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Forums - General Discussion - Real Life Gundam Would Cost $725 Million

Bah, I'd rather have the Renault from the TV ads [UK].

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Research to complete something like that would be quite a fascinating thing. Given the surprisingly low costs, I can see someone eventually making a few of them.

Most versatile combat vehicle evar FTW.


Me wants... even without weapons or anything :)

I don't know what's the bigger waste of money, the ones who will make this, or the "poor" sucker who buys it?

Edit: Well I was replying to the op but Fazz showed that pic and I guess this post goes for both of them LOL.

^It's a waste now... but you'll see when they discover Minovsky particles :@!

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i thought it would cost much more

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

i loved gundam wing endless waltz, would be great too own such a thing

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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I had heard that building a Gundam would be near impossible from a physics standpoint, as the amount of armor that would be needed on the back of the unit to counterbalance the weapons on the front would make the thing damn near immobile.

But if they can actually build one of these suckers, sign me up to test pilot the thing.

I already have the title for the new TV show:

Big Budget Battle Bots


First episode:

Bill Gates vs Paul Allen

fazz said:
^It's a waste now... but you'll see when they discover Minovsky particles :@!

Gundam ftw.

btw, Making Music is right. it's physically impossible to build an actual working Gundam (at least with the metals that exist on Earth).