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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%
animegaming said:
sweet the day before my birthday

actually its on the 6th but 7th for japan!!!

Around the Network

Any guesses for what the new pokemon will be. If I had to guess, I'd say it will be a new preevolution, a new lucario/zoroark-esque psychic pokemon and as a wildcard, an evolution for dunsparce

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

I demand a Dolphin-like Pokemon or I will not care about the game!

AstroGamer said:
Any guesses for what the new pokemon will be. If I had to guess, I'd say it will be a new preevolution, a new lucario/zoroark-esque psychic pokemon and as a wildcard, an evolution for dunsparce

i currently like 28 pokemon(not including pokemon i use for competitive battle) and dunsparce being one of them! Both him and my farfetch need evo's! Farfecth⇒Fighting/Flying and my Dunsparce⇒ Normal/Ground

Einsam_Delphin said:
I demand a Dolphin-like Pokemon or I will not care about the game!

water type are the best(my favorite with poison). They need a dolphin pokemon badly! Also shrimp pokemon imo (bug/water)

Around the Network
Roma said:
saw three Nintendo adds in theater today when I went to see Die Hard 5, one for MHU on WiiU and 3DS of course as well as Lego City and Luigi's Mansion 2 which was nice

I only saw LM2, but it was the Croods in XTREME 3D, which is a kid rated movie.

I wish they would show the 3D Trailers from the eShop in theaters as well. And also make e 3DS commercials in 3D to show in 3D in theaters & 3D TV channels.

Is anyone going to see G.I. Joe 2 3D & Jurassic Park 1 3D & Iron Man 3 3D & Star Trek 2 3D (which finally has a 3D Trailer) ?

The cool thing about this year, is that only Star Trek 2 was recorded in 2D. Both Superman & G.I. joe got delay 1 or so years each to be re-filmed in 3D.

I knew there was something up with G.I. Joe 2 & Man of Steel, because it was taking to long after 2D trailers to release the film. I'm glad they reshot the entire 2D recorded parts in 3D. We must have had a 2 to 4 year delay for G.I. joe 2 after the first 2D trailer for crying out loud.

If you like the Batman Trilogy then go see the directors Man of Steel 3D (he's the producer this time).

I thought we could all use a laugh, so here's new Pach Attack:

Einsam_Delphin said:
I demand a Dolphin-like Pokemon or I will not care about the game!

A dolphin pokemon would be so sick.

^Ikr!? And yeah water is also my favorite type so it would just be amazing and make the game an insta buy for me.

Einsam_Delphin said:
^Ikr!? And yeah water is also my favorite type so it would just be amazing and make the game an insta buy for me.

they kinda have a dolphin already O.o 2 to be exact!