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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pics from Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

chuckd said:
To heck with the graphics. They could make it look like Lego Star Wars. If the controls are done correctly, the wii version will be the definitive version.

 That is oversimplyfying things a bit. People are going to compare it to other Wii games that look three times better and go; "What the!?" Looks do matter to some extent, and looks could certainly be better on this!

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Stever89 said:
This is the type of game that all the PS3 owners will be like "all you'll be doing is flailing your arms around, while I'll be looking at something more real than real life. Also, I can use the force simply by pushing the SIXAXIS forward. PS3 for the win."

Then the 360 owners will be like "ha, that's nothing. All you guys are doing is waggling all the time. It gets really boring always having to waggle your arms around just to do a combo. Also, the 360 version has the best combos, my favorite is X+X+Y+B+Right trigger = Jump Jump, swing lightsabor, block, forcepower!"

Then the Wii owers will be like, "Our hands are our weapons."

And the PS2 people will be saying, "Shut the fuck up guys. Damn."

The GameCubers will cry because they did not get a version.

I think this is the winning quote.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

Bodhesatva said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ SNES boy

Yes, we all know that you don't play graphics, but you have to look at them for a few hours a day, and would you rather look at something good or bad.

It's like if there was a hot girl you liked and an ugly girl you liked, who both liked you back, and both of them were exactly the same. You wouldn't go with the ugly girl would you? You'd want the best.

Absolutely, looks do matter.

However, it matters more to some than to others. Some people are very superficial, and would pick an attractive but vapid woman over a more plain but sophisticated one. Others are less superficial, and would only pick the more attractive girl if they really were exactly identical, which obviously doesn't happen in the real world. 

Similarly, for those who are less superficial, graphics matter less -- it isn't that they do not matter at all, they just matter less. For such people, it's a small, nice perk to have great graphics, but way down the list of priorities. Personally, I'd put graphics below gameplay, multiplayer functionality, story (or lack thereof), and skill curve. I still play CS 1.6, Natural Selection, and TFC, all HL1 Engine games that are a decade old. My most played game is easily WoW, which is approximately PS2-level graphics. I play my (very old) PC games more than my Wii more than my PS3. That's just me, though, and you're welcome to disagree.

Oh.  I do disagree, but you worded your response so well that I just had to reply.  I don't think that graphics are the only reason to play a game, obviously, I do put gameplay above that.  But it looked like SNESboy wanted to give the game a free pass because it could play well, when no one knows how the game will play since it isn't out yet.  So when he said you can't play graphics, you also can't play a crappy game also.  So until the game comes out, I will reserve judgement on the graphics as I do think that the better the gameplay, the more you can get by on graphics.">">

DMeisterJ said:
Bodhesatva said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ SNES boy

Yes, we all know that you don't play graphics, but you have to look at them for a few hours a day, and would you rather look at something good or bad.

It's like if there was a hot girl you liked and an ugly girl you liked, who both liked you back, and both of them were exactly the same. You wouldn't go with the ugly girl would you? You'd want the best.

Absolutely, looks do matter.

However, it matters more to some than to others. Some people are very superficial, and would pick an attractive but vapid woman over a more plain but sophisticated one. Others are less superficial, and would only pick the more attractive girl if they really were exactly identical, which obviously doesn't happen in the real world.

Similarly, for those who are less superficial, graphics matter less -- it isn't that they do not matter at all, they just matter less. For such people, it's a small, nice perk to have great graphics, but way down the list of priorities. Personally, I'd put graphics below gameplay, multiplayer functionality, story (or lack thereof), and skill curve. I still play CS 1.6, Natural Selection, and TFC, all HL1 Engine games that are a decade old. My most played game is easily WoW, which is approximately PS2-level graphics. I play my (very old) PC games more than my Wii more than my PS3. That's just me, though, and you're welcome to disagree.

Oh. I do disagree, but you worded your response so well that I just had to reply. I don't think that graphics are the only reason to play a game, obviously, I do put gameplay above that. But it looked like SNESboy wanted to give the game a free pass because it could play well, when no one knows how the game will play since it isn't out yet. So when he said you can't play graphics, you also can't play a crappy game also. So until the game comes out, I will reserve judgement on the graphics as I do think that the better the gameplay, the more you can get by on graphics.

I'm not at all defending this game in particular (I hadn't heard anything about it, and wouldn't buy it unless the reviews are phenomenal because I don't like Star Wars very much), but was talking more generally. 

Your post was more general, as was my response. If we're going to change the discussion back to this specific game, then obviously we can't say anything until the game has been released about the quality of the gameplay. Or the controls. 

So we agree on that front!">">

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Thrillhouse said:
Legend11 said:
stof said:
I just love it how interested you are in the Wii version of this game Legend .

My apologies Stof. After making a comment about the Wii version of the game in another thread and fkusumot seeming to believe I was trolling I felt like I needed vindication. I shouldn't get so defensive and I actually do hope the Wii version turns out well since I'll pick up the game for my nephew (6 years old) if it does.


That's one of the best apology / burns ever. Cheers!

 I can't wait to play this with my 1 and a half year nephew and my deceased grandparents, thanks legend for the idea.


In reality it looks good for a wii game, and I can't wait to get it. 

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

DMeisterJ said:
@ SNES boy

Yes, we all know that you don't play graphics, but you have to look at them for a few hours a day, and would you rather look at something good or bad.

It's like if there was a hot girl you liked and an ugly girl you liked, who both liked you back, and both of them were exactly the same. You wouldn't go with the ugly girl would you? You'd want the best.

a) only hardcore gamers play games 'a few hours a day'...those people aren't the target audience of the wii and those people are a very small % of the population

b) they aren't the exact has motion controls and runs smoother and has duel mode; the other has better graphics and no duel mode or motion controls

 a girl's looks aren't even close to the most important thing when looking for a long-term relationship

Bets:Missed by 420k I bet leo-j vg$500 that wii will sell 31 million by 7/31/08.  Sorry, I don't think he has enough vg$ to make it with all of u that wish you could. Hit, with room to spare I bet kingofwale a 1-week ban that wii Americas ltd sales>360 Americas ltd sales as of the numbers for week ending 7/05/08 (using vgchartz homepage #s)


Wii will sell 18-20mil by 12/31/07  CHECKWii will sell 45mil+ WW by 12/31/08Wii will surpass PS2 sales WW by 11/17/11 (5yr anniversary)Wii Fit will hit 12mil sales in 2009MKWii+SSBB+Wii Fit+SMG > 50 mil sales by 2010 > gta4+mgs+gt5+ff13+haze+lbp

Come on guys the game doesnt look that bad, it looks like a psp game which is pretty good considering the controls the wii is offering.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

The graphics are fine. The Wii version will get the most press. This will sell well on the PS3 and 360. However, Star Wars has been done before in the graphical arena.

Unlike on the other consoles, I think this game might just sell a few Wii's to some Star Wars fans who want to force push and duel mode with motion controls.

Role playing is fun, and the Wii is the most popular system. Don't underestimate it. Graphics are cosmetic and beyond functionality, they don't matter one iota, compared to gameplay.

This isn't news people. Graphics don't play to the console market. They're niche'. You need gameplay and hype. The Wii version has 1/2 already. We'll see if it has the gameplay when its released.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Why are people still arguing about graphics on a console that has trumped both competitors that had superior graphical capabilities?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"