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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 more powerful then the 360?

Power is relative, but if were talking about raw computing power, the PS3 beats the 360 by I dunno what was it, 4 times? The cell is an absolute beast when it comes to crunching numbers. They did the folding test to see how many flops per second (?) each processor setup could handle and the PS3 slaughtered most of the computing world xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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ChronotriggerJM said:
Power is relative, but if were talking about raw computing power, the PS3 beats the 360 by I dunno what was it, 4 times? The cell is an absolute beast when it comes to crunching numbers. They did the folding test to see how many flops per second (?) each processor setup could handle and the PS3 slaughtered most of the computing world xD

That may be the case but until we start seeing 4x the graphics it is a mute point.  Who knows it might get there this year.  People have been talking about this power before the darn thing came out yet here we are and still waiting for it.  Hopefully mgs4 among others will show us something that we haven't seen before.  Time will tell.

elnino334 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Power is relative, but if were talking about raw computing power, the PS3 beats the 360 by I dunno what was it, 4 times? The cell is an absolute beast when it comes to crunching numbers. They did the folding test to see how many flops per second (?) each processor setup could handle and the PS3 slaughtered most of the computing world xD

That may be the case but until we start seeing 4x the graphics it is a mute point. Who knows it might get there this year. People have been talking about this power before the darn thing came out yet here we are and still waiting for it. Hopefully mgs4 among others will show us something that we haven't seen before. Time will tell.

 Well of course ^_^ but that's not what the question asked, the question was which is more powerfull? And in terms of "power" the 360 get it's ass handed to it lol. Wether or not any of it will translate into graphics is another story all together. To be honest I'm not sure if the margins will ever be "night and day", it's not like the 360 has "bad" graphics by any means. I believe the PS3's will always be better (exclusives), but probably not by any INSANE ammount, the textures, lighting, cutscenes, things on screen, resolution will probably always be higher with PS3 exclusives, but wether or not you really care about that kind of stuff is entirely up to you lol. 

But in terms of power! The processing power of the Cell outclasses the 3 core setup four-fold.  

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Chrono cant accept 360 graphics are =/> ps3 right now.

Overall(like ive said for a year)

2009 is when the ps3 will shine

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



weezy said:
Chrono cant accept 360 graphics are =/> ps3 right now.

Overall(like ive said for a year)

2009 is when the ps3 will shine

 LOL you'd be surprised by what I can accept ^_^ when the 360 puts out a game that can't be equaled on the PS3 I'll gladly "accept" it. But I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while :) I'd say the graphics are and have been shining since 2007 xD

And your right, 360 graphics aren't "equal" to the PS3 ones, they're technically worse lol. 

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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i meant equal to greater than.

You are that sony fan that has to justify your 600$ purchase when the 360 does the same or better as of now :)


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ChronotriggerJM said:
weezy said:
Chrono cant accept 360 graphics are =/> ps3 right now.

Overall(like ive said for a year)

2009 is when the ps3 will shine

 LOL you'd be surprised by what I can accept ^_^ when the 360 puts out a game that can't be equaled on the PS3 I'll gladly "accept" it. But I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while :) I'd say the graphics are and have been shining since 2007 xD

And your right, 360 graphics aren't "equal" to the PS3 ones, they're technically worse lol. 

It is very telling that many/most cross platform games look almost identical on both systems except they have framerate problems on the PS3 ... Not exactly something you would see if the PS3 was dramatically more powerful than the XBox 360

^*standing applause*^


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ssj12 said:
HappySqurriel said:

Being that both systems use processors with similar die sizes that were produced using the same process you would expect them to perform in a similar range ...

For the most part, any performance difference we have seen between these two systems has had the PS3 performing worse. I suspect that this is mostly caused by the PS3 being more difficult to develop for, but I would expect that the best the PS3 can ever really hope for is to reverse the perfomance difference over the XBox 360.

 dye size has nothing to do with overall processor strength.. the PS3 has a stronger processor which can give the PS3 the edge at the end of the day. Its jsut up to developers to actaully learn how to use it for their advantage. There are reasons why there has already been a massive boost in graphics/physics in games between games like Resistance and Uncharted.

nuff said. Ps3 is stronger devs have said it people no it.

Well the PS3 was argueably always mor powerful, only that not one dev team had any way to show it. FF13 is a really good showcase of what the system can do, and it probably will end all speculation on the subject. The question is, is the system so much more powerful than the xbox360 that any given(or the majority of them) developer can prove it with their games? It seems not as most games on the PS3 that are high end are also coming to the xbox, except of course for some of the exclusive titles.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


