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elnino334 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Power is relative, but if were talking about raw computing power, the PS3 beats the 360 by I dunno what was it, 4 times? The cell is an absolute beast when it comes to crunching numbers. They did the folding test to see how many flops per second (?) each processor setup could handle and the PS3 slaughtered most of the computing world xD

That may be the case but until we start seeing 4x the graphics it is a mute point. Who knows it might get there this year. People have been talking about this power before the darn thing came out yet here we are and still waiting for it. Hopefully mgs4 among others will show us something that we haven't seen before. Time will tell.

 Well of course ^_^ but that's not what the question asked, the question was which is more powerfull? And in terms of "power" the 360 get it's ass handed to it lol. Wether or not any of it will translate into graphics is another story all together. To be honest I'm not sure if the margins will ever be "night and day", it's not like the 360 has "bad" graphics by any means. I believe the PS3's will always be better (exclusives), but probably not by any INSANE ammount, the textures, lighting, cutscenes, things on screen, resolution will probably always be higher with PS3 exclusives, but wether or not you really care about that kind of stuff is entirely up to you lol. 

But in terms of power! The processing power of the Cell outclasses the 3 core setup four-fold.  

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