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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pics from Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Wow. There is apsolutely no polish to this game haha. I mean I don't care if the graphics aren't super real. Its just devs have to polish the graphics. If not then it doesn't fit. Hopefully before its release they'll polish it up.

Although I don't think people will be buying the Wii version for graphics anyways.

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I really love this thread, its awesome to see folks coming out to give praise to the game with little underhand jabs thrown in.


Well, to be fair graphics get touched up...they just never show us the pics of the graphics before the touch up...for fear we would run in terror =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

In my opinion, as long as the graphics in a game are functional and effectively communicate the content of the game there is really nothing wrong with them ... These graphics are far better than being simply functional, but I agree that they could use some polish.

Well I for one don't think they are that bad. I mean compared to the last Star Wars game I got, they are definitely up there. I mean, in the last Star Wars game that I played, the graphics were so bad, the people looked like stick figures... possibly Legos! It was terrible. I bet the game flopped too.

The graphics aren't even as good as Twilight Princes, imo, and I do think that that is a worthy complaint. Afterall TP was simply a GC port.  If Nintendo can make games like SMG and Brawl, 3rd parties should at least try to come close.  This game looks rather unpolished overall.

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I've never been much of a graphics whore, but if the controls get great reviews I'll GameFly it instead of the 360 version.

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AGAIN, graphics aren't my biggest gripe here. It's that it doesn't have the DMM and Euphoria engines like the PS3 and 360 versions do.

It doesn't NEED it, but it would be pretty sweet to have those in a could make the game look and play very well, more realistically.

Again, a game doesn't need these things...but what we're doing here is comparing apples to oranges. The Wii version can most certainly be fun, and it could even sell more. But that doesn't mean the PS3 and 360 versions are crap. It's not just HD resolution and AA, the whole game is different because those systems can support better AI and particle damage systems, which is what Force Unleashed has been pushing.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

@Ben, what are the DMM and Euphoria engines, for us that don't know.

PS: I'm not one of those... ;)



This is the type of game that all the PS3 owners will be like "all you'll be doing is flailing your arms around, while I'll be looking at something more real than real life. Also, I can use the force simply by pushing the SIXAXIS forward. PS3 for the win."

Then the 360 owners will be like "ha, that's nothing. All you guys are doing is waggling all the time. It gets really boring always having to waggle your arms around just to do a combo. Also, the 360 version has the best combos, my favorite is X+X+Y+B+Right trigger = Jump Jump, swing lightsabor, block, forcepower!"

Then the Wii owers will be like, "Our hands are our weapons."

And the PS2 people will be saying, "Shut the fuck up guys. Damn."

The GameCubers will cry because they did not get a version.

Best quote ever

Check out my game about moles ^

What a coincidence, a new video on GameTrailers:



I assume that's about the tech in the game.  I don't have sound here, so I'll watch it later.  If it's not right, here's the videos about Euphoria and DMM:





Like I's not necessary for the game to work...but it's what's been pushed all along, and I guess I just didn't understand what Force Unleashed would look like without these technologies.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )