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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%

Given the accuracy of the rumor mill, this seems very unlikely. Depending on the RAM demand MS's system might take for the OS and Kinect 2 there could be some big differences between the two systems. Or not. It will be interesting to see what quality differences there would be with these two systems being so similar. As a gamer, I'd prefer the more powerful system, but even in MS pulls some crazy kung fu they have policies that would stop me from getting their system. So I'm pretty happy the PS4 is what it is.

EDIT: And the meltdowns will be epic.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Proclus said:
It would bring a pretty amusing moment yes, and a lot more bullshit posts :)

Like yours yesterday...

Such as? That's like me saying: Like yours, everyday.

Slimebeast said:
Deyon said:
Slimebeast said:
Yes, it would be hilarious but sadly the Xbox 720 will be much weaker than the PS4.

How do you know?

Leaked info about X720 devkits.

Didn't the guy who leaked the information say that those specs are old and that xbox might even be stronger than playstation?

they will be hilarious, if weaker or stronger or even if they are the same just because it's a microsoft console lol. one is for sure, these forums will look as if nextbox is the last shit even if it would do nothing as playing "core" games (which won't be the case lol)

JayWood2010 said:

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

So you are taking 8GBs giving 2GB to the OS and 2-4GBs to the GPU where are the 2-4GBs you are leaving out?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Personally, I am more looking forward to a mandatory paid online service on the PS4.

this would be the most likely to cause meltdowns

Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

So you are taking 8GBs giving 2GB to the OS and 2-4GBs to the GPU where are the 2-4GBs you are leaving out?

The 2-4 left out is what would be used like RAM does in your computer. That would be the unshared part.


BenVTrigger said:

For a console the specs for the PS4 really are fantastic.   Games running on optimized engines will look absolutely gorgeous. Currently most rumors point towards the next Xbox being a good bit weaker. 

However Sony fans have been extremely excited since the announcement of 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and honestly there's some pretty outrageous claims getting thrown around all over this forum.

So I just thought it would be pretty hilarious if MS comes out and announces better spec's than the PS4 the meltdowns would be immense. 

The thing that people aren't getting is that even if the next Xbox is half way between the PS4 & Wii U, it won't make a lot of difference.  The PS3 was suppose to be so much more powerfull than the Xbox 360, but there is little real world differnce.  I own them all, and they all have great games.  Most of todays game engines are scalable.  You'll see games brought out for the PS4/720/Wii U/PS3/360/iPad etc... and there isn't going to be some huge leap from one to the other, not like we seen going from Wii to PS3.  Will one end up being better than the rest...probably, but the best games will most like will all look great and be just as much fun on each system.

Stop hating and start playing.

The meltdowns will be exaggerated by everybody either way

RolStoppable said:
Proclus said:
RolStoppable said:
Proclus said:
It would bring a pretty amusing moment yes, and a lot more bullshit posts :)

Like yours yesterday...

Such as? That's like me saying: Like yours, everyday.

Don't see the relevance, Xbox and Wii are the competitors to the Playstation platform, not Valve.

Sorry really, like yours, everyday.