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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Awful 7 0.90%
pezus said:
DD_Bwest said:
pezus said:
Is that a nun?

lol its black hair..   Delsin is native american, so im guessing early designs had him looking more stereotyped. 

Wow, I didn't even realize that throughout the entire game lol. That explains the beginning...lmao

but.. how could..   Betty says at like the beginning of the game "you are part of the tribe we stand up for eachother" .. lol Reggie mentions it countless times..  i just cant believe you missed that! lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Around the Network

"Facebook bought OR".

Newscaster - "Sony had competition in the VR space.... aaaaaaaannnnnnddd it's gone."

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
i started infamous last night and to me delsin was a dude that could be raised there or something , he does not look native american, his brother does not look native american too.

You'd be surprised to know that a lot of Native Americans don't look like Native Americans. I'm Cherokee. you'd never know looking at me. Look at my Grandpa and you'd see it though. My late grandfather/step was Cherokee as well, but showed no signs of it.

pezus said:
gooch_destroyer said:
pezus said:
gooch_destroyer said:
pezus said:
Great choice for an ending song in inFAMOUS

I still don't see your screens :/


Your share settings?

I think?

okay let´s try it here :

Hey, some people here buy thief and tomb raider on ps 4 for only 29,99 and I want it too ! BUT I will get my ps4 not until next week :/
Can I make an US PSN account and buy it there so I can "transfer" it to my EU PSN account when I have my ps4 ??

Around the Network

I don't know if it's already been said but VGC says Titanfall sold 900k+ on the X1.

The canned game was a party title for the Vita, move along people!

poklane said:
The canned game was a party title for the Vita, move along people!


the-pi-guy said:
poklane said:
The canned game was a party title for the Vita, move along people!

Do you have a Zelda for that?  (instead of a link, get it?)  

thuway on twitter. According to him, a new game has also been greenlit post gamescom

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
i started infamous last night and to me delsin was a dude that could be raised there or something , he does not look native american, his brother does not look native american too.

I actually learned something very important from teacher's college; native american's don't self identify and you'll never know that they are one(Refering to students anyways).