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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

Less than 2 hours for reviews and less than 4 hours for me to play Infamous SS. Can't wait!!!

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Around the Network

Deep Down

edit : I just got inFamous Second Son from Amazon FR

eFKac said:
celador said:
eFKac said:
celador said:

All aboard the hype train!!!!



How much time until the embargo lifts? Please don't give me a timezone, cause I have no idea which timezone it is and how does it translate to mine

Predicting 79-81 meta.

If the title to this thread is correct (because a few different times have been mentioned) 9am PST is 4pm in London.  So however many hours Poland is ahead of London, probably 6pm

Thanks, if pi guy is correct (which he most probably is cause he is  a big failure) it's 5pm. Damn, I still don't know whether to buy this game day 1 or not....

Not a fan of the first two games?


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

This site seems so quiet right now, seems like there isn't any news worth talking about. Hopefully Infamous will liven things up a bit later on

Around the Network

infamous has a 79 meta so far. might go up, might go down.

Typically the metacritic average of the game doesn't move much once it hits 30 reviews. It may go up or down a few points. If the reviews don't start looking better I might cancel my pre-order. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that's just 'good'. I have better uses for that money right now.

bananaking21 said:
infamous has a 79 meta so far. might go up, might go down.

At 80 now.  Still looks far better than any game released to date for ps4 and x1, IMO.  

Damn troll reviews from no name sites. This is why meta is broken as fuck. Plus not all sites use the same scoring systems.

Raven722 said:
Typically the metacritic average of the game doesn't move much once it hits 30 reviews. It may go up or down a few points. If the reviews don't start looking better I might cancel my pre-order. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that's just 'good'. I have better uses for that money right now.

Uhh!!  Practically every "consumer" that got the game early has given the game huge praise.  Awesome powers, better story than the first two, amazing graphics, fluid gameplay, fun traversal.  Only negative I've heard from actual consumers not being paid(:-p) is that the side missions are not any better than the first two.  If you still are on the fence come tomorrow, then wait till we here in the nation thread give our impressions as atleast I will give my complete honest opinion.