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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Team NintenDomination - Tbone51 Major N


Tbone51 now running NintenDomination!!! XD

Yay 9 50.00%
Horay 1 5.56%
Fiddle Dee 3 16.67%
woot Woot 2 11.11%
Awwh I love you <3 3 16.67%

Hey man, add me there, I have a Reggie avatar.

My vote goes to Spurge, because, well, he's banned. Otherwise it would go to Rolstoppable.

Around the Network

Let us be honest and admit Rol is the best member for the job. Sure he rags on Nintendo for some of their decisions but he is the best at countering bs statements made about Nintendo. The poll obviously shows this considering he is in the lead by miles.

TripleMMM said:
^Hey, your thoughts counts as well, regardless of you being a newbie. ;)

I know, I'm just fine with whatever. N-City seems pretty good too IMO. Are we supposed to have a poll to pick a name?

pezus said:
Holy shit, and some say Sony fans dominate the forums. Look at that list

Both the Sony list and the Nintendo list seem about the same.

I like how your avatar totally goes against your sig. Lol. xD

RazorDragon said:
Hey man, add me there, I have a Reggie avatar.

My vote goes to Spurge, because, well, he's banned. Otherwise it would go to Rolstoppable.

Reggie. The man who thought Nintendo gamers wanted Wii Play Motion instead of The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower. A true Nintendo fan would never support such a man.

I missed spurge's ban. What he do this time?


Around the Network
pezus said:
Holy shit, and some say Sony fans dominate the forums. Look at that list

And that's without you in it!

pezus said:

Yes, that's the point. This one even seems slightly larger. People keep saying Playstation fans dominate but they have got their eyes closed. This is what I've been saying for the past year. It's only the PC and MS fans that are underrepresented, the other groups are about even.

It only lately seems like there are more Sony Fans since the recent announcement. All of the Sony Fans came out of the woodwork for that.

And you didn't vote for me... I see how it is, I see.

Time to choose the team's sig logo. Post what you think it should be. We will vote for it later.


JayWood2010 said:
Time to choose the team's sig logo. Post what you think it should be. We will vote for it later.

When do we vote on team name? A lot of people including me don't want NintenDomination.

Cold-Flipper said:
JayWood2010 said:
Time to choose the team's sig logo. Post what you think it should be. We will vote for it later.

When do we vote on team name? A lot of people including me don't want NintenDomination.

We will be voting for name once we choose the team captain.  I also have to add a lot more people to the team's list it seems too lol  Looks like rol will win though lol