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This is the type of game that all the PS3 owners will be like "all you'll be doing is flailing your arms around, while I'll be looking at something more real than real life. Also, I can use the force simply by pushing the SIXAXIS forward. PS3 for the win."

Then the 360 owners will be like "ha, that's nothing. All you guys are doing is waggling all the time. It gets really boring always having to waggle your arms around just to do a combo. Also, the 360 version has the best combos, my favorite is X+X+Y+B+Right trigger = Jump Jump, swing lightsabor, block, forcepower!"

Then the Wii owers will be like, "Our hands are our weapons."

And the PS2 people will be saying, "Shut the fuck up guys. Damn."

The GameCubers will cry because they did not get a version.

Best quote ever

Check out my game about moles ^