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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft announce Rayman Legends to go multiplatfrom, all versions releasing in September

damn that's....harsh. I expected it to go multi but not this soon...and all versions releasing at the same time?

Ubi basically kept the delay info until the financials were released. This must have been decided for a while now.

The next few months for wiiu looks...bleak to say the least software wise

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BasilZero said:
Why would you cancel a pre-order of a game just because it is coming out on another system...?

If you wanted the game before you would still get it regardless of whether its an exclusive or a multiplatform title.

Depends on how people pre-order their games I guess. I go with a retailer that only charges once the game is sent out, so I've not lost anything financially from the delay, but some people like to pay for things in advance at retailers that allow you to do so. Anyone who had paid their pre-order recently expecting it to come out this month would be justified in going to get their money back.


It would be kinda funny if Nintendo released Yoshi's Land U the same day as Rayman to completely shut them out of the Nintendo market.

Oh well, business is business, I can see Ubi Soft's POV as well, even though I don't think this is the smartest move.

i get why it is going multiplatform but to delayed just 3 weeks before it is suppose to come out is just plain stupid

Carl2291 said:
This really fucking annoys me.

Just let the WiiU owners have it when its ready for them. Dont delay it for the other console owners.

That's the only thing that annoys me about this. Ridiculous.

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NintendoPie said:
Carl2291 said:
This really fucking annoys me.

Just let the WiiU owners have it when its ready for them. Dont delay it for the other console owners.

That's the only thing that annoys me about this. Ridiculous.

yeah same here i understand why they are putting it on the PS3 and 360 but to delay it on the wii u so it will come out on the same as the other consoles is just plain BS

0.o holy fuck.

..every one knows i'm no fan of nintendo lately but this news just a few weeks out from launch is just cold hearted shit. that's really shitty especially as it was one of the only remaining big games left for Q1.

well, i'll probably get this now. i'll hope for a vita release (even if it is late) but i won't hold my breath for it. vita ain't doing much better.

And it'll probably end up selling more on the ps3 and 360 aswell, sad times for the WiiU indeed

think-man said:

And it'll probably end up selling more on the ps3 and 360 aswell, sad times for the WiiU indeed

It will probably bomb on all three platforms, who are we kidding.

Releasing in a quiet time like Feburary made sense, but releasing in September when things like GTAV are coming out and other stuff from Nintendo like Yoshi's Land or Wonderful 101 should be out ... not smart.

It's kinda stupid because I think they are mismanaging this whole situation to the point where another Rayman game like this is unlikely to get greenlit if (when?) this flops.

digitalnasties said:
SxyxS said:
Maybe dissapointing rayman 3ds sales were a reason.

A port of a port getting ported to 3ds, if it got any sales they be happy with it. 

it does not matter whether it as a port or a port of a port or just a port(as long the port is good) but the time between the releases.Maybe that was too long and this time they are trying to avoid bad sales for the ps360 as these versions sold the most copies.