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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Happy 549 70.38%
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Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

Well, this thread really trucks along, doesn't it?

Never took you for a Pokemon man Pezus.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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a leaked GTA Vid

pezus said:
Conegamer said:
Well, this thread really trucks along, doesn't it?

Never took you for a Pokemon man Pezus.

Then you clearly don't know me

I'd rather call me an ex-Pokemon man. One who stopped being interested as soon as the monster design got ridiculous.

Aww, so no X and Y for you then?

That is a sweet vid there as well for GTA.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

pezus said:
Conegamer said:
Well, this thread really trucks along, doesn't it?

Never took you for a Pokemon man Pezus.

Then you clearly don't know me

I'd rather call me an ex-Pokemon man. One who stopped being interested as soon as the monster design got ridiculous.

so you never or always liked Pokemon??

I want to make a poll, not sure if something like this was made already but here goes:

What is the Sony exclusive on next gen consoles (That has been announced) that you are looking forward to most?

1) Killzone Shadow Fall
2) Knack
3) Drive Club
4) The Order: 1886
5) inFAMOUS Second Son

Only including the big titles not any of the small indie ones. If I forgot any big ones you can add them.

Around the Network

Damn you Pezus! That trophy should be mine!

I had a couple ideas for threads, maybe I should do them this week and take it.

Abilities? Hmm...maybe be able to add something into the OP? Like, have you in a "hall of fame" sorta section at the top of the thread as well maybe.

And now I can create a poll, I need to think of something to ask. Damn these choices!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

How that trophy stuff works?

pezus said:
Conegamer said:
Damn you Pezus! That trophy should be mine!

I had a couple ideas for threads, maybe I should do them this week and take it.

Abilities? Hmm...maybe be able to add something into the OP? Like, have you in a "hall of fame" sorta section at the top of the thread as well maybe.

And now I can create a poll, I need to think of something to ask. Damn these choices!

The ability to add something into the OP already exists! It's for level 7. Nnodley, Weedlab and riderz13371 have that power now. Yet to use it though

I hope you are thinking of threads that will reach into the hundreds of replies .

Hey, I am throwing ideas out here man. Don't shoot me down! 

And yes, one should easily make it. And the great thing is, Ive already done most of the work! 


Ideas...hmm...well how about a token system like TBone does? Some sort of medal of reward like is in my sig so people outside of this thread can also see. I think that's the only way through now, show your work outside of this thread. Would you not agree?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

pezus said:
Conegamer said:

Hey, I am throwing ideas out here man. Don't shoot me down! 

And yes, one should easily make it. And the great thing is, Ive already done most of the work! 


Ideas...hmm...well how about a token system like TBone does? Some sort of medal of reward like is in my sig so people outside of this thread can also see. I think that's the only way through now, show your work outside of this thread. Would you not agree?

I like that. But I wonder what would stop the lower lvl people from adding something similar to their sigs?

Come now, do you have no trust in the fellow members of this cult thread? If not, we have Ben Affleck anyway to save us. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

pezus said:
RafaelOrix said:
How that trophy stuff works?

In essence it is like this: You get trophies for sharing news in this thread (bronze), creating a thread on VGC (silver. Gold if it reaches 100+ posts), joining us on the chat program Axon (Gold), sharing your PSN ID here (silver). Lastly, you get a platinum if you get more gold trophies than anyone else in a week. The trophies add to your level progress and as you level up you unlock some abilities that allow you to edit this thread directly in various ways, create polls and the like.

More detailed info here:

Oh ok, thanks

My PSN ID is RafaelOrix. How do I join you all on that chat?