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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is now official, WiiU is next gen

Now I know why I don't like it :p, 7th gen has been the worst one in gaming.

I apologize in advance for my bad english.

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Deyon said:
hivycox said:'re not serious are you? ....I'm being trolled I guess...

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2.

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

"The team is developing it on high end pc's and next gen, after that other teams are looking how they can make it fit for the older generation. So the first approach is to see how they can take full advantage of the next gen consoles."

your quote doesn't clarify if wiiU is being viewed as a next gen system or a last gen port. i'll wait for some actual screen shots to clarify wiiU's next gen status. :P

Deyon said:

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

kitler53 said:
"The team is developing it on high end pc's and next gen, after that other teams are looking how they can make it fit for the older generation. So the first approach is to see how they can take full advantage of the next gen consoles."

your quote doesn't clarify if wiiU is being viewed as a next gen system or a last gen port. i'll wait for some actual screen shots to clarify wiiU's next gen status. :P

They said that they already have the game running on the Wii U, so it can't be a 360/ps3 port if they haven't even started development on those consoles yet.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
hivycox said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Its next gen for Nintendo, but otherwise its so behind.

Its not by any means "so behind".. Sony didn't show anything jar dropping (except for the old men)

Wii U is not pre gen its next the Wii was a 7th gen console... get over it

I think its time you get over it. I never denied the Nintendo wasn't next gen, I said it is but it is behind and if you look at the specs sheet Nintendo will be behind. Nintendo will be excluded from the mass majority of next gen multiplats and will enjoy mainly Japanese made titles with slightly above current gen graphics at best. Nintendo has consistantly behind behind for quite a few gens so they are always treated differently (kind of like the special kid in school). Nintendo creates self inflicted wounds that causes western devs to step away. It isn't the old days where Sony wasn't around and third party devs had no options so they can expand their ideas, but fact they do.

You said that its next gen for Nintendo so you was denying the fact that its next gen in general.

How do you know? we don't know the true power of the wii u. The only time I think they excluded themselves from the majority was the decision for the N64 to use catridges than cd's but other than that Nintendo always delivered high quality gaming rigs and games. They are seen as the geniuses in the gaming industry.

I'm telling you something: if Nintendo didn't made those choices they wouldn't be around anymore. Do you think its important for poeple that Nintendo makes consoles like Sony or Microsoft? Do you think that the majority would buy the console? No they wouldn't...with the choices made by Nintendo it saves them not to become "Mainstream" like everybody else. Thats what saved them in the 7th gen...not MOAR power but innovation...

The Wii U is a powerful console made by Nintendo to win back the hardcore gamer which they lost in the previous gen. Once the games are shown nobody will question the power of the wii u. Wii U is next gen..if you don't like the fact go and buy your 500$+ PS4 at the end of the year... I have a PC for that

Deyon said:
Deyon said:

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Wii U is a next-gen console with typical 7th gen specs, if that is true. It's still a next-gen console though.

hivycox said:
Next gen started back in November when the Wii U was releasedand nothing else...

can't believe this question exists

be ready for this and much much more as the 8th gen. rages on.

Deyon said:
Deyon said:

It didn't have any leap over the original Xbox/PS2

So? If all our grand children are physically and/or mentally inferior- or "just" equal to us they are still part of the newer generations.

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

the fact that Nintendo provided us with a new way of play is IMO more than enough to be considered next gen.

in my opinion a new generation of gaming means games can be developed which weren't possible on the previous platform. And I know a lot of Wii games couldn't be played on the gamecube, ps2 or xbox... same goes to the Wii U since the gamepad has new ways to play games.

a definition of a new generation isn't just relying on more power or better visuals but the overall experience as a whole.

Deyon said:

What does that have to do with anything? In the gaming industry next gen means more power and the Wii didn't have that. That's just my opinion.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Wii U is a next-gen console with typical 7th gen specs, if that is true. It's still a next-gen console though.

I wasn't talking about the WII U! This conversation is about the Wii!

If Sony and Microsoft release new consoles with the same specs as the PS3/Xbox360, Would you call those consoles next gen and be happy about it?