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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Burnout Paradise... PS3 > 360

weezy said:
iclim4 said:
weezy said:
I dont have link but EGM clearly stated the 360 version was better :)


OMG!!! dude hes gonna pop a vein!

:) lol if he hasnt already xD

 You don't know me, rofl

 I'm like David Jaffe, I curse a lot and bitch with everyone at meetings. This is nothing compared to the big fights I have at work.


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


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weezy said:
dgm6780 said:
rocketpig said:
My biggest problem with the PS3's online system is the voice chat. Most people don't own BT headsets and even if you do, on a full charge, the damn things go dead after 3 hours or so and you can't use most of them while they charge.

Lame. That absolutely kills online for me, especially when I'm playing with friends.

Old tech or not, the wired 360 headset is a vastly superior solution.

 You can also use a wired USB headset with the PS3, which totally invalidates your charging point.  And more people have mics then you think.  Most have one, but not on.  They only use it when they know a real friend is getting on or the game gets heavy or of good quality.  Not everybody wants to talk to every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there ALL the time.

Please know what you are talking about before you start talking about something KILLING the online experience for PS3.

B4 i leave..

Talk about blowing things way out of context.

ps3 fanboys xD


 No, don't go. Come back, we aren't done yet 

Unless you going out to buy a PS3, then you have my permission  

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


It's just beyond me how someone could be so oblivious to the conversation sometimes ._.;


From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

dgm6780 said:
rocketpig said:
My biggest problem with the PS3's online system is the voice chat. Most people don't own BT headsets and even if you do, on a full charge, the damn things go dead after 3 hours or so and you can't use most of them while they charge.

Lame. That absolutely kills online for me, especially when I'm playing with friends.

Old tech or not, the wired 360 headset is a vastly superior solution.

 You can also use a wired USB headset with the PS3, which totally invalidates your charging point.  And more people have mics then you think.  Most have one, but not on.  They only use it when they know a real friend is getting on or the game gets heavy or of good quality.  Not everybody wants to talk to every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there ALL the time.

Please know what you are talking about before you start talking about something KILLING the online experience for PS3.

Yes, because stringing a 10 foot microphone cable from the PS3 under my television is the same thing as a two foot cable running from my controller to my headset.

Please know what you're talking about before you try to rebut a point I never tried to make. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

^^ burnnnnnn

I'm also interested in how they are going to implement achievements/trophies in Home. Could be interesting.

Around the Network
Dolla Dolla said:
^^ burnnnnnn

I'm also interested in how they are going to implement achievements/trophies in Home. Could be interesting.

well in the trailer, we get our own trophy rooms.
kind of a hassle to show off but im hoping its gonna look very cool.


this kinda sucks, we can already view the trophies we havent earned yet...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

rocketpig said:
dgm6780 said:
rocketpig said:
My biggest problem with the PS3's online system is the voice chat. Most people don't own BT headsets and even if you do, on a full charge, the damn things go dead after 3 hours or so and you can't use most of them while they charge.

Lame. That absolutely kills online for me, especially when I'm playing with friends.

Old tech or not, the wired 360 headset is a vastly superior solution.

You can also use a wired USB headset with the PS3, which totally invalidates your charging point. And more people have mics then you think. Most have one, but not on. They only use it when they know a real friend is getting on or the game gets heavy or of good quality. Not everybody wants to talk to every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there ALL the time.

Please know what you are talking about before you start talking about something KILLING the online experience for PS3.

Yes, because stringing a 10 foot microphone cable from the PS3 under my television is the same thing as a two foot cable running from my controller to my headset.

Please know what you're talking about before you try to rebut a point I never tried to make.

Just sort of related to what you were talking about microphones. The 360 wireless headset is also pretty damn good. I've never had a problem with it and it has really good battery life (~20 hrs, or so the package said) I've only recharged my wireless headset once since I've been using it (Oct. 2007). It works great, I picked up the Halo 3 special edition wireless headset when it was out. :D


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

ChronotriggerJM said:
weezy said:
@chrono to sum it up...

more games + best online experience + better graphics(right now) + better controller = 3-6-0

More games: True

Best online experience: False (peer to peer 16 man matches does not equal 40 man dedicated servers), and 60 man on the horizon. Then games like Warhawks with HUGE maps, 32 players, and no lag? COD4 360 = 16 players, 24 players on PS3 version. But you guys have cross game chat, but either way this argument is moot.

Better Graphics: Opinionated, but by tech specs False.

Better Controller: Opinionated. :)

All of that totaled up together = whichever console the person prefers >_>

I've heard CoD4 lags like crazy on the PS3 online.  Of course that's from Griffin, but he's not the kind of guy to make up bad stuff about the PS3. 

iclim4 said:
rocketpig said:
My biggest problem with the PS3's online system is the voice chat. Most people don't own BT headsets and even if you do, on a full charge, the damn things go dead after 3 hours or so and you can't use most of them while they charge.

Lame. That absolutely kills online for me, especially when I'm playing with friends.

Old tech or not, the wired 360 headset is a vastly superior solution.

you could always use the pseye... and hear all the echoes.... over.. and over... and over.... okay bad idea

i really hate headsets in games though. people wont stop talking and cussing, and they start moaning on the mic.i can understand when playing with friends, but random people are weird.
i havent used a headset to plan a tactical attack yet. the only time i actually made use of a headsset was in tekken.

 I agree.... mostly.  I perfer not using headsets.  I was in a game of COd4 though where two people used their headsets for a strategic advantage and rolled over everyone on the other team.  Was a neat thing to watch,

Kasz216 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
weezy said:
@chrono to sum it up...

more games + best online experience + better graphics(right now) + better controller = 3-6-0

More games: True

Best online experience: False (peer to peer 16 man matches does not equal 40 man dedicated servers), and 60 man on the horizon. Then games like Warhawks with HUGE maps, 32 players, and no lag? COD4 360 = 16 players, 24 players on PS3 version. But you guys have cross game chat, but either way this argument is moot.

Better Graphics: Opinionated, but by tech specs False.

Better Controller: Opinionated. :)

All of that totaled up together = whichever console the person prefers >_>

I've heard CoD4 lags like crazy on the PS3 online. Of course that's from Griffin, but he's not the kind of guy to make up bad stuff about the PS3.

 I'm not really sure what kind of internet connection he's running, but in our household my roomate played with absolutely no lag, at various times in the day I might add. So it's true on my end ^^ my roomate with the 360 has had consistantly more lag than we've ever had :x peer to peer FTL ><

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.