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They're not going to announce an April release date, and May already has MLB 14 and Watch Dogs, I'm guessing Driveclub will be out in June. Good way to keep momentum going in the summer.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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bananaking21 said:
source regarding my earlier post.

anyways this is great news. also notice how they said "DriveClub Team"? could this mean they have more than one team?

I thought it was announced that they have more than one team, after a lot of Liverpool's staff gone to Evolution after the closing?


Also anyone knows what's up with the PS store? There's no word on PS Blog and they are several hours late, maybe we'll get the update tomorrow.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

eFKac said:
Ohh and btw. anyone remembers what Sony executives were saying during the reveal or E3 about amount of games in development? Were they talking about development overall or for 2014? Quotes would be best!

1 hour, 5 minutes, and 50 seconds if it doesn't start you off there.

He says, very clearly I might add for those of you who still think he wasn't talking about just PS4 games, that Sony had 30 games in development for the PS4, 20 of which will be out in the first year (end of 2014), and of those 20 games there would be 12 of them that are new IPs. At some point it was mentioned that 140 games were being developed for the PS4 overall. That number was increased to 180 about two months later at Gamescom.

Fusioncode said:
They're not going to announce an April release date, and May already has MLB 14 and Watch Dogs, I'm guessing Driveclub will be out in June. Good way to keep momentum going in the summer.

June sounds good to me too.

Raven722 said:
eFKac said:
Ohh and btw. anyone remembers what Sony executives were saying during the reveal or E3 about amount of games in development? Were they talking about development overall or for 2014? Quotes would be best!

1 hour, 5 minutes, and 50 seconds if it doesn't start you off there.

He says, very clearly I might add for those of you who still think he wasn't talking about just PS4 games, that Sony had 30 games in development for the PS4, 20 of which will be out in the first year (end of 2014), and of those 20 games there would be 12 of them that are new IPs. At some point it was mentioned that 140 games were being developed for the PS4 overall. That number was increased to 180 about two months later at Gamescom.

Thank you very much! There's no chance they will meet their first party expectations, at least it seems that the overall games number is in line with what was stated.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Around the Network
JoeTheBro said:
Fusioncode said:
They're not going to announce an April release date, and May already has MLB 14 and Watch Dogs, I'm guessing Driveclub will be out in June. Good way to keep momentum going in the summer.

June sounds good to me too.

June sounds 7 months late to me -_-

JoeTheBro said:
Fusioncode said:
They're not going to announce an April release date, and May already has MLB 14 and Watch Dogs, I'm guessing Driveclub will be out in June. Good way to keep momentum going in the summer.

June sounds good to me too.

im starting to agree with you about uncahrted, any way i can get out of that bet? 

the-pi-guy said:
bananaking21 said:

im starting to agree with you about uncahrted, any way i can get out of that bet? 

Put "I am a (something) and backed out of a bet with Joe because Joe is too cool for me" as a sig.  

are you Joe's pimp or something? 

bananaking21 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Fusioncode said:
They're not going to announce an April release date, and May already has MLB 14 and Watch Dogs, I'm guessing Driveclub will be out in June. Good way to keep momentum going in the summer.

June sounds good to me too.

im starting to agree with you about uncahrted, any way i can get out of that bet?

So it's not on?

PSN and especially the store are slow for me, while playing a game in MP is fine loading the store is an issue... it did not load any game for me:

Took me also some time to find FEZ...  hope it is true that we get strike suit zero this month..

Guys get the demo from FEZ, it is really fun and now only 7-8 €/$