna use that kind of logic then I was right about Nacho so that mean I MUST be right about you and HappyD right?

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zero129 said:
nen-suer said:

What ? What about the mafia player we just lynched is that "part of the plan" too.

You wanna point fingers AT ME! ME!! Are you NUTS!

Dude I didnt know you'd crack this easilly....thats like the stupidest thing I ever heared.

You just shot up over HappyD as no1 lynch candidate.

you claimed your role before the mafia lynch, you claimed it cos pressure was being put on you, what does that have to do with the nacho lynch??.

I..................Why do you think we lynched Nacho btw.

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