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Forums - Sales Discussion - Dead Space 1-3 Sales Compared

I'm not sure those sales are correct, because DS2, from the other sites was always tracking a lot ahead of the first one. Though it is pretty much confirmed DS3 is behind DS2.

DS2 I love to death and is my favorite in the Action/Horror whatever Genre with Re4... 1 and 3 are both pretty good with some mechanics that bother me.

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ishiki said:

I'm not sure those sales are correct, because DS2, from the other sites was always tracking a lot ahead of the first one. Though it is pretty much confirmed DS3 is behind DS2.

DS2 I love to death and is my favorite in the Action/Horror whatever Genre with Re4... 1 and 3 are both pretty good with some mechanics that bother me.

Wouldn't be the first time VG is off on sales numbers

osed125 said:

Ouch! that's really bad. Especially because the game apparently needs to sell like 4-5m units to break even.

If that's true then EA needs to revise it's business model.  Dead Space is not a 5 million-selling franchise. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

At some point these publishers need to evaluate the cost-benefit analysis with some of these games and not gamble something like Dead Space 3 and hope it get 4-5 million in sales. That's unrealistic, given how little buzz the game had prior to launch. The gaming press and the public had little interest in Dead Space 3 and it was very apparent prior to launch that the game wasn't going to have much of an impact.

EA isn't giving gamers what they want, clearly, given these sales. I mean I think that's pretty much a given at this point. I don't know if it's that Dead Space simply isn't a popular franchise anymore, or that EA has ruined the brand, or something else entirely, but clearly there is a disconnect between EA's expectations of the game and the press'/public interest in it.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Scisca said:
osed125 said:

Ouch! that's really bad. Especially because the game apparently needs to sell like 4-5m units to break even.

Not to break even. To earn enough money, so that EA greenlights a next gen game in the series.

Then they are extremely greedy. Most AAA games need to sell aprox. 2m units (at $60) to break even. So if DS3 is in that range then this guys are expecting waaay too much from this franchise. Extremely bad business model.

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I was going to get DS 1 and 2 last year since they're under 20 each but when I heard the third game was taking on a new core I decided to wait. I'll get the trilogy edition like Mass Effect. The demo for 3 was 'ok'. But I won't judge it till I play the entirety of the final product. What I played of 1 and 2 definitely impressed me though.


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