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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%

For the 3DS direct tomorrow , what do you expect to be shown off?
I expect new Animal crossing info, more Lego City 3DS info, Guild02 reveal for West, maybe Wii U update announcement, more details on the M&L Dream Team and Mario Golf: world tour and the eShop titles and maybe a new sales anouncement

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Around the Network
Kaizar said:

Batman Arkham Origins 2, the 3DS game mentioned back in 2010, runs on Bluepoint engine:

off-screen footage of Carps & Dragons:

off-screen footage of Cut the Rope:

Trine 2 directors cut is 50% off until April 30th in Native America HD eShop:

C-Wars is coming to the 3D eShop and it might come to the HD eShop:

Groove Heaven is getting Localize in the Western 3D eShops:

3DS Nintendo Direct broadcast is coming April 17 2K13:

Ubisoft details Rayman Legends challenges App (Wii U):

Guild 01discounts also confirm for Native America 3D eShop:

Sega Confirms Castle of illusion remake:

Namco Bandai trademarks Tekken Arena in Euroasia:

Pokémon Rumble U screenshots & second series of figures details:

Youkai Watch, play video:

C-Wars is also coming to the HD eShop:

A look at Spin the Bottle (Wii U):

Chasm is coming to a Nintendo platform:

Coaster Crazy Deluxe (Wii U) announcement Trailer:

Injustice: Gods Amoung Us, has been pushed back in Euroasia by a week:

Hopefully a patch that fixes up LM2's glitchy and fragile online play.

AstroGamer said:
For the 3DS direct tomorrow , what do you expect to be shown off?
I expect new Animal crossing info, more Lego City 3DS info, Guild02 reveal for West, maybe Wii U update announcement, more details on the M&L Dream Team and Mario Golf: world tour and the eShop titles and maybe a new sales anouncement

Ninja Gaiden 3DS exclusive & Persona 3DS exclusive, which were both announced the same year as Dragonball 3DS & Batman 3DS, which was back in 2010.

Nintendo localizing some of the lot of 3rd Party Japanese 3DS games they said they are going to localize in the West, like maybe Beyond the Labyrinth & Youkai Watch.

Defintiely Denpa Men 2 announcement this Direct or some other ND during this year.

Maybe Zone of the Enders 3DS (remember the Tweet: "Z.O.E. 3DZ")

Maybe Final Fantasy 5 on 3DS and/or some other Final Fantasy Nintendo Handheld game like Tactics A3 and/or Crystal Chronicles.

Chocobo Racing 3D finally bfigured out for perfection for the new installment, so as to be release in the next 12 months.

Contra 3D or Conduit 3D finally coming out, as we know one of these has already been confirm for release by its own 3rd Party.

Fantasy Life in the West.

Square-Enix localizing Bravely Default: FF, and thus beating Nintendo to the lunch to localize it.

Maybe a Toad game.

I would wish for a new Mario Kart Double Dash game as ridiculous of a possibility that is.

Localizing New 1st Party Augmented Reality games.

New Sonic the Hedgehog Nintendo platform game.

Release date for Bayoneta 2 & Pikmin 3 & Wii Fit U & so fort.

Maybe a sequel to Sakura Samurai or Ketzal's Corridors or Crashmo Kid Icarus: Uprising or Spirit Camera or some other 1st Party Sequel (I'm doubting Kid Icarus 4th installment so soon).

Maybe Assassin's Creed 3DS exclusive, not Lost Legacy, but the one they announce during the same announcement as them canceling the first one.

Einsam_Delphin said:
Hopefully a patch that fixes up LM2's glitchy and fragile online play.

There's also a problem in single player, where it freezes up when I use the strobe light in A-4 with the flashlight points right at Mii thru the screen.

Definite Patch needed.

I had to force shut down my 3DS.

Around the Network

Alex Ward is NOT working on Burnout/Need for Speed/Road Rash/Black sequel:

Nintendo Direct on 3ds = you tube app....i dunno why but i really want it, even though i have youtube on my phone... and i want 3d videos on it :P even just for 3d trailers for movies would be ok


The youtube apps for consoles is fairly sucky though since the 3DS can't display much HTML5 I guess it would be better than nothing.
I don't think there will much news aside from already really announced titles since it isn't being shown in Japan. There should definitely be some localization though. Also, I have some doubts towards a 3DS Ninja Gaiden or rather Ninja Gaiden in general. The series has been on a downward spiral since NG2. I also don't expect a new Assassin Creed or Sonic. Those are reserved for E3 or their own PR. So I believe in addition to what I said Denpa Men 2, Fantasy Life, Project X Zone footage, Bravely Default, the AR stuff and maybe Conduit 3D based on sucess of Conduit HD and Game & Wario release date.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

aikohualda said:
Nintendo Direct on 3ds = you tube app....i dunno why but i really want it, even though i have youtube on my phone... and i want 3d videos on it :P even just for 3d trailers for movies would be ok

There is YouTube 3D, which was made for Googles 3D Smartphones, but 3D Smartphones are now discontinued, so it's now time to bring the App to the 3DS. And being able to upload the videos in our 3DS to YouTube directly from our 3DS via Wi-Fi.

And Hulu Plus App Worldwide release with 3D streaming Library to not end up like when Netflix released their App on the 3DS.

Full 3D Movies from Disney (who owns Marvel) & Dreamworks & Warner Bros. (who owns DC Comics), in both Physical & Digital formats, so everyone can have their pick of which ever they prefer to own the movie as.

Breaking news, sort of. As usual in America on April 15 to April 20th, well probably some white guy has committed terrorism......again.

Unfortunately this is typical in America on April 15 to 20 in any given year. This time it was the Bostan Marathon.

Hitler's birthday is on April 20th, which might have something to do with this stuff always happening around this time of year in Native America.


May the 2 dead, RIP.


President to address the Nation in 5 minutes or less.

The speech is over, and we now got increase of security nation wide, so let's see the guy who replace the guy who replace Osama try to do anything now. LOL because the leader of Al Qaeda keeps dropping like flies the way we keep taking the new guy out. It might as well be a suicide job to become a leader of Al Qaeda LOL.