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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wow the sensitivity is insane over a console.

I want in on the facebook thumbs up. 

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These are dark times.

Seriously I can't wait to see this month's ban report. It will be huge!

you should link the article in the opening post


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

o.O its funnyordie you know like the onion?  its satire...  people are so reactionary these days.  its not their kids, wife, mother etc....  its a console.  the thing that suppose to be fun nothing to argue and bust a roid over

kowenicki said:
pezus said:
What is truly sad though is that someone already wrote an article about why you shouldn't by PS4 when we know so little about it.

There is some strong hypocrisy in that post somewhere... I'm sure of it.

It's like you don't try anymore...

Come on, we know you can do it.

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But, they're right. I mean no Vectorman? Fuck that and fuck the PS4!

The PS4 killed my Grandmother. I hope it dies in a ditch!

JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
What is truly sad though is that someone already wrote an article about why you shouldn't by PS4 when we know so little about it.

The same thing will happen to the NeXbox when it gets announced.  They will all get bashed.  Wont stop me from playing them though.

lol arent they already happening?

tres said:

Somewhat here  but not as much on N4G.  So i click the link like i do pretty much all links to see what the crazy post to see the 6 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy A PS4. Talk about whining.  Needless to say I look at where the article is coming from and its Funny or Die.

o.O  sad part even on the Funny or Die site they are in an uproar.

Lighten up people its only a videogame system I hope your life don't depend on it. 

Should you be excited of course new tech is always good.  But use a little cognitive reasoning.  There's no need to respond to every post.  If you read up some one said the exact same thing you said.

I cant wait until both are release so I can enjoy both then sit back eating popcorn watch the heads explode


i've never done that to an p before but i couldn't agree more.

pezus said:
What is truly sad though is that someone already wrote an article about why you shouldn't by PS4 when we know so little about it.


I didn't write the article, but I have to wonder, with all the awesome games already out for the PS3/360 and soon Wii U, why do we need the PS4/720? At this point they bring very little innovation other than better graphics. Do you really think the PS3 games look that bad? I think we're fine with what we have unless they add something new and revolutionary to the new systems...and I don't see that.

Stop hating and start playing.