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Forums - General Discussion - How many of you still use Eplorer?

For those of you who pick IE over FF I don't know what to say to you. We all got opinions, but firefox looks and feels exactly like IE. With a few hours of usage you will find all the cool features that IE will never get. Maybe your just M$ fanboys, maybe you go with the "if it ain't broken then you don't need to fix it." method. I say you try out other browsers, its no lie. IE is the worst when it comes down to the basic features, protection, and speed. Safari, netscape, firefox, opera they all pwn IE.

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cringer8 said:
I use my iTouch to browse the Internet now (so I guess that's Safari), but on my laptop it's IE7 all the way. It's just so damn nice. I haven't contracted a virus in over ten years, so I'm not too scared.

 Absolutely, listen to this guy who even has to guess what browser he has on his own devices.I am sure he exactly knows what a virus is if he has to gues for applications installed on his own stuff. Also ignore all the prices that FF and it's huge collection of safety promoting plugins have received, those IT experts have no clue what's good or bad anyway.

 I also suggest not using any anti virus and never ever download patches for your software. Those security updates are evil!I really have a degree in IT (Seriously, I do) and I suggest you do as little as possible to protect yourself. As long as you are wide open to attack from anyone I have less to worry about.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


I use Internet Explorer at home, Mozilla at school, and Opera Browser on wii. (Should we include our wii browser at all?)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
Dallinor said:


I use firefox(pc) and safari(mac).

I have a weird glitch for my safari running on leopard, when I have more than one tab in a window, sometimes the mouse arrow disapears over the tab but it still functions. Anyone ever heard of that or know how to fix it?

Anyone know if firefox or safari is faster on a mac?

Gazz said:
83% off all virusses are written for IE. I always advise people to get IE and stick with it. Most people don't deserve the privilege off being a Firefox user. Before you know it most users will have Firefox with ad-block and no-script plugins and they will be surfing the web more safely as I do now(complete safety doesn't exist on the web).

Then organised crime and all those trojan and adware makers will be forced to focus on the small group off people who are intelligent enough to use a more secure browser and I don't want that.

GET IE!! Please people, stop trying to convince others to use Firefox. You will only end up hurting yourself.

 That is a very valid point. GO IE7!!!!!!!!!!! Only my closest friends will get the FF recomendation from me.

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Well in my eyes no one is so low as to use IE. FIREFOX FOR ALL! -BTW that cat picture owns. lol :)

I use Firefox.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music

Yay, another thread about pushing FF. Why don't you guys just let people be? I've used FF and I don't like it. I use IE7 because I like it. If you don't like IE, fine, but don't go pushing your preference on other people or acting like those of us using IE are stupid.

I have a degree in IT too gazz and I still use IE so get off your freaking high horse...

calm down now. It isn't just about FF its about all the browsers. In my eyes using IE without at least TRYING better browsers is like shaving yourself blad when your in your 20s and not bald. We all have our own opinions, I was just wondering what VGcharts used the most. I figured people who look at video game sales are tech savy and already use firefox. I use firefox, I like firefox. There isn't anything wrong at all.

highwaystar101 said:
do you work for mozzila?
p.s. i use firefox

 No I work partime at a music store.