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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to show big titles at GDC 2008

NeoRatt said:
Alan Wake will impress FPS fans... Ninja Gaiden 2 will impress action fans... Halo Wars will impress RTS fans... Too Human will impress RPG fans... They may announce something like RE5 as a timed exclusive as it shows on Gamestop for 360 on May 5th, but not PS3 yet.... Expect some other 3rd party stuff too. Huxley MMO? Elders Scrolls MMO? GTA IV? And a preview of the extra DLC for 360 GTA IV?

Then, they will probably show a teaser for Gears 2 with no in game footage, and ending with "Shipping Christmas 2008".

You pretty much nailed if, me thinks. Forget anything about the Elder Scrolls MMO though, it's just too far away. And since there's not much trailers from GTA4 to begin with, there's no point to display anything of the unique DLC fro X360. I highly doubt about RE5 being a timed exclusive, but some big news in that class MS might have for us.

Alan Wake will really, really impress.

But I'm also hoping for one real great looking new IP.

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ssj12 said:
well at least they wont be releasing what the member I jsut banned for database spamming posted an hour back. (Gaylo 27)

I figure their offerings will be quite impressive.

Does Nintendo go to GDC? I forget. It would be interesting to see the 3 show off something new and to compare announcements and new/upgraded engines.

 Yes Nintendo will be there too. Last year Myamoto gave a key note :)

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


crumas2 said:
Bodhesatva said:
Blakjak said:

SG: You mention that your number one, which is a fantastic achievement however with the Wii’s sales beating yours this holiday season- does that show your simply in second place.

RB: At Microsoft we think of the Wii in a different bracket of gaming so its hard to compare the two consoles. The Wii has a very small life cycle and doesn’t compare to the Xbox 360 feature wise. And while it is taking plausible 360 sales its important to notice that Nintendo has created a revolutionary device and Microsoft expected it to sell decent, and the system can afford to sell decent because its very similar to a childs toy. It would be like comparing the 360 to the PSP which wouldn’t be a good comparison. Regardless to all this, overall sales is what counts.


I lol'ed. Don't like losing much, Microsoft?

Yes, the Wii is clobbering everyone, and I'm also incredibly annoyed at the "lol kids" remarks which are now clearly untrue (but can you blame them? They're PR guys, that's their job).

However, I do feel that this may be the right approach, all PR spin aside. The boat has sailed, the Wii has won the mass market, and I don't think there is a ton of use in trying to peel off users from the Wii at this point. I think the better approach -- at least for this generation -- is to establish the 360 as the "hardcore" gamer's console (not PC) of choice, and then perhaps flesh out from there in the future.

It's actually very similar to the way the Wii rose to power, Blakjak. Nintendo said: "MS/Sony are going left, why don't we go right?" And now, Nintendo is the one on top -- Microsoft can say: "Nintendo is gobbling up the mainstream market, why don't we go after the core gaming audience?"

It's not as profitable, at least short term: I agree with that. But keeping a portion of the market (an important part) as your corner of the world is a lot better than having no corner at all, which is a situation I think the PS3 may be approaching.

The Wii is doing great, but it doesn't seem to be "clobbering" anyone.  Almost everyone I know (including myself) who owns a Wii also owns a 360 or PS3.  The Wii seems to compliment the other two consoles in many cases instead of supplanting them.  This probably isn't true in families where the kids are < 8 and the dad doesn't game, but it seems to be true in many other situations.


I understand your logic, crumas2, but I can't agree with you.  Hypothetically, it would be like saying the iPod isn't dominating because a lot of families buy a Zune or other MP3 player in addition to their iPod.


Gears 2 will definitely be announced (I have a very strong feeling that they had pre-production completed soon after the first game shipped, then they did UT3).  It will come out either by holidaytime or in time to counter one of Sony's big releases (day and date).


I also strongly believe they will announce some type of price reduction for Live (if not making it free) because MS is very good at proactively assessing their competition (the competition that fights the same fight they do, anyway).  They knew that they would put a large dent in Sony's plans by shipping 360 early, forcing Sony to do the same with PS3 (it was shipped before it was ready--they wanted more memory and processors IIRC).  One of Sony's big guns this year is going to be Home, which is more interactive than Live and it's free.  Therefore, I think they will announce a price cut or free Live.


Which brings me to this out-of-left-field prediction: Achievements.  Sony also looks to be ready to counter this, with more-tangible trophies instead of an arbitrary number.  I believe one Live update will make it so that when you get Gamerpoints, you also get MS points.  Not exactly equal (as then people would never actually buy the points anymore) but I think 200GS points =100 MS points.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Passenger57 said:
shams said:
No surprise - MS have been real quiet, there will be some big announcements coming.

If anyone thinks that Sony is going to have a "cakewalk" beating the 360 this year, they are so very, very wrong.

Thnk you! It's kind of funny how many people think the 360 is doomed so soon. There's going to be a lot of crow eating at the end of this year.!

 There certainly will. But who will be eating it?

Microsoft will create hype, and games will be huge for them, but I doubt any new IP will be bigger than everything that is already rumored. 

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

ultraslick said:
Passenger57 said:
shams said:
No surprise - MS have been real quiet, there will be some big announcements coming.

If anyone thinks that Sony is going to have a "cakewalk" beating the 360 this year, they are so very, very wrong.

Thnk you! It's kind of funny how many people think the 360 is doomed so soon. There's going to be a lot of crow eating at the end of this year.!

 There certainly will. But who will be eating it?

Microsoft will create hype, and games will be huge for them, but I doubt any new IP will be bigger than everything that is already rumored. 

I think it's fairly clear that Sony has a 'bigger' lineup this year.  There's no way MS can 'beat' MGS4, and all the other exclusives Sony has lined up.  However, the difference in game quality will not be the reverse of this year, as many seem to think.

Look at it this way: Just because Sony's preparing a delectable triple-decker, cherry-flavoured ice-cream cake with with edible candles and little chocolates and cookies on the side, it doesn't mean MS can't order a giant pizza with all the toppings.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Around the Network
thekitchensink said:
ultraslick said:

Microsoft will create hype, and games will be huge for them, but I doubt any new IP will be bigger than everything that is already rumored. 

I think it's fairly clear that Sony has a 'bigger' lineup this year.  There's no way MS can 'beat' MGS4, and all the other exclusives Sony has lined up

But how many is it... really? I only see three, MGS4, KZ2 and GT5.

(please don't mention LBP since it won't do anything for a machine at $3-400, but could have worked for PS2)


Slimebeast said:
thekitchensink said:
ultraslick said:

Microsoft will create hype, and games will be huge for them, but I doubt any new IP will be bigger than everything that is already rumored. 

I think it's fairly clear that Sony has a 'bigger' lineup this year.  There's no way MS can 'beat' MGS4, and all the other exclusives Sony has lined up

But how many is it... really? I only see three, MGS4, KZ2 and GT5.

(please don't mention LBP since it won't do anything for a machine at $3-400, but could have worked for PS2)


True, that's why I didn't mention LBP (thought I think it will have some nice legs).  But there's those big three, and a long list of mid-range games that are essential to any console (like Heavy Rain, Afrika, Haze, stuff like that).

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Do Microsoft own Halo? or Bungie?


They own Halo, not Bungie anymore.

Banjo-Threeie release date *crosses fingers* :)

GoW2 is pretty much a certain.