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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony VP: “PlayStation 4 will have the strongest launch line-up we’ve ever had”

forevercloud3000 said:
9087 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Please don't let Infamous SS be staggered within the launch window, its the system seller for me. I still want Killzone SF, too but I want Infamous more.

I know its been normally done that way, but does the launch really need to be staggered? I remember Vita having maybe one of the most solid launches, but Sony attempted to stagger the releases and everyone screamed "Slow to release" and "No GAEMZ!".

It might not be so bad to just explode as soon as you launch with several big hitters. This would encourage right off the bat early adopters who are fans of certain franchises to just jump in. If the fans have to wait for their games of choice to hit months later it will slow down the sales, giving an impression of not doing so well, which in turn will scare off early adopters as they will hesitate.

I kind of hope InFamous:SS is staggered. Maybe Jan or Feb 2014.


There is sooooo much competition this holiday season. InFamous would get lost in the shuffle (COD, BF4, ACIV, Watch Dogs, KZ:SF, etc)


Let it come with the 2nd wave of next-gen games when there is a drought. People will be looking for new games for their new system after XMas. People will be looking to spend their XMas gift cards. A game like InFamous needs its own breathing room, and Sony can't market everything at the same time. 


no no no no

PS4 will assuredly need more than KZ as exclusive at luanch :/. I know I would not be the only person highly dissappointed by that. Infamous isn't some kind of huge seller, but neither is KZ. Their point is that they will showcase PS4 tech exclusively around launch. Sure, GTAV will be out, COD will be there, but neither will showcase what Sony fully has to offer with their console because they are inherently Multiplatform. 

I truly hate this fear of the "Big Fish" every holiday. Its so silly I think to slate any game for the holidays when you know the annual franchises such as Madden,COD,Assassin's Creed will inevitably be there. Either don't schedule for holidays period unless it can compete or just suck it up and take a chance, no matter what Christmas is still the BEST season to sell anything. Just need to advertise it right. Me personally? Couldn't care less about GTAV(not feeling this one at all), COD, ACIV is becoming far to saturated for me to care, etc. For someone looking for a different gaming experience, games like Sony exclusives are essential.

maybe I'm just thinking of myself, but no no no no no



InFamous will get swallowed by massive marketing campaigns of Assassins Creed IV, Call of Duty, Watch Dogs, Battlefield4, Killzone:Shadowfall, PS4, and NextBox.


It needs it's own release space. 


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platformmaster918 said:
Heavenly_King said:
At launch I think SOny wil have 5-6 first party games in total. But not all will be available on the 3 regions at the same time.

US: Killzone, Infamous, Knack.
EU: Killzone, Infamous,Drive Club
JP: japanese franchise 1, Japanese franchise 2, knack

Why wouldn't they all be localized?

Not at launch.  The other titles not available, will be released in the upcoming months, so that you have an influx of games coming, and not a gigantic burst of games at the begining, and then nothing.

Serious_frusting said:
badgenome said:
*looks at previous Playstation launch line-ups"

That's not saying much.

Unless i see a gengi game with not one but two giant enemy crabs, then i will say the launch of the PS4 is weak. 

Even though Genji was a rushed game in order to make it for launch, if you only played as Yoshitsune (and dont use the unfinished characters like Benkei, Bonso,etc), the game was freaking amazing, for a launch title that is.   I stil have it on my PS3 games collection :D.

Just InFamous Second son is good enough for me. Love the series and i'm glad they held out a sequel until the next gen.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

9087 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Please don't let Infamous SS be staggered within the launch window, its the system seller for me. I still want Killzone SF, too but I want Infamous more.

I know its been normally done that way, but does the launch really need to be staggered? I remember Vita having maybe one of the most solid launches, but Sony attempted to stagger the releases and everyone screamed "Slow to release" and "No GAEMZ!".

It might not be so bad to just explode as soon as you launch with several big hitters. This would encourage right off the bat early adopters who are fans of certain franchises to just jump in. If the fans have to wait for their games of choice to hit months later it will slow down the sales, giving an impression of not doing so well, which in turn will scare off early adopters as they will hesitate.

I kind of hope InFamous:SS is staggered. Maybe Jan or Feb 2014.


There is sooooo much competition this holiday season. InFamous would get lost in the shuffle (COD, BF4, ACIV, Watch Dogs, KZ:SF, etc)


Let it come with the 2nd wave of next-gen games when there is a drought. People will be looking for new games for their new system after XMas. People will be looking to spend their XMas gift cards. A game like InFamous needs its own breathing room, and Sony can't market everything at the same time. 


If you are buying a PS4, it wont be because of COD, AC4, or BF4.  Those are games in which you can already have the core experience on your PS3/360/PC.  No one will buy a new console for enhanced ports.  I am buying a PS4 because of Infamous, Killzone and Knack; and maybe later down the road if I feel like it, I may buy watch dogs.   If my main purpose is to play AC4, BF4, CODX, then why the hell I will buy a PS4?  It does not makes sense.

The first adopters are going to be PS hardcore fans, and most will buy Killzone and Infamous, and once they have done that they might buy the best version of some games they did not buy for the PS3.  People will at first buy exclusives and then the rest, and not the other way around. 

Also, they are not going to advertise the 3 games separately.  They will advertise them as part of the advertisement for the PS4, as the main reason for you to buy the console NAO!  They may have ads for each game separately on the internet, but on TV they will show you the PS4 awesome features, and then Boom! they show you Infamous, Killzone, Knack, and maybe Drive Club.

The Vita was fucked up not because they launched lots of stuff the first day.  The vita launch was fucked up because ONLY 1 OF THOSE GAMES WAS A MUST BuY, while the others were decent at best and mediocre.  This time it looks like Sony is ready to bring the big guns (their top tier WW studios) for launch, and that is a whole different situation.

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Maybe for you, that holds true.

My point is InFamous would get lost in the shuffle when it comes to marketing.

I just wanna point out that Knack will probably bomb lol.