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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tomb Raider.......WOW!

PullusPardus said:
Cub said:
PullusPardus said:

I want to play it but my computer just blew up a fuse  

edit : I think my PSU is doomed, i am using my older PSU.

Edit: its working! pics!


I know that you, like me, hate uncharted! so i am anticipating your feedback on this one

How's the exploration so far? I watched multiple reviews, but all failed to mention how much freedom you are given to explore.

I only played till that part past the toturial , its filled with QTE so far though, but the puzzles are good.

will play more tomorrow.

There's a bit too many QTE's atleast at the start I heard that was an issue but it gets less later we'll see, I'm right at the point where they said it should die down 2 hours in. But the game it reminds me most of is RE4 than uncharted though (and death scenes haha), Because of the looting everything, the upgrading weapons, puzzles and QTE's.

It's not really like underworld which was my favorite platforming, but I sort of gave up that hope during the first trailer. It's fun and interesting.

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zarx said:
Stop making me want this game, my 560 Ti probably couldn't handle TressFX anyway. And the dentist already took all my money.

it can't mine runs at 5 FPS lol, Do you have any games to trade?

I bought 2 copies haha, I imported a survival edition from europe so I can have box. But I don't get it today, so I bought it again.

Marucha said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Even though my gaming rig could handle Tomb Raider without breaking a sweat I ordered the Xbox 360 version. I've been a long term Tomb Raider fan and I bought the original on Sega Saturn.

Wow. I just blinked. I did not realize it came out on Sega Saturn but then I remembered. So long ago.... I feel old now. haha

Also, didn't know this game was out yet. Good to know it looks so fantastic! I've always been a big TR fan (especially the older ones)

lol, I know. It's been a long time. It's still a great game. Have you played Tomb Raider Anniversary? It's a remake of the first game with the gameplay of Legends.

While I'd have to settle for the PS3 version, I definitely want to try it after seeing this last week. These are always great, but I couldn't stop laughing at this one:

I generally respect everything the OP writes because of his clear, measured reasoning, so I take note of this.


"I did NOT expect, even the PC version, to trump Uncharted 3"

doesn't make sense to me at all. I played Uncharted3 on a glorious 50" LED this weekend from 5 feet away. I have to say that the visuals leave a lot to be desired. Everything flickers and there are jaggies and low res textures. The phat PS3 I was playing on sounded like a boeing taking off, so maybe somethings up there(?). All I know is it looked like there is a hell of a lot of room for improvement. Note, no updates had been made on that console, so the aiming was also bordering on horrendous.

Just need to say that. Aged well it hasn't.

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Just amazing, this game has turned to be surprisingly good. How does it compare to Crysis 3?, that is incredible as well. My PC can run these easily, but to run them on ultra i would have to upgrade my graphics card, i got 15 to 20fps on Sleeping Dogs on high settings lol. I only have a Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti, damn technology moves fast!

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030

Shame I have to get it on PS3 so my brother can play it as well....

I will just have to get it cheap on Steam in the future

Dr.Grass said:

I generally respect everything the OP writes because of his clear, measured reasoning, so I take note of this.


"I did NOT expect, even the PC version, to trump Uncharted 3"

doesn't make sense to me at all. I played Uncharted3 on a glorious 50" LED this weekend from 5 feet away. I have to say that the visuals leave a lot to be desired. Everything flickers and there are jaggies and low res textures. The phat PS3 I was playing on sounded like a boeing taking off, so maybe somethings up there(?). All I know is it looked like there is a hell of a lot of room for improvement. Note, no updates had been made on that console, so the aiming was also bordering on horrendous.

Just need to say that. Aged well it hasn't.

Oh, I completely agree about the aiming in Uncharted 3. It seemed very inaccurate to me as well - and I had no issue with it whatsoever in the first two games.

Also, the flickering you mention is also something I hate in many games because the devs push so much detail for the hardware. Play God of War Collection on PS3 and it runs smooth as silk. Then play God of War 3 and you notice a ton of shimmering in the graphics because of the level of detail. Sure, the graphics are better, but there's something to be said for flawless, albeit simpler visual fidelity.

Nice gfx, pity the game has nothing to do with original Tomb Raider IP, except for name - instead of exploration-puzzle-platformer, we got survivial-action-bloodbath fest. For all interested in in-depth discussion of it, head to GT for latest Invisible Walls - and don't let GT's review score of 8.5 fool you, Justin had barely anything positive to say about it, so I really doubt he gave it that (same thing in case of Eurogamer's review), so I'm smelling something rotten behind the scenes:

CGI-Quality said:
One serious blunder, however - the game needs a patch. I get random crashes after a certain point, and looking on the Steam forums, this seems to be a widespread issue with nVidida card users. Just a heads up, the game will need a patch, but outside of that, what I've gotten to play has been fantastic!

It's a conspiracy against Nvidia owners!