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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Burnout Paradise... PS3 > 360

on topic: the only advantage worth noting in this comparison is speed.
it says the ps3 version is faster, and in a car racing game, thats big.

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Even if Sony just came out with a mini-USB headset that worked with the Sixaxis, I would be happy.

Not everything needs to be wireless, Sony. After all, this isn't like a phone where I put down the phone and drive while I talk on the headset. I have to have the controller in my hands, after all. It makes sense to tether the headset to the controller and remove any worries about battery life/charging the headset.

Not to mention that BT headsets are not made for the type of marathon sessions that gamers often use them for. They're made for infrequent, short-term use, like phone calls.

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rocketpig said:
Even if Sony just came out with a mini-USB headset that worked with the Sixaxis, I would be happy.

Not everything needs to be wireless, Sony. After all, this isn't like a phone where I put down the phone and drive while I talk on the headset. I have to have the controller in my hands, after all. It makes sense to tether the headset to the controller and remove any worries about battery life/charging the headset.

Not to mention that BT headsets are not made for the type of marathon sessions that gamers often use them for. They're made for infrequent, short-term use, like phone calls.

i havent actually seen an xbox live battle with mics.
though i have experienced steam and psn.
so can you fill me in?

are people mature while they play?
do they keep cussing eveytime they die?
do some people create random annoying noises?

from my experience most mature players play on steam, and psn is full of cussing 14 yr olds.

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iclim4 said:
rocketpig said:
Even if Sony just came out with a mini-USB headset that worked with the Sixaxis, I would be happy.

Not everything needs to be wireless, Sony. After all, this isn't like a phone where I put down the phone and drive while I talk on the headset. I have to have the controller in my hands, after all. It makes sense to tether the headset to the controller and remove any worries about battery life/charging the headset.

Not to mention that BT headsets are not made for the type of marathon sessions that gamers often use them for. They're made for infrequent, short-term use, like phone calls.

i havent actually seen an xbox live battle with mics.
though i have experienced steam and psn.
so can you fill me in?

are people mature while they play?
do they keep cussing eveytime they die?
do some people create random annoying noises?

from my experience most mature players play on steam, and psn is full of cussing 14 yr olds.

XBL has its fair share of mental midgets.

Just like any other online game I have played with voice chat, everything depends on you finding the right group of people. Counter-Strike, UT, WoW, XBL, PSN, they're all the same... Full of retards in pubs but if you search around a bit, you can find a mature group that's fun to hang with.

Or check out my new webcomic:

counterstrike, i rarely hear any "mental midgets"( )
on my short time on TF2, same as above
Cod4, Infested
UT3, rarely
Warhawk, moderate

been playing cod4 online for the past 5 days, and everytime, i mean everytime,
there are people that wont stop making random noises, there are a lot of them too. ive even experience a woman actually shout "shut up! shut up! you suck dick at this game" after which everyone did shut up .

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gebx said:
Sorry if my fan goggles are blinding me but let's compare

PS3 leadplatform game = Good port to 360, nearly identical performance

360 leadplatform game = poor port to PS3 and launch delays...

Now I'm confused.. are developers using the PS3 as lead console because its better? or because they know the 360 can handle anything on the PS3?

Seriously why choose the stronger console as lead when a) the 360 technically shouldn't be able to handle any games that uses TH3 c3LL, and b) the console is in last place?

 You dont understand, using the PS3 as the lead platform ends up making a better gamefor the 360 then having the 360 as the lead platform. The problem is companies spend their time making a good 360 game and when its time to port, they dont want to completely redesign the game for it to be its best on the PS3.

For developers its alot easier to start out big and port down to small, instead of starting out small and going big with a game.  So that's why you see all the shitty ports on PS3, they were all designed for the 360, and had a rough transition to the Cell.

Magnific0 said:
I guess many of you lost sight of the original point of this thread many many posts ago... it definitely says : PS3 looks better (mostly lightning), runs better (framerate). 360 can handle a port from PS3 , sure, and so could PS2 handle a port of a game made from scratch on Cube or Xbox1. The question is, how long after this trend has become general practice (start on PS3 then port to 360) until we begin to see more differences in ports aside from cosmetical discrepancies. When you actually see a game on PS3 that takes fully advantage of blu-ray capacity for example and the port to 360 lacks "stages" or "tracks" or some 'awesome graphic effect' they couldn't quite get identical on 360, or perhaps a game they'd be able to pull on 60fps at 720p/1080p on PS3 but the port to 360 couldn't handle it. How long 'til then? I don't think all developers will remain constraining the evolution of their software just so they can create games that can fit on a DVD and run properly on the lower denominator.

i see where youre coming from but your "how long until then" is already happening on xbox to ps ports.
madden for one. there is no guaratee that the ps3 will become every 3rd party developer's developing platform.

this would only change if the ps3 trounces the xbox on sales, and from VG's data thats not happening yet.
sure ps3 is starting to cover some ground, but its still way too small.

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iclim4 said:
Dolla Dolla said:
Some of you folks have funny logic.

This shows how versatile the 360 architecture is. It can handle a game built initially on the PS3 with minor differences, and the game will sell more on the 360 due to userbase. Sounds like more porting in the future...

this is a good thing for ps owners, it means the ps3 is going to be the lead platform..

While I agree this is good for multiplatform releases cause they will start looking better on the PS3, it's also a possible good thing for Microsoft. A 3rd party exclusive that doesn't break even on the PS3 could then be ported to the 360 with little fuss, minor differences, and a bigger userbase.

I can see wins on both sides of the fence. 

its kinda like a curb grading

multi platform game graphics arent gonna be that big of a difference

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

