Vote in Ed Boons unofficial Injustice character DLC poll:
You can play Watch Dogs offline, if U dare, LOL but seriously you can if you wish:
Insomniac founder says Wii U is 7th Gen and that they won't make any games for it, which makes it like EA but EA is going to have to make Disney's Star Wars games for 3DS & Wii U so :p:
Road Redemption is fully funded on Kickstarter:
Q-Games not working on 3DS games in the near future but will get around to it, and says that the Wii U is in the same position with proving itself to consumers as the Wii was and that it just needs to have more games like ZombiU & Batman Arkham City Definitive Version & Nintendo Land & etc.:
Cyber Gadget coming out with Circle Pad covers:
Watch Dogs multiplayer will have player invasion elements, Smartphone App detailed:
Capcom opens Blood colored Resident Evil: Revelations swimming pool in London, prizes at the bottom LOL:
Silicon Knights appears to have closed, and sold off assets:
Hot Blooded Tough Guy Kunio SP: Fighting Concerto screenshots: