So Sly Cooper got 98k including PSV sales and the pre-orders for PS3 were at 115k and the PSV pre-orders said something like 15k-20k.
So Sly Cooper got 98k including PSV sales and the pre-orders for PS3 were at 115k and the PSV pre-orders said something like 15k-20k.
riderz13371 said: Sly Cooper overtracked in pre-orders? God damn I'm sorry but the pre-order chartz are so unreliable nowadays. For all I know Gears of War Judgement has 1m+ pre-orders already -.- |
VGC's Pre-Orders have been off ever since I joined. Skyward Sword was a great example of this, if my memory serves me right.
NintendoPie said: 3DS was adjusted up? It looked like it went down. :/ |
It's weird because it was adjusted down in 2013 and up in 2012.
Previous 2012 sales:
Recent 2012 sales:
Up ~300k in 2012.... down ~100k in 2013... so you have ~180k up overall.
ethomaz said:
It's weird because it was adjusted down in 2013 and up in 2012. Previous 2012 sales: Up ~300k in 2012.... down ~100k in 2013... so you have ~189k up overall. |
Ugh. That's really odd, 3DS needs to stop being so mysterious.
pezus said: PS360 still need some more huge adjustments though... And DS down only 69k? That's laughable. Oh, well. BTW, when is ioi going to update PS2 numbers, he said he could do it soon I think? |
Why is DS being down 69k laughable? Is it because of the number?
...How immature!
Mnementh said:
That's stupid. Only few games manage to sell 5 million. If EA said that, they basically said: we want Dead Space to die. |
no wht they really said is that, we will be releasing sports games, and Battlefield every yr.
newwil7l said: Horrible sales for everything. Nintendo needs to get on the ball for the 3DS and Wii U. The last major game we had for 3DS was Paper Mario. The Wii U only has New Super Mario Bros U. 360 and PS3 need a price cut. |
Fire Emblem is a pretty big game, and there's Monster Hunter and Luigi's Mansion coming in a few weeks time. Then of course there's Lego City, Mario and Luigi, Animal Crossing, Mario Golf etc. which will tide it over through the holidays, and then Pokemon coming in October, with who knows what else.
These are only the games of which have firm release dates from Nintendo which I think will sell 1 million copies. I think Nintendo have the 3DS under control, after a somewhat lacking 2012.
tbone51 said:
Your wrong buddy! 169k is alot but over 200k? It is way over, there was alot of download (digital) and if they didnt include (which they probably didn't) the sales should be way over 250k! Maybe close to or over 300k! |
I thought when you made a prediction thread, you were predicting the sales we could actually see & keep track of using either the numbers here or the NPD numbers at the beginning of next month (if we get them). Not digital sales which we may-or-may-not get an official press release telling us the exact figure of.
If that wasn't what you meant by the thread, then never mind what I said!
Yakuzaice said: Wii U/Vita aligned launch comparison US week 12 Europe week 11 Japan week 10 Total Wii U manages to scrape by this week in Japan, but the Vita is 53% higher across the three regions. |
I think this comparison is going to begin showing just how poorly Vita is doing in Japan soon, since Wii-U is doing extremely poorly (launch aligned) but managing to at least keep kind of stable thanks to Mario & MonHun. But Vita will begin to plummet (I can't remember if there were any major game releases after launch aside from Tales of Innocence).
This comparison is really showing up how weak Wii-U is doing in USA & Europe though, and it's only going to get worse through February.