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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

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sony should concentrate on advertising thier games instead of pulling this childish crap





BasilZero said:
MDMAlliance said:

Well, I would suppose one thing to look at when you consider advertisements of the sort is who the target audience is for the ad?  Who will see it and pay attention to it?  The average consumer is NOT the answer.  Most of the average consumer will have heard about the PS4 announcement through others who aren't the average consumer.  

When you look at the advertisement, it would most likely be targeted towards gamers.  "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" would seem like a legitimate excitement for the average consumer.  Those who delve themselves more into gaming see it as sarcastic.  Many of the "gamers" ARE loyal to certain brands, but not always exclusively.  So someone who tends to buy Nintendo systems is bound to come across it, and take offense.

I dont know - sounds a bit foolish and a waste of time and effort to get worked over about something like that, people who get offended over such a thing usually means their faith in what they hold on to is shaken and not as strong as they tend out to be ;p.

Anyways I buy Nintendo systems and am not offended at it at all :O

I don't think the ad is so troubling, but rather that it's being used in this thread as a vehicle to flame Nintendo and its fans.

@OP: the ad could use a little spicing up. The old refrain of "Mario machine" is a little tired. I think a really good ad would be this: "Mario is missing out."

It's short, it's sweet, and it uses Nintendo's own words to raise up the Playstation brand. I think it's a lot more clever and biting than "oh yay, another Mario game," which sounds like a fanboy one-liner.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

I don't think the ad is so troubling, but rather that it's being used in this thread as a vehicle to flame Nintendo and its fans.

@OP: the ad could use a little spicing up. The old refrain of "Mario machine" is a little tired. I think a really good ad would be this: "Mario is missing out."

It's short, it's sweet, and it uses Nintendo's own words to raise up the Playstation brand. I think it's a lot more clever and biting than "oh yay, another Mario game," which sounds like a fanboy one-liner.

I disagree.  The point here is to get the thought into people's heads that Nintendo doesn't have much beyond Mario.  Even if someone scoffs now, the next time a Mario title is talked about, that seed has been planted.  It's a little bit of a psychological trick, kind of like how coaches will start yelling about non-existant fouls early in a game in order to get borderline calls later.

I think it can be reasonably effective.  If a person actually does get "personally offended" then they're probably not much of a potental customer, anyway.  I mean, really, if someone wants a particular console then they're going to get it.  How many people are actually going to say, "you know, I really want this PS4 and I'd be willing to pay $400 for it, but ... gosh darn it, they insulted Mario!"?

pokoko said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I don't think the ad is so troubling, but rather that it's being used in this thread as a vehicle to flame Nintendo and its fans.

@OP: the ad could use a little spicing up. The old refrain of "Mario machine" is a little tired. I think a really good ad would be this: "Mario is missing out."

It's short, it's sweet, and it uses Nintendo's own words to raise up the Playstation brand. I think it's a lot more clever and biting than "oh yay, another Mario game," which sounds like a fanboy one-liner.

I disagree.  The point here is to get the thought into people's heads that Nintendo doesn't have much beyond Mario.  Even if someone scoffs now, the next time a Mario title is talked about, that seed has been planted.  It's a little bit of a psychological trick, kind of like how coaches will start yelling about non-existant fouls early in a game in order to get borderline calls later.

I think it can be reasonably effective.  If a person actually does get "personally offended" then they're probably not much of a potental customer, anyway.  I mean, really, if someone wants a particular console then they're going to get it.  How many people are actually going to say, "you know, I really want this PS4 and I'd be willing to pay $400 for it, but ... gosh darn it, they insulted Mario!"?

Fair enough.

But there are two problems with that philosophy. One, it isn't true  -- although when has that ever stopped advertisers -- and two, it brings to the forefront an insanely popular franchise. If your slogan is something that can be easily reversed with a simple exclamation point than it's a bad slogan. In other words: "Oh yay, another Mario game" becomes "Oh yay, another Mario game!"

Or, Nintendo could throw it back in Sony's face: "Oh yay, another Mario clone."

I think it's a dangerous line of attack. What I like about my suggestion is that it's more subtle, more subversive, and less open to manipulation.

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I just love childish advertising.

"the naystation" we troll you.

Turkish said:


damn lol

Oh the glory days...what happened......

I must be so stupid, but what do I see on that FFVII ad? I can read the text no problem, but the picture? What is on it? All I see is amorphous stuff, I can't make out a single object I know a name for.

Demensha said:
hmmm i dont mind companies attacking each other but honestly its common place for both(or multiple) companies to all attack each other. i don't really see nintendo making any comments. then again what they should do is post the sony all star numbers to smash brothers numbers, or pokemon to anything and mario to well lets make it fair sony's entire last gen games combined ;). god i hate sony

here's hoping microsoft forces sony out of the market.

By the looks of the new Kinect Microsoft are going after Nintendo first :) and with the lack luster line up of the Wii U + there system sales it might not take much 2 knock them off heres hoping Nintendo have a solid line up for E3 cause its looking like the casuals dont care for the console much, but hey :) its still early days.


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Cold-Flipper said:
So this is fan made?

I wish it was real, Sony would officially be taking Sega's lead by mocking the competition. It would have been funny. Not that this isn't funny, but would be even better if it was real

Yeah Sega mocked the competition..and we all know what happened to them ;)