Weedlab said:
Yea seems like everyone has a backlog now lol Yea PS4 is pretty much the same. KZ, inFAMOUS, Knack, DriveClub, Watch Dogs, ACIV and anything else that looks interesting. TLoU and Beyond are day one buys so I'm trying to play all I need to play now before I get them.
Dude I don't get these people. DmC is a decent game. Their bitching is only going to ruin everything for everyone, and Capcom might retire the series for who knows how long now. It is REALLY bombing. :/ TR I'll get when I'm home from school in 2 weeks.
Wii U I'll wait a bit for. Either a price cut or Smash/Zelda will get me to buy. So far I see no reason to get one yet, but I intend to get Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2 and Zelda WW. If I get another 3 reasons before Smash/Zelda HD I'll pick one up. 3DS I intend to get for Pokemon X/Y. |
And they are calling the new Dante emo. I don't see what's emo about him. He spikes his hair up(not emo). I do that too. Tighter jeans don't make a person emo. He doesn't have black eyeliner on. Don't know if youv'e played till the end so *****SPOILERS***** but classic DMC fans should see that he is getting his white long hair like classic Dante. ****End SPOILERS****
Ya I should have waited for the Wii U, but there was just something about it that made me really want it. I don't know what it was. Although ZombiU and Darksiders 2 is pretty good on it. I'm debating on whether to get NFS: Most Wanted for Wii U or not.
I was on spring break all week last week. So I played GoW and TR all week, but I have class tomorrow at noon and I have to drive an hour to campus.