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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

I hope Nintendo doesn't something cool for e3 this year since they won't have an ordinary conference....

Nintendo won't make a 64 GB redesign. The lowest they would make is 128 GB and I don't think they will even go that low.

Since the rest of the technology will stay the same, I can see a 256 or 512 GB model, since they only need more memory at as high of price as $349.99¢.

Around the Network

Super Mario World Wii U Virtual Console footage:

Speed X 3D Hyper Edition is coming to the 3DS, well ey screwed us again (LOL):

Rayman Legends Challenges App daily challenge:

Shantee will also be release in Australia & New Zealand:

Wii U Panrama View deim footage:

Wii U Vitual Console & Panarama View Launch in North America:

Lego Legends of Chima Lavals Journey debut trailer:

Find all outfit missions in Lego City Undercover part 0 via glitch:

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag the Watch trailer:

Major Wii U uodate adds New Services and Features plus faster performence:

Koufax is coming to the Western 3D eShop. I always wanted this game as well as Hyu-Stone (Kersploosh!) in the west, and now both wishes have come true:

Now if they can localize Beyond the Labyrinth & Dragon Quest Terry's Wonderland & Dragonball 3DS, then I would be quite happy.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2D getting a Demo, but the 3D version already has around 150 million triangles out of 160 million max performence:

Nihon Wii U Virtual Console Launch Lineup:

Wii U Virtual Console Launches tomorrow in Euroasia, and same goes for Panarama View in your Home living room:

Rumor: Call of Duty reveal coming next week:

Xevious Wii U Virtual Console footage:

Ghosts N Goblins Wii U Virtual Console footage:

Nintendo says Mario Kart will come this year:


Wii U Virtual Console is live in North America


Rumor: Scribblenauts and DC comics crossover coming to Wii U


Nintendo digital downloads double


TreeTurtle said:

Nintendo says Mario Kart will come this year:


Wii U Virtual Console is live in North America


Rumor: Scribblenauts and DC comics crossover coming to Wii U


Nintendo digital downloads double

Haha, I beat you to the punch on reporting Scribblenauts DC Rumor & Wii U Virtual console being live in North America, but I guess you overlooked it, LOL.

Around the Network

6 things to look forward to in Animal Crossing: New Leaf:

Eevee might be the next 3DS XL model?:

New Ace Attorney 5 trailer, "so you better recognize":

2K games won't be at E3, but Take Two will have meeting room, *crys & sobs* WHAT DOES IT MEAN, WHAT DOES IT MEAN (LOL):

A couple of more SMT 4 clips:

Nintendo refreshes online web store, WHAT! THE!:

Downtown Nekketu Konshinkyoku Wii U Virtual Console footage:

A look at Wii U Panarama View, finally True Panarama View done on Home Consoles and now has live action videos to add to its greatness:

Splinter Cell: Blacklist spies VS. mercenaries reveal teased for next week:

Kaizar said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

I hope Nintendo doesn't something cool for e3 this year since they won't have an ordinary conference....

Nintendo won't make a 64 GB redesign. The lowest they would make is 128 GB and I don't think they will even go that low.

Since the rest of the technology will stay the same, I can see a 256 or 512 GB model, since they only need more memory at as high of price as $349.99¢.

Why couldnt they make a 64gb hdd?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

It's a close call between Pokemon X/Y and Zelda. Usually Zelda would just edge out but it looks like X/Y will have some drastic changes and that is exciting!

eevee xl 3ds? omg, that will sell alot. pikachu/charizard, now eevee. all they need is Mewtwo and they got the4most popular pokemon 3ds models *.*

BasilZero said:

Too many but I can say the top 5 are

1. Pokemon X/Y
2. Bravely Default
3. Yoshi's Island
4. LoZ Link To The Past 2
5. Mario & Luigi Dream Team

Not interested in DKCR3D cause I already have/played DKCR on Wii - the other titles not so interested in them.

the game is going to do well especially in japan hence portable. i still think 3-4mil lifetime is not out of the question (DKCR)