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Here is a lazy thread I made about Until Dawn and a certain VR Headset

Around the Network
pezus said:
Ucell said:
pezus said:
the-pi-guy said:
I got 10$ for PSN, give me some suggestions for PS3 games to buy. Please.

Left Behind ;o

Btw what bet did you lose to Zero?

Lol, I said PS4's 3rd week in Japan would > WiiU sales WW that week. It was something like 35k vs. 33k iirc, or in other words a statistical tie.

You shouldn't count on Japan lol. They don't know how to play real games.

the-pi-guy said:
pezus said:

Then what's stopping you from playing the outrageously fun Hotline Miami?

Not particularly my type of game. 

You're not my type of man then. Game was fucking great.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

@efkac, ceo.





@efkac, ceo.

Ok I'm pretty stoked that I played Dead Nation with the CEO of a big gaming studio together wanna play tonight btw? I've been drinking a bit so I may not be as good as yesterday

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Around the Network

Infamous festival of blood, or rain

Just completed game with evil karma last night... about to start on expert with good karma path selections! :p

edit actually my buddy is on his way over and Imma make play it for the first time on expert :-p

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

pezus said:
papamudd said:

Just completed game with evil karma last night... about to start on expert with good karma path selections! :p

edit actually my body is on his way over and Imma make him do it :-p

Your body? :O


hmm yes... I had an OBGE earlier...

Out of Body Gaming Experience

Talal said:
I will permaban myself if the game releases in 2014.

in reference to KH3 release date

Ucell said:
nnodley said:
bananaking21 said:
nnodley said:

Why in the hell can they not get the infamous paper trail website to work. It 404's every fucking time.

same reason why you cant update your sig. too fucking lazy

Eh, probably! :-p

I do need to take the countdown off, and I'm waiting for The Order release date so I can have one for that.  Changing sig and avatar for every big release from Sony.

Have you even played Infamous: Second Son yet? You should cuz its totally AWESOME.

OH YEAH I HAVE!!  Freaking amazing.  Currently on good playthrough about 63% completed and have around 12ish hours into it.  All I want to do is play it, but I'm trying to not beat my first playthrough so quick.  Oh and i just got the 3rd power and HOLY SHIT!  Would have never guessed what it was.  But now that I know, it's freaking awesome to use.  

i want second son SO bad. never thought i would want an infamous game this badly. dont think i should spend the money on it though.