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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%
BasilZero said:
tbone51 said:
BasilZero said:

Too many but I can say the top 5 are

1. Pokemon X/Y
2. Bravely Default
3. Yoshi's Island
4. LoZ Link To The Past 2
5. Mario & Luigi Dream Team

Not interested in DKCR3D cause I already have/played DKCR on Wii - the other titles not so interested in them.

the game is going to do well especially in japan hence portable. i still think 3-4mil lifetime is not out of the question (DKCR)

That doesnt do anything to peak my interest but ok D;

lol i didnt mean it that way. im saying your not getting it as well as me. but i still think it'll do good. some people dont think it'll sell a mil or 2! i think japan market will eat this up

Around the Network

How is Yoshi's Island 'last' in this poll? Is it everyone's second title you looking forward most to?

S.Peelman said:
How is Yoshi's Island 'last' in this poll? Is it everyone's second title you looking forward most to?

wats yours in order?

tbone51 said:
S.Peelman said:
How is Yoshi's Island 'last' in this poll? Is it everyone's second title you looking forward most to?

wats yours in order?

  1. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2 
  2. Yoshi's Island 3DS
  3. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
  4. Bravely Default
  5. Mario & Luigi Dream Team
  6. Mario Party 3DS
The rest after that.
I'm anticipating Zelda the most because, well, it's Zelda. Yoshi's Island second because the SNES game is one of the best games ever made and Donkey Kong after that because I don't have the Wii game. Bravely Default's trailer intrigued me so it comes after that, same for Mario & Luigi but to a slightly lesser degree. Mario Party because like Kart you know it'll be a fun game, but I can live without it. Have no real interest in the others, including Pokémon. I'm 'over' Pokémon. Since the first gen .

DanneSandin said:
Kaizar said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

I hope Nintendo doesn't something cool for e3 this year since they won't have an ordinary conference....

Nintendo won't make a 64 GB redesign. The lowest they would make is 128 GB and I don't think they will even go that low.

Since the rest of the technology will stay the same, I can see a 256 or 512 GB model, since they only need more memory at as high of price as $349.99¢.

Why couldnt they make a 64gb hdd?

Because Nintendo doesn't like making a different model of the same gen Home Console with actual difference internally. But they will need to make a greater memory size model to handle what can be downloaded from the HD eShop, so a 64 GB model would be a waste to Nintendo, plus there's the difference between the 8 GB & 32 GB models, so obviously they would make at least a 4 times greater internal memory version. Nintendo is not the kind of company to only double the internal memory. Even for 4 times greater internal memory with the deluxe, you also get a game and many other stuff, that you don't get with the 8 GB model.

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
tbone51 said:
BasilZero said:
tbone51 said:
BasilZero said:

Too many but I can say the top 5 are

1. Pokemon X/Y
2. Bravely Default
3. Yoshi's Island
4. LoZ Link To The Past 2
5. Mario & Luigi Dream Team

Not interested in DKCR3D cause I already have/played DKCR on Wii - the other titles not so interested in them.

the game is going to do well especially in japan hence portable. i still think 3-4mil lifetime is not out of the question (DKCR)

That doesnt do anything to peak my interest but ok D;

lol i didnt mean it that way. im saying your not getting it as well as me. but i still think it'll do good. some people dont think it'll sell a mil or 2! i think japan market will eat this up

Oh of course, its Donkey Kong after all ;p

But the 3DS version has 8 extra levels and new modes, including an easy mode for first time DK players, like I will be.

Plus "high voltage developers" said that the 3DS has way more better textures & shader abilities then the Wii. And we know that the 3DS has a 4-core 1 GHz CPU (ARM11) that can't be underclock any lower then 350 MHz a core which is better then 729 MHz 1-core CPU in the Wii, plus the 3DS has a 400 MHz GPU that does 40 million triangles at 100 MHz & 160 Million polygons at 400 MHz while the Wii only has a 243 MHz GPU with a minimum of 30 Million triangles. Plus the 3DS CPU & RAM & so fort has better architecture then the Wii.

Nintendo selling refurbish 3DS systems on their own online web store, WTF! (LOL):

Scans of Digimon 3DS & Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl & Inazuma Eleven & Pokémon X and Y & Project Mirai 2:

Wii U Virtual Console & Panarama View launched in Euroasia.......well, what are you waiting for:

Iwata on 3rd Parties & people thinking the Wii U is less powerful then 360 & PS3 and more stuff:

Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl story trailer:

I love Nintendo!!!!!!

New Donkey Kong Jr. Record
Changes in Fire Emblem Awakening in EU

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

tbone51 said:
I love Nintendo!!!!!!

I love U!!!!!!





As in Wii U of course. :P