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Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
pezus said:
I will do a Crash vs. Spyro poll next. Any third PS1 platforming series I'm missing?



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Why can i see Klonoa videos in the preview and not in the final post??


Edit: so, i edited the post without changing nothing on it, just clicked edit and submit and the video is up!!

pezus said:
I'll have Crash vs. Spyro vs. Tomba vs. Klonoa then. Never heard of or saw Tomba and Klonoa though back in the day lol.

Don't forget this guy. He was heavily requested by fans to be in PSASBR, and although the series was multiplat it was more associated with Playstation. Never played it though. xD I just heard it was a platformer.


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pezus said:

Just found this clip from a TV show. Live-action Uncharted

I was so excited when I saw this episode.  This show is really awesome.

pezus said:

Just found this clip from a TV show. Live-action Uncharted

i honestly believe emily rose should act as elena in the uncharted movie they are making. and btw holy fuck is she hot! probably the hottest celebrity out there!

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Jak and Daxter

pezus said:
bananaking21 said:
pezus said:

Just found this clip from a TV show. Live-action Uncharted

i honestly believe emily rose should act as elena in the uncharted movie they are making. and btw holy fuck is she hot! probably the hottest celebrity out there!

Indeed. She's interested in playing her in a movie too, so I hope they make a movie soon.

they sould make the movie summer 2015. and have uncharted 4 release holiday 2014. that way after people watch the movie they can go and pick up the game right away

pezus said:
bananaking21 said:
pezus said:

Just found this clip from a TV show. Live-action Uncharted

i honestly believe emily rose should act as elena in the uncharted movie they are making. and btw holy fuck is she hot! probably the hottest celebrity out there!

Indeed. She's interested in playing her in a movie too, so I hope they make a movie soon.

Yeah I remember when I first saw her, when she was doing PR for Uncharted, I thought to myself "She's stunning".  Plus they modelled Elena's mouth movement after her's so she can play live action Elena (She does the mocap too so it all works out). 

pezus said:
Wth, why is your profile locked, weedlab?

Maybe he's paranoid?

pezus said:
Weedlab said:
pezus said:
I'll have Crash vs. Spyro vs. Tomba vs. Klonoa then. Never heard of or saw Tomba and Klonoa though back in the day lol.

Don't forget this guy. He was heavily requested by fans to be in PSASBR, and although the series was multiplat it was more associated with Playstation. Never played it though. xD I just heard it was a platformer.

Alright. Crash vs. Spyro vs. Tomba vs. Klonoa vs. Gex

What about


Ape Escape




And Peter Pan



If not peter pan then oddworld

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st