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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pics from Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

I've seen two previews for the Wii version of this game now, and they've both claimed to be just as interested in the Wii version as the PS360 version, though for different reasons, obviously.

As everybody says, and as it is for most Wii games, it all rests on the controls. It's easy to mess up Wii controls, but if EA can put out two low-budget games with very good Wii controls (MoH:H2 and Godfather), anyone can.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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@ ChuckD

Lego star wars looks better than this.

supermario128 said:
They'll touch up the graphics some more before its released, as long as it plays well that's all I need. Also Wii has 2 player duel mode which no other version has so it will be sweet.

 Yeah, that's what I thought about the other Wiis games that came out from third parties. They so did not touch up graphics at the end. If this is going to be it, then it's not so bad.

Graphics hardly ever get "touched up." It probably won't get much better than that...but that's not so bad.

I'll wait for the end product to judge it.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

@ SNES boy

Yes, we all know that you don't play graphics, but you have to look at them for a few hours a day, and would you rather look at something good or bad.

It's like if there was a hot girl you liked and an ugly girl you liked, who both liked you back, and both of them were exactly the same. You wouldn't go with the ugly girl would you? You'd want the best.

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I think you guys are missing my point about the graphics on this particular game. It's not how pretty it is, it's how immersive it is. Really we've seen very little about story-line/gameplay from this game. It's been ALL about how realistically stormtroopers react the the environment and how realistically the environment reacts to damage.

My impression of the game so far, is it's pretty shallow, but it might be a lot of fun just screwing around destroying stuff and throwing stormtroopers through walls and pulling star destroyers out of orbit to squish your enemy and watching the carnage. But that aspect of the game only looks fun on PS3/360 because of the non-canned effects/animation. Actually, I suspect this would get boring after a few hours too, but it's a huge advantage, above and beyond mere better textures and polygon counts over Wii.

If the game is in fact shallow, then the Wii version better have some kick-ass controls and online Jedi combat to make up for it for it'll really have no saving grace at all.


This looks fine to me. Am I supposed to think it looks awful? :/

Looks about PS2-level in graphical quality. Not top-of-the-line for the Wii, but not embarrasing either.">">

Remember how bad screenshots of Metroid look? I'll reserve judgment until I see the game in motion.

Either way, if the controls are as good as I hear, I'd buy this game even if it looked like stick men fighting in mayonnaise.

DMeisterJ said:
@ SNES boy

Yes, we all know that you don't play graphics, but you have to look at them for a few hours a day, and would you rather look at something good or bad.

It's like if there was a hot girl you liked and an ugly girl you liked, who both liked you back, and both of them were exactly the same. You wouldn't go with the ugly girl would you? You'd want the best.

Absolutely, looks do matter.

However, it matters more to some than to others. Some people are very superficial, and would pick an attractive but vapid woman over a more plain but sophisticated one. Others are less superficial, and would only pick the more attractive girl if they really were exactly identical, which obviously doesn't happen in the real world. 

Similarly, for those who are less superficial, graphics matter less -- it isn't that they do not matter at all, they just matter less. For such people, it's a small, nice perk to have great graphics, but way down the list of priorities. Personally, I'd put graphics below gameplay, multiplayer functionality, story (or lack thereof), and skill curve. I still play CS 1.6, Natural Selection, and TFC, all HL1 Engine games that are a decade old. My most played game is easily WoW, which is approximately PS2-level graphics. I play my (very old) PC games more than my Wii more than my PS3. That's just me, though, and you're welcome to disagree.">">

damkira said:

I especially like the way some people are always trying to find new ways of saying "Wii iz d00med coz the gfx are last gen!@#" without saying that.


 This has nothing to do with that. The game looks sub-par, they can make it look a lot better on the Wii. Stop seeing trees on the bare mountain.